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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Stop answering the phone when she calls. You own her no explanation. Just don't answer the phone.
  2. Where was thus? I've never heard of that anywhere.
  3. There was a smoking area art the high school? Seriously?
  4. That's why places like the Pacific northwest and Europe have healthier people: great diets and planned communities with smart commute options. And universal healthcare.
  5. I didn't say falling process were good nor bad. I said they were falling. Some is due to winter fuel but much is Durer to falling demand. It is what it is and is a natural part of the cycle. I was talking about the broad economic picture where falling prices that drastic would indicate a terrible economic situation.
  6. Tobacco is a public health concern. It is the number one cause of preventable death and is self inflicted. Obesity-related issues are second. The government has a compelling interest in inserting itself into these areas. At my facility group, we no longer hire staff who use tobacco, for the simple reason it is quite oppressive to patients and other staff members who have to be around them after use. While we do have staff that presently use tobacco, if they clock in with a tobacco odor, the directive is they be sent home and the incident is put in their employee file to be used in their ev
  7. You're not actually wanting demand to fall that low are you? That would be a terrible economy.
  8. GA gas prices have fallen 9 cents in a week. My link
  9. Actually, you are several years behind. Sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional in 2003 in the US, and most of the civilized world ended such laws a long time ago. So you're intentionally spreading false information. Most encyclopaedias have a discussion on Lawrence v Kansas. My link Second, I specifically said homosexuality is not a crime. I didn't say anything about the sexual acts. You did. Here is my specific quote. Homosexuality is not a crime and gays should not be lumped in with criminals. The point is that gays are American citizens, paying taxes, and are not afforded the same
  10. No. That's not what I said. I said those are completely different issues and need to be considered based on their own merits. Let me help you see it again as to exactly what I said. I'm sure you just didn't see it the first time ... or the second time, either. The other issues should be debated on their own merits and not be part of this discussion. My link Other issues need to be decided based upon their own merit My link Please don't build the Strawman by comparing gay marriage to an incestuous relationship. Those are completely different issues. Homosexuality is not a crime and ga
  11. But there has been VAST improvement from where we were 4 years ago. I agree. Look at the facts. Do the research. GDP. Unemployment. Business investment. Manufacturing. Housing resells and permits. Debt reduction after stabilization measures. Business growth. Please do the research.
  12. No, every consenting adult should not have the right to marry and reasonable people understand the nuances of a discussion. Apparently, you don't understand the nuances. For example, we believe everyone has the right to vote. Yet, there are nuances to that. We believe everyone has the right to own a weapon. Yet, there are nuances to that. The topic is gay marriage, not incest or any other. Incest is illegal; homosexuality is not. There is a difference and reasonable people recognize it. The other issues should be debated on their own merits and not be part of this discussion.
  13. Who do these people believe should not have the right to marry? Different topic. Gays having the right to marry is not predicated on all consenting adults. Other issues need to be decided based upon their own merit. Please don't poison the well with extraneous topics.
  14. OMG! You tried something without knowing you would like it? Did you fall and hit your head? Seriously, I'm proud of you! Now, next time you go to a nice place, request the tasting menu if one is available. Another option is to simply ask for a chef's preparation of his or her choosing. The chef will be honored and will go above an beyond to prepare something special. Ask for an entire meal. I've done it several times and never been disappointed.
  15. You quit the practitioner who told you the truth.
  16. Excellent food. Organic and as local as you can get. It is the only place west of the Square with a meeting room for gatherings so we've done a few lunches there for larger groups.
  17. GA unemployment dropped again in September and GA has the highest number of manufacturing jobs it has had in 5 years. My link
  18. The quality of Capital Br and Grille is still the same. We generally go there once every other month or so. Good food.
  19. We all need to work together to help everyone kick the habit. Tobacco is the number 1 cause of preventable death. Help someone quit and save a life! My link What Can Be Done Here's What Works Tobacco users can: Quit. The sooner you quit, the sooner your body can begin to heal, and the less likely you are to get sick from tobacco use. Ask a health care provider for help quitting and call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free assistance. Find a step-by-step quit guide at <a href="http://www.smokefree.gov/" target="_blank" class="external" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decora
  20. In the last 10 years, the severely obese - those more than 100 pounds overweight - grew from 4% to 7% of the American population. My link
  21. Not trying to change their mind. It is the reasonable people that are willing to think through an issue. Those are the ones that will one day be making the decisions as those raised in bigotry begin to age from power.
  22. I don' think I'd go that far. I do think homosexual discrimination exists in all areas, including hiring and firing decisions, and that is why many people don't want to extend equal protection rights because they will then they won't be able to not hire someone simply because they are gay, nor fire someone for the same reason.
  23. Gas prices fall because of lower demand, The winter season means less driving and with less demand, the price is falling again. My link
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