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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. In the southwestern area of Arizona, an 86 year old man was freed with only probation after everyone agreed it was a "mercy killing." As the aging Baby Boom population in the United States has to deal with this issue more and more, there will need to be a legislative process for this. One day, the American Dr Kervorkian will be considered a hero. My link
  2. Dr Ben Carson is scheduled to be the commencement speaker at the well respected American John Hopkins University However, Dr Carson has made som disparaging remarks about gay marriage and now a student group is labouring to have him removed as the commencement speaker. My link
  3. My link Death: If a couple is not married and one partner dies, the other partner is not entitled to bereavement leave from work, to file wrongful death claims, to draw the Social Security of the deceased partner, or to automatically inherit a shared home, assets, or personal items in the absence of a will. Debts: Unmarried partners do not generally have responsibility for each other's debt Divorce: Unmarried couples do not have access to the courts, structure, or guidelines in times of break-up, including rules for how to handle shared property, child support, and alimony, or protecting
  4. As the housing sector in the United States economy improves, other segments of the economy are improving also. My link
  5. Disfranchisement of an entire class of people by its government at all levels, and the majority of the people intentionally denying through the political process that groups' civil liberty is a big deal. That's why it is on the news. Then again, how often do Yanks say things like, All they ever do is report bad news and they never report on any good news. Perhaps in a 30 minute broadcast, less advert time, there is approximately 20 minutes of stories and it would be difficult to adequately and concisely give all the imperative information.
  6. In the US state of Oklahoma, a dentist there used unsanitary instruments and practices, and may have infected up to 7000 people with Hepititus C and HIV. My link
  7. Leaving now for Dogwood Terrace! The whole place is our group tonight!
  8. A child discussing cosmology. Intelligent lad. Whilst it could be argued this is quite basic observation, for a 9 year old to grasp it is remarkable. My link
  9. The medical profession has always encouraged people over 50 to get the colonscopy for screening purposes. Now, as a public health endeavor, many parts of the United States are trying to use humor to get the message across. If you're 50 or over, it is something you have to do. Talk to your primary physician and don't delay. My link
  10. The 94 year old former president and anti-apartheid leader was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday with a lung infection. My link
  11. Is wind power the answer to the United States energy problems? There are many issues relating to wind power but the geography of America is particularly appropriate for wind power. My link
  12. No, it is not a cure for cancer, but scientists have discovered new regions within the human genome associated with three cancers. This is just another step in locating a cure one day. My link
  13. For the first time in the history of the United States, a woman has been named to lead the Secret Service. My link
  14. Nearly 300 leading American companies have filed a brief with the American Supreme Court calling for an end of the Defense of Marriage Act, saying it is "Bad for business." My link
  15. A new documentary recounts the difficulty of many American families who struggle due to the financial realities after the Great Recession. The film explores three families in the American northwest city of Portland, who have to rely on public assistance and the stigma they have to endure. My link 1 My link 2
  16. Nothing. Why pay for something that is their volunteer service? If it is a parson who does this for a living, or for a salary, then certainly she should be paid according to the prevailing scale. But for someone who is simply doing a eulogy? Not a single dollar.
  17. Let's remember that it was only 40 years ago that the American Supreme Court made its historic ruling in Eisenstadt v Baird. No one could imagine those sort of discriminatory laws in the United States culture but they do still exist in other forms, against minority groups at the hand of the majority and the governments in the land. My link
  18. The world raises its glass to you. A chardonnay, of course. My link
  19. An apology? For pointing out you didn't know what you're talking about?
  20. If you cannot see the difference in the totality of a sexual educational curriculum, and covering the topic as part of the entire concept, there is nothing I can do to help. This is exactly as when you said atheism is a religion and I remember that conversation, don't you?
  21. These layoffs at the American company are due to budget cuts in the United States Defense budget, of which austerity is a part. This is exactly as I said that it was part of the budget cuts. My link My link If anyone wants more info, try this. My link
  22. I'm sure he doesn't know what he's talking about. Everyone knows more than he does. Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz2OQRfFFFl
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