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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. But the government has an obligation to protect everyone while making that free speech from harm or censure.
  2. The best part of this whole story is how gracious, unassuming and kind the lady is, even to the boys that taunted her so terribly.
  3. Don't. It is going to be so much fun to bring this post back in a few years. Yankeeboy will not like being reminded.
  4. Those weren't NPR articles. Please try to keep up.
  5. I have to ask if you understand the difference between an "expert" and "public polling?" The article wasn't giving any expert opinions, just what the polling of people in general have to say.
  6. I have supported my statements with links from non-partisan news sources and not rhetoric. I base my ideas on facts, not emotion. We'll revisit this conversation in a few years and see who is right.
  7. So you're saying a year's expulsion and all that community service and national media attention won't do these kids any good? Oooook. Well, well said.
  8. Dude? I'm not a "dude" and my children wouldn't be here if I were.
  9. You really don't understand what is a "Talking Point?"
  10. You are reciting the talking points. My link 1 My link 2
  11. That's not what the sources are saying. It is the $250,000 people that get hit. My link I will also bookmark this post and we will revisit your prediction in 2014 and again in 2016 about people leaving the US and businesses closing shop at some point in the year to not go over certain income levels. Really. Reasonable people don't make such statements.
  12. Sigh. You got caught in a contradiction. It's in black and white. Got it bookmarked for future reference when you attack a politician for contradictory remarks. Glaring.
  13. Bull. You're reciting Republican talking points, not facts. Unless you make over $250,000 there is not much of a tax increase. And most of the tax hikes were going to hit anyway with the Bush Tax Cuts expiring, a plan set in place 12 years ago and had nothing to do with the Affordable Health Care Act. My link
  14. Ok. This is going nowhere. Reasonable people can see you're not making any sense. The WHOLE QUOTE doesn't change the "no, it's not free speech" because the next sentence said it is "also libel." So you're not or can't answer the contradiction. That's fine.
  15. I don't see how these are the same. Yet, you said both.
  16. No, I don't get it because that is not what you said. In Feb you said it was not free speech and now you say it is.
  17. I use SkyLine Plumbing when I have a problem. Or it could be a poltergeist so you might want to call an exorcist.
  18. Ok. Maybe this will help. My link Would you explain the contradiction with what you said in Feb and what you said today?
  19. Actually, they all did. NPR did a 4 minute audio story after the ruling. My link They also did an almost 8 minute audio story on it in Feb. My link In fact, they have done a ton of stories on it. My link And don't forget I posted about this back in Feb. My link You said in Feb it wasn't free speech. Here is what you said a few months ago. Care to explain the contradiction?
  20. To give equal time and to answer someone in the other thread, here is the list of the 19 most liked companies. My link
  21. Comcast is on the list and I agree they are one of the worst about customer service. So are several airlines. My link
  22. If it is not under oath and doesn't harm someone else, it is free speech. Just because we don't like what someone says doesn't mean it should be criminalized, even lies. Once we get on that slope, we can start criminalizing political speech deemed to be lying, too. The court got it right because the First Amendment doesn't give an exception clause.
  23. It is about function and intent. My link
  24. And mine went up more than that while Bush was president. Does that mean BushCare caused my premiums to go up?
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