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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Exactly. Due to budget cuts, not a poor economy. This is political, not economic.
  2. Not at all. The association is widely known. The exact understanding is still being studied.
  3. This is so common and something we deal with everyday: too much salt in the diet. Salt is a major danger to health and humans worldwide consume far too much of it. 2.3 million deaths. That's far too many people. My link
  4. Never mind. There is no way you will ever understand it. You may have the thread.
  5. No, that's not what was said. I gave the quote. Are you OK with 8th graders not knowing about Sex ed and then produce more children in the same cycle of poverty?
  6. Again, that is an issue of poverty that all American systems have, not just that one city. And it is a health and safety education that is part of the holistic approach in every school.
  7. Again, the lads and lasses are not being taught about LGBT except in the total context of sexual education just as all public schools in America do. Really? Here is the quote. Is this LGBT sex ed class ... My link
  8. Oh, no. I do not have you confused with anyone else. You did NOT say the topic title was incorrect but instead went on to say: Is this LGBT sex ed class My link Again, it is NOT an LGBT sex ed class. That is ENTIRELY dishonest. You are completely correct the article did NOT say the LGBT class was for the youngest. That was MY point in the first post I made in this thread and I'm labouring to make again. Yet, it IS in the topic title and THAT was the point I was making. But yet, you DID say it was an LGBT SEX ED CLASS which is not, in any way, for any age group. Homosexuality is covered but
  9. The topic title which you did NOT say was incorrect but instead went on to say: Is this LGBT sex ed class My link Again, it is NOT an LGBT sex ed class. That is ENTIRELY dishonest. You are completely correct the article did NOT say the LGBT class was for the youngest. That was MY point in the first post I made in this thread and I'm labouring to make again. Yet, it IS in the topic title and THAT was the point I was making. But yet, you DID say it was an LGBT SEX ED CLASS which is not, in any way, for any age group. Homosexuality is covered but that does NOT make it an LGBT SEX ED CLASS.
  10. You're being completely dishonest. There is no LGBT class for the youngest children. In fact, there is no LGBT class at all. Please be honest in your assessment. And if you think those children are too young, you've not been around children. They know. And they act on what they know even at that young age.
  11. No, I don't think you did read the article. Let's see. Here's what you said above. My link Looks like you didn't read it because parents do have options in that system, don't they?
  12. You do realise that sexual education is taught in all schools across your land, right? Nor is it a sole gay sexual education but sexual education in total. I challenge you to find in the article where it is LGBT Sexual Education Class. It is not. It is age appropriate and the youngest children are not learning about the acts of sex. I'm certain your local schools teach sexual education as well. Moreover, the private schools my lads attend teach science, and part of science is the sexual educational class. It is like that everywhere. That's what science is. Like it or not, biology means
  13. You didn't read the articles, did you. Maybe you should read the articles about what is actually being taught to the youngest lads and lasses.
  14. Except someone is not giving accurate information. My link My link Still, it is more to the agenda to inflame the emotions of the masses with inaccurate information about what the Evil American Government is doing to its youngest, teaching that immoral lifestyle and trying to make them all gay.
  15. And you have the evidence to refute the science on this? We've not advanced very far from the ancients who believed in leaving food offerings to the gods for fertility. Or good crops.
  16. No pretense at all. Have you considered different computer settings depending upon the destination of the text? Often times I log onto this internet link and don't change the settings. Or perhaps the simple matter is that I am a bit more conscious of it since it seems to bother so many. Then again, maybe the person who usually posts under this moniker is on vacation and the replacement the Socialist Workers Party of the World paid to continue this ruse didn't notice.
  17. And no one has addressed the points the video raised by the science. Instead, it is "this is what I believe regardless of the science." Epileptics were once believed to be demonic possessed. An eclipse was viewed as a sign from the gods. We've not come very far at all.
  18. Never have I claimed to currently be a British subject.
  19. Due to advances in medicine, more people are assisted in ways that, even 50 years ago, would have not been possible. Then there are the disability laws in the United States. Still, each year, more Americans go on the disabled list for a sundry of reasons. My link
  20. Simply copy and paste from the article.
  21. In the book, What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense the arguments posed are the most rational yet for the defense of traditional marriage. The main point of the argument is that the reason a government has an interest in regulating a union is that a small life may result, and that means there must be some legal protections for all parties involved, especially the new life. My link
  22. Except there is a labor shortage in the American housing sector according to the (American) National Association of Home Builders. My link And the housing sector is the brightest spot in the United States economy right now. My link
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