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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Uh, no. Please don't tell young children such fairy tales. Perhaps you would prefer to discuss your ideas with Stephen Hawking, who says Climate Change is very real and human beings are teh agent of the change. My link Or maybe Bob Inglis, a conservative Republican, would be one with whom you could discuss the matter. My link
  2. I don't think Romney is as extreme as he campaigned and did take three positions he did for the purpose of the nomination only. Second, the economic reality is that both will jabber to do the same, i.e., raise some taxes and cut some spending. Both will do that when the rhetoric is gone and reality of governing sets in. However, the population needs a feel-good shot in the arm. The result is the economy will do the same under either scenario. But the emotional appeal of a Cowboy in foreign policy, and Get Tough on the budget (even thigh there really is no big difference) will give America that
  3. I would invite you to email one of the professors in the CNN articles and why you beloved they are wetting. Please post the email exchange so we may all read it. Do you need me to post their email information?
  4. I'm amazed that so many in this thread know so little about the terms being used and the science behind them. Global Warning is one component of Climate Change. Several of you are discussing different topics as if they are all Climate Change. They are not. Weather extremes are the result of ocean temperature change and therefore changes in currents. The ocean changes are the result of the ice caps melting, which is the result of ozone depletion. Didn't public schools formerly require ecology, earth science and physics?
  5. That is a terribly uninformed, both scientifically and politically.
  6. I'm rather perplexed why thus is such a revelation since I've made this affirmation many times.
  7. It is my opinion that America needs Romney and the feel-good policies he advocates. I also believe that it matters not which candidate is elected as both will pursue the same economic policy in reality, whilst playing the political manipulation of their base with the same rhetoric given in the campaign. Therefore, I would support Romney over Obama simply because Americans need to feel good again. A placebo will the same effect in this case.
  8. Stephen Hawking just doesn't know what he is talking about.
  9. I'm saying the scientists who are qualified in the area know better.
  10. Let's hope whomever that is, is wrong.
  11. No. You're seriously misrepresenting what the article said and what it actually did. You're holding out to be a personal apology from NPR for personally causing the angst, and as if the incident was something NPR caused. Reasonable people recognize what thus was but you are putting it out there so people will think something else. That is dispensary. It is presenting a falsehood. It is pure spin for the purpose of politics.
  12. Oh brother. The overwhelming majority of scientists believe in Global Warning. The point is that only the outliers believe Global Warming is not real. Politics its making some people ignore the evidence.
  13. Scientists are saying that because of Global Warming, Sandy is just the first of more storms like her. My link
  14. No. You were dishonest. Your post made it seem as if NPR apologized and as if NPR was taking sole responsibility. That is not true and your implication is simply a falsehood. Here is what was actually said.
  15. Talk about spin. The article and your post don't seen congruent but we know you have a tendency to spin.
  16. Aren't there some bed and breakfast places in the area?
  17. The kid needs adult figures who will act like adults and not Brown Shirts or Red Star Hats.
  18. I think this is why I'm still wide awake even after watching the recording of FC Barcelona from yesterday.
  19. Putting these students in front of a computer monitor is reaaaaly teaching them. <sarcasm> This is exactly why we must not approve Amendment 1. It only segregates the students, not help them.
  20. The people who deal with the structures everyday recognize how devastating a course this amendment would take us. Thanks for point it out. One more reason to vote No.
  21. And that is exactly the point. The Public System educates everyone and the money from all sources goes to educate EVERYONE. If a parent wants a private education, then pay for it. But the obligation to fund the public system is still there. We all pay for roads but if you want a paved driveway, you pay for it and the obligation to fund public transportation is still there. Same with emergency services but you want a private security guard or an alarm system. Public education is a for the good of everyone and the money goes to public education for the benefit of us all. Parents who are
  22. Again, it does no good to explain this because you've already decided the facts no matter what I shew.
  23. I don't think you understand how the system works and it will do no one any good trying to explain it to you since your mind is made up.
  24. We no longer have an alternative school. The students are no assigned to the Ombudsman school. And my point is proven. Those students are, by and large, the "problem students" who don't finish school, are always in trouble and have little parental support. Are there exceptions? Sure. But the majority? No. The point is proven.
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