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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Wow. This is news. American Baseball is not American at all. It's from Europe. My Link
  2. A valiant public servant who deserves our gratitude for serving our country. My Link
  3. This topic is not about me but about vouchers, and stopping vouchers is helping to achieve the best results possible for our students and citizens.
  4. "Elitism" refers to the voucher system, not a person. An "ism" is not a person. If I were referring to News Junky, I would have said Elitist and put it in the same paragraph as the sentence that said "But you're never wrong." Please don't try to insult the intelligence of anyone that might by chance be reading this thread. There is a voucher topic to discuss but you're still bent on making it personal.
  5. Didn't call her an elitist. I said the voucher system was elitism and an elitist system. My Gosh....I can't believe I am engaging in this silly conversation but if YOU don't like MY posts, then simply ignore them - it is a very simple concept. There is a voucher system to discuss.
  6. I don't have to answer your questions and engage in making this personal. There is a voucher topic to talk about.
  7. Your'e still trying to make this a personal attack. Not going there. There is a voucher topic to talk about.
  8. Not. Going. Into. The. Gutter. With. You. And. Personal. Attacks.
  9. You said different note and then proceeded to stay in the same gutter about making it personal. I. Won't. Go. There. Vouchers are not good for the children, the schools or our society.
  10. I feel a new group coming on!
  11. No, I am not going in that gutter with you. I will not.
  12. My mother is a quilter. She has made hundreds over the years. When she and my father were down here last week, she mentioned that I should find some other ladies that like to quilt. Maybe even learn to how to make quilts? Anyone?
  13. The voucher system is an elitist system. But you're never wrong either.
  14. It is exactly what the voucher system does. But you're never wrong. Elitism.
  15. Not surprised you feel that way either. It is a defacto segregation end run, exactly like what popped up after Brown v Board of Ed. The wealthy get a break in cost while getting to remove the undesirables via pricing mechanism, while the poor get a short-changed on their education and become sharecropper-consumers for the educated elite.
  16. Christmas is not a holiday in the Bible either. The US government didn't even recognize Christmas until after the Civil War and it had nothing to do with religion. From what I've read, the world didn't recognize Christmas until only about 150 years ago. I don't think a Santa hat is a religious symbol either so I don't see a problem with it because the whole separation of church and state thing like we have today is nothing like it should be.
  17. No, it wouldn't. Only the wealthy could afford the tuition, transportation and associated costs. Worse, the private schools segregate by using the price to ensure that. Wrong. We all pay to educate the kids. Everyone does that to ensure a basic, minimum education. If someone wants a private education, that does not relieve them of the public school tax we all pay. Everyone pays the school tax. If you want a private education, you pay extra AND the school tax. We all pay to pave the roads we drive on. If you want your driveway paved also, you still pay the taxes for the roads PLUS
  18. Hold on. I agree with you that the whole separation of church and state thing is way overblown in our country, but we don't have any national religious holidays. Even Christmas is not a national RELIGIOUS holiday. We have Christmas as a holiday because our society made it a family time and we recognize that since the majority do observe it (religious or not), we might as well have a secular holiday for that. But the government does not have any recognized days as RELIGIOUS because that would mean recognizing a national religion. That I would be very much against and I think most people would t
  19. You said Catholic Schools had great results. That's true. But it's because of the economic and educational level of the parents that are the biggest factor in how well a child does in school AND have the least discipline problems. That means that this voucher system gives more money to those who can best afford it, and takes more money away from educating those who can least afford it. In essence, it subsidizes the wealthy sending their kids to private school because the poorer parents cannot afford to send their kids to private school, even with a voucher. The result is the poor minority stud
  20. From where did you get THAT record? You picked out a couple of facts and then created an entire history that is neither historical nor factual. My Link
  21. I'm all for Civil Rights but there is nothing in the law that says the employer cannot tell an employee to wear a hat. If the employee doesn't want to wear a hat, then good luck finding another job because there are tons of people looking for that job.
  22. I don't get it. I really don't. I think it's unreasonable for an employer not to be able to tell an employee what they can and cannot wear. The employer has rights to his religion too, and telling the employees to either follow the boss's rules or work somewhere is the reasonable for me if I needed a job. Not wearing a hat is discriminating?
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