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Everything posted by boosmom13

  1. If you smoke you could quit- that would save you a ton of money LOL!
  2. If you're going to do a coding class you really need to go through the AAPC and get your CPC certification.
  3. That looks so yummy! It would be so great to enjoy such a yummy meal with our great friends- the Adkins!
  4. Yeah- they're still married- and now have a second child. They seem happy- but as a parent- it would be hard to be ok with that!
  5. I actually went to high school with a lady who had her story on that show. She had a relationship with a 14 year old boy and ended up marrying him- they're still married today.
  6. Yes he was. I used to work with his wife- they are the absolute sweetest family ever. Please keep his wife in your prayers- Barry was her life and she is truly an amazing lady!
  7. This may have already been discussed-but why is the McDonald's on 278 by Walmart/Chick-Fil-A closed until August 30?
  8. Boy Meets World-- you're just never too old for that show! LOL!
  9. Do you have anything for the smaller schools like Kennesaw or Georgia State?
  10. Catholicism is Christianity-- just an FYI. I am a practicing Catholic as well and definitely a Christian!
  11. That was such a sad story! That young lady was amazing!
  12. Actually minimum wage is over $7/hr. My daughter used to babysit and was usually paid $8/hr.
  13. That is so nice!! Most of the time EMT's are left out of benefits like this and usually only offered to fire and police. Thank you!!
  14. I would have written a note back that said- Santa will need to take this to his workshop and see what he can do and hopefully he can bring it back next year. Then hope that he forgets- or that you can find another in that time!
  15. I would love to get behind someone doing the speed limit! I drive that road every day and I would bet 90% of the time I get behind someone going well under the speed limit- and I go in to work at 4 in the morning and lately- I have been working 11 hour days so by 3 in the afternoon I am ready to be home LOL!
  16. I always seem to get behind people going 40mph on Dallas Nebo. I wish people would do the speed limit on that road!
  17. A friend of mine said that maybe since it was late she thought the bus was just broken down and the lady was just going around it. I had not thought of that-- not that it excuses it- but I'm just praying there was a better reason than she just wasn't paying attention or was in too big of a hurry to stop. Either way- prayers are definitely going out to this family!!
  18. I was wondering if she may have been distracted by like texting or something. There's really just no excuse for not stopping for a bus! Good question!
  19. I'm with you! I don't understand it either. I had not heard about it- but my husband was on his way home last night and couldn't get through because they had the road closed to through traffic. Then he said it was a school bus and I thought he had to be mistaken due to the time of night- but it said she was coming from an after school event. So very sad!!
  20. I know! I was horrified that the car didn't stop for the bus and this poor young lady lost her life!
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