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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I couldn't locate that article. Of course, the information from GasBuddy.com was for last week (before the Holiday) and it did point out that history says there is rise in the price during this week in 6 of last 7 years.
  2. Yes, the price or gasoline continues to fall but don't be surprised if they begin to climb from now until January 15 as they have in 6 of the last 7 years. My link
  3. It's going to be introduced this coming session. Of course, the definitions will be the key to exactly what is being considered as well as the compromises that may have to be reached. But it is a bill set to be introduced this round. My link
  4. Health Care Facilities are severing ties with fast food operations like McDonald's that serve inexpensive but not-so-good-for-you food. The trend now is to have these sort of lease arrangements terminated in the interest of public health. My link
  5. Glad the police were called.;
  6. People just park in those spots anyway. No use in even having the laws on the books against it. <sarcasm> I say good for the original poster! Thank you for doing the right thing and reporting them!
  7. Home prices continue to strengthen as the economy prods along in its slow, steady growth mode.The US economy is still growing slowly as the effects of the Great Recession continue to weaken. Let's all light candles in hopes 2013 is even more robust. My link
  8. The annual Gun Buy Back Program in LA was moved up to today in the wake of the shooting in CT. Last year, 1700 guns were purchased. My link
  9. Yes, there are still problems but the American economy grew in 2012 and was a good year by most measures. If the fiscal cliff issue can be resolved, 2013 has the makings of a good year also. Obviously there will be down turns and some of them will be prolonged; and obviously things could change and make 2013 a nor-so-good year. Still, 2012 will close with a good showing. My link
  10. Here's an interesting interview with Tom Diaz about the Bushmaster weapon used in the CT shooting. It's worthy of consideration in the discussion of the whole issue. The weapon used is a variant of the AR-15. My link
  11. I do explain things in the most elementary of terms. Yet, it seems to be unrecognised and I'm really at a loss for something that should be basic for Americans to know about their own system.
  12. If asking someone to remember back to their primary classes and a subject that they should have learned many years ago is insulting, then guilty as charged.
  13. Yes. Rly. Calling someone an idiot and that they should shut up is so low brow.
  14. Notice that sort of personal attack won't come from me.
  15. But that causation was established long, long, LONG ago.
  16. You do add so much to the discussion. I'm sure you would be a delight to any clandestine operation whereby verbal torture is used.
  17. Really? Then why didn't the judge vacate the verdict if the jury was wrong?
  18. Such a command of the English vocabulary. I'm sure we are all so impressed at your written expression skills.
  19. Not hardly. It's common knowledge that being bullied leads to problems of obesity and other medical maladies. That causation was shown long, long, LONG ago. These studies show the causation of the bullying and the continuation of the medical malady. Trying to have the discussion with them is simply not possible since they really don't understand what they are talking about.
  20. But that is the position you're attributing to me. I never said anything of the sort. Do you understand the legal definition of a Known Hazard?
  21. Hmmm. Then why are you bothering with the discussion?
  22. The jury disagreed with your legal understanding of product liability. McDonald's knew the product to be a hazard with several hundreds of incidents of harm, yet took no action.
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