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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Let's see. Hmmm. The economists say ... Nitro says ... The economists ... Nitro ... The economists ... Nitro ... I think I will go with the economists on this one.
  2. There you go with more conspiracy theory. Of course, they believe it. They really do.
  3. Isn't that the news everyone wanted? Less government spending? Didn't you read the article? Notice that government spending has been going DOWN, not up. So let's repeat: government spending is going down. Which way is American government spending going? DOWN. And what sort of effect does that have on the economy and jobs? A negative one. Let's make that perfectly clear. However, the 4th quarter was an aberrational event, not an economic red flag. Government spending has been a drag on the economy generally, declining for the ninth time in 10 quarters. And what does the very first sent
  4. You're not going to get through. It's about politics to them.
  5. I don't think many understand what "improving" means. Americas had moved from almost 10% unemployment to 7.9% and that is by far an improvement.
  6. Actually, the report says exactly as the article I originally linked. My link Would you please quote the article where it says anything different than what the article says? I'm afraid you really aren't understanding what the report is saying, or you didn't read it. The article I linked in this thread explains how to read the report and what the numbers mean. And I'm curious if you're saying Fox News is spinning things. My link
  7. So ... ? I am not following. But regardless. Why deny a gay lad a chance to be in scouting simply because he is gay? Or to play futball? Or any other activity?
  8. Congratulations on the projects! At leas the improving economy is seeing some better times for more and more people. Congrats!
  9. No, that was a called a bubble and is a naturally occuring phenomenon in all economic models. The current American Federal policy sees one every 40 years or so (it used to be more frequent prior to the adoption of the new policy after the Great Depression). It is universal that economists said a bubble was there, but individuals and businesses continued the same polices because they were making money. Remember the American icon Alan Greenspan saying there was a bubble with the irrational exuberance? The Great Recession and the aftermath everyone is experiencing now was because of the irrationa
  10. I'm just saying ... Yeah, I think I will stick with degreed economists with experience in the history of similar events when the American and world economy are at risk. adapted from My link
  11. Perhaps a better question would be: why are American schools not fully funded by the tax payer? That is the underlying issue, isn't it?
  12. But I have provided ample information that all of those "alternatives" have been rejected because they would, in fact, not work. Again, I provided the link to the article that said things were improving and someone suggested the American Fed policy was a bad course. Yet, all of the evidence suggests it was the only course that would have prevented a complete economic collapse. So I would like to see your evidence to suggest the policy was the incorrect one, and how all those "alternatives" you've suggested would actually work, when we know they would have the exact opposite effect, slowing the
  13. I have no idea what schools do with their money from the tax paying Joe Public. I'm just giving the rationale that is being given for the vending machines in American schools.
  14. I agree. Let's not forget that these same arguments were made about blacks at one time. Today, no one would dream of segregating a person (child or leader) based on colour.
  15. {{{{Hugs to all of you!}}}} Dallas Red, Mom of 3, Rockys Mom!
  16. Most vending machines are fund raisers in the American educational model. That means the schools are using the immediate needs of the children as a means of filling the budget where the American tax payer is not. The children want a snack and will bring something to the school with them, or they will buy something in a machine. The best option is the school at least make something and give a better option than a Mars Bar.
  17. So where is the article I linked wrong? Please present your data for verification. I'm not going to engage in a pointless discussion, but I would like to see the data for which you are basing your objective formulas.
  18. Perhaps I won't be called names and attacked in here.
  19. Notice the personal attack on me for which there is no retaliation.
  20. I give up. The train has left the station. The position you're giving is one that is far outside the mainstream. The United States group in question will relax its standards and 20 years from now, this whole question will be views as very backwards thinking.
  21. Wow. Just altogether wow. And aren't Den mothers attracted to the sex of the male children?
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