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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. zoocrew


    I would be interested in knowing where you got your degree in international relations. Just curious. Regardless, the fact is that none of us are privy to the negotiations going on behind the scenes, so any knee-jerk political posturing certainly doesn't help the State Department.
  2. zoocrew


    The responses in this thread range from complete ignorance to total insanity. International relations is a complicated field that requires we be diplomatic as well as thinking of the big picture. The fact is that it is cheaper to gain Good Will from the government than it is to send bombs, missiles and boots on the ground. The fact is that Egypt is a new government and we need them. Like it or not, we need an Arab ally that will at least talk to us and use their influence to keep some semblance of peace in that place. The knee-jerk reactions I see in this thread demonstrate we have
  3. "Organic" doesn't mean no pesticides but it means different types and amounts. The study addressed that point.
  4. The history books are full of examples where Christians did think they were doing God's Will by killing non believers, and souls who entered heaven fighting against the heathens would get extra rewards. That wasn't that long ago. This is more about a secular culture that has evolved in the West but is being held back by religion in the Middle .
  5. Can this thread get more paint since the brush is so wide?
  6. It's impossible to try and discuss with you. You win. Have a good evening.
  7. OMG. Typical extremist. EVEN IF. That was a further statement, not another statement.
  8. Sorry, got ahead of myself. I was answering the quesiton, Do we bring them home. No. We don't. The mission is too great. The work is too important. The risk is one we all ask those few to take.
  9. Large medical facility that has several locations.
  10. Get out of the UN. We should all join the John Birch Society. <sarcasm> To answer your question, no.
  11. Pre-emptive before the "it's Obama's fault" came into the thread. This is nothing new. Businesses fail all the time. Others hire all the time. That's the point.
  12. Did you graduate high school with more than an 85 overall average? EVEN IF means exactly that. The point is that the evidence is that it was a mob attack, not an attack orchestrated by the Libyan government. If Al Qaeda is involved, there is no conclusive evidence of that NOW. We do not attack a sovereign nation without some evidence of involvement. We do not starting bombing a nation because Al Qaeda may have been involved. We DO go after the masterminds via the intelligence community, not with bombs. We don't risk destabilizing an entire region because of this. Ag
  13. And I'm impressed the State Department has not tapped you as an international relations specialist. May I inquire as to your degrees and experience?
  14. I hired 3 staff members today, 2 at a starting salary of $85k and another with only an associates degree at $40k. Will be hiring 4 more this week and 3 more next month.
  15. No. I said it was a mob attack BUT EVEN IF IT WERE A COORDINATED TERRORIST ATTACK, we don't topple the Libyan Nation. My God! Are you people insane? Do you people realize that the things you're saying are influencing the propaganda war in those nations? Do you have any idea that you people are saying things that could call for the beginning of WW3? This is insanity!
  16. And even if it was a terrorist attack, i.e., a coordinated event by a group, that is not reason to bomb a sovereign nation. Who do we take out this time? Do you people see what it is you're calling for? Do you realize that you are calling for actions that risk WW3? You people are out of your freaking minds!
  17. Jasper Forde's Tuesday Next series. It's an adult version of Harry Potter. Fun. Witty. And very good.
  18. I agree. I am not an Obama supporter, nor am I an excited supporter of Romney, but Romney's statements were political and not appropriate. This is an incident best left to the state department and the president. The last thing we need at this point is a candidate politicizing the death of one of our diplomats at the hands of a mob. Disgusting.
  19. Bull. That is the political posturing of a Republican congressman trying to get Romney elected. You are being manipulated. This was a mob attack brought on by the film that said Muslims were crazy. The film was right and the mob demonstrated it was true. Again, who do want the US to blow up this time? What country do you want toppled? Do you have any idea the damage such an attack would do to the credibility of the US and the stability of the region? You people are totally crazy.
  20. My Only Love by the Statler Brothers.
  21. My God. You people are more than extremists: you're crazy. A mob attacks our embassy. This was not a terrorist plot designed years earlier. It was not orchestrated by the Libyan government. It was a mob attack. It was a criminal act by a group of thugs. And you people are wanting us to invade a sovereign nation? Exactly who in the hell do you want us to punish for this? Do you want us to topple a nation, a nation that is newly formed from the Arab Spring? Do you want us to openly court World War III? This is similar to when a diplomat is assaulted on our soil. Sure, we're talking
  22. I think you're misreading the point. The result was that it left Latinos and Blacks, generally, with far less than it did the white demographic, as evidenced by more unemployment and fewer prospects going forward, not to mention the net effect of what happened to net worth.
  23. And what is your point? The article is saying is that those two demographics got hit particularly hard. Why would the white demographic disagree with any of that? Fraud hotline.
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