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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That would be the worst case scenario if the Debt Ceiling is not raised and there has to be a shut down of the government as happened 1996 under Gingrich. My link Gingrich has called for another government shut down this time also. My link Again, this is only in a worst case scenario. The likelihood of FICA or other direct entitlement payments not being made is very, very small. Remember, too, that the Debt Ceiling is the authorisation to issue US Government bonds, currently at very low interest rates, in order to pay the outstanding debts already accrued by legislation.
  2. I believe the townspeople are being proactive to make sure it doesn't happen in the future from a gun show.
  3. Another senseless murder. This must stop. My link
  4. Due to the recent instances of high profile shootings, several municipalities are writting stricter gun laws, including the those that restrict gun shows. My link My link 2
  5. Does the institution not have gently worn books for a more reasonable price? Or perhaps another classmate who has already taken the class will allow you to purchase it for slightly more than the bookstore proprietor is offering?
  6. Mea culpa. I've read so many of these similar reports lately that I must have gotten it confused with another.
  7. A gunman barricaded himself in a house after killing 3 people and then was killed by police. So far, no one knows the motive for this horrible tragedy. My link I corrected my error in saying the gunman killed himself.
  8. Tonight is egg pizza. And yours is?
  9. And you do understand that debt is not the monster, but debt to GDP is what is worrisome, right? A $1000 credit card debt on a $10,000 salary is 1/10 of income; a $10,000 credit card debt on a $1,000,000 salary is on;y 1/100 of income. While the later is 10 times the debt, it is much less significant.
  10. Now that is possible and entirely normal. 10-20 bps change in unemployment either way is nothing all that remarkable, particularly during a recovery as more people re-enter the employment search when improvement energizes them to do so. My link
  11. Just to state again for effect Ouch. Bet that leaves a mark, won't it. Crickets. I hear crickets.
  12. Time to leave the campaign rhetoric and begin real governing. The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It My link
  13. Really? Sure looks like here. My link Please don't lie.
  14. You can bet on it. I've already got it bookmarked where you said by 31 January the unemployment will go up by 1%, something that any rational person knows is nowhere near possible. Oh, we shall see. We shall see.
  15. Yep. Same one. The same company that makes billions. Guess they know something about the economy. And we will see if they, or you, are correct.
  16. According to Goldman Sachs, the view is that the first half of the year will be much the same as 2012 with slow and steady growth, but the second half of 2013 looks to be much improved. My link
  17. Maybe they will listen to you. Most likely, not. You nailed it.
  18. The American economy today is 7.5% larger than it was in June 2009. The US has had 13 straight quarters of economic growth, averaging 2%. Not great. Not bad. Slow and steady. The US deficit has been flat or down relative to GDP. Peaking at 10.1% of GDP in June 2009, it fell to 9% in 2010 and is now at 7% of GDP. In other words, the economy is growing and the deficit is falling relative to GDP. It certainly needs to be smaller, but that is done by growing the US economy with appropriate levels of spending cuts and revenue increases.
  19. Not true. The highest number of gift cards were sold this holiday season. Think back to your accounting classes: those are held on the books and not counted as sales until the card is redeemed. The outlook from all sources is more slew and steady growth.
  20. I don't think you've been keeping up. My link My link 2
  21. 34 months of positive growth, slow and steady, is positive. If you disagree, that's fine. I'm sure the people in the article have no education in this regard and know nothing of which they speak.
  22. I disagree since America is having 10,000 people a day turn 65 and retire. Your figures are out of date. That is normal for unemployment to rise as a recovery intensifies and long term unemployed begin searching anew. Please be truthful in your presentation.
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