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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. And the legislatures were doing knee-jerk, feel-good, reactionary bills that had no basis of being workable. It is urban legend.
  2. Stokes. Very good mayonnaise.
  3. Did you read the article you posted?
  4. Anyone who believes urban legends like this would send money to a Prince in Nigeria, too.
  5. Exactly. Had he not gone after the kid and left the Rambo attitude, none of this would have happened.
  6. No body knows what happened. All we know is a young man is dead. American law does not recognize "he needed killing" as a viable defense, no matter how awful the things the kid had done in the past. The Florida "Stand Your Ground" law should never be a vigilante's friend. As for speculation, that's all it is. Let the court settle it since discussion on paulding.com will do nothing to sway the jury or anyone else for that matter.
  7. The United States Military Academy at West Point will see its first same sex wedding in the Military Academy's Cadet Chapel between Brenda Sue Fulton and Penelope Dara Gnesin. Fulton is a veteran and a spokeswomen for a gay service members advocacy group. My link
  8. Jefferson never said that. Any student of American history would know better than that.
  9. No, that is illegal. A private company that openly serves the public has to abide by the American law of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If a private eatery wants to be a private establishment, then it is not under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But when those doors are open for the public to come at will, the business has to abide by the non-discrimination laws.
  10. Terrible management move on the owners' part. That lowered morale and did nothing to foster employee loyalty.
  11. Not the same thing under American law. Any private organisation may discriminate for whatever reason it so desires as long as everyone is still treated equally in the discrimination. For example, a private club may exclude persons based on sex. So a private organisation that doesn't openly serve the public (like a golfing club or a supper club or a service club) may exclude based on whatever criteria it so desires. However, even a private entity that openly serves the public must still adhere to the law, particularly those of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which specifically prohibits d
  12. In the state of Pennsylvania, a restaurant that offered a discount with a "church bulletin" was told by the states Human Relations Commission that it must offer the same discount to other religions, including atheists. My link
  13. zoocrew

    Fox Alert

    A fox! Such beautiful animals. They are harmless to humans unless rabid.
  14. The 17 year old was at fault for the accident. Period. His failure to yield resulted in the death of the person. The 17 year old's parents didn't title assets properly to mitigate risk, nor purchase an umbrella policy for just such happenstance, and therefore lost the family home through their own bad decision. So I agree with the other driver's family in that situation as you described. Same with the Wal Mart thief who tried to abscond with the items. His actions, while illegal, didn't warrant the negligence of the Wal Mart agents that resulted in his death. Nuclear bombs may kill a
  15. Never been to Williamsburg but have always wanted to go! I hear it is very nice and lots to do!
  16. But July is when my husband has his summer two weeks ... not an option since it was dictated when it had to be taken this year.
  17. I hear Art Bell is being channeled by an 85 year old blind ex cricket player in Alabama. Someone should investigate.
  18. The American legal system doesn't see it that way.
  19. Many have timeshare options. I'm not making light of that, either.
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