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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The article discussed your point and said it is not realistic and would do little to touch the price of gas.
  2. And your point? The propositional value in the Constitution is our framework of government. I think I will take the expert opinion of those that reflect on the larger picture, even the warning of the justices in the majority on this matter. It is a dangerous ruling and will one day be fixed.
  3. It's called OPEC and the American policies that keep them in power. My link
  4. If you believe that, you'll believe in the Easter Bunny.
  5. Reasonable search. Arrested and not being held for a minor offense is not a reason to go to those lengths. It opens us up to a corrupt system. There are other ways to deal with non-violent and minor offenses. I prefer the Constitution. One day this one will be re-heard and corrected.
  6. Never thought he was that good. His paintings were never realistic and really played on people's nostalgia. But he did know how to market. Paintings were slammed by the critics but the critics don't spend money like the mass market either. All he had to do was market himself and add some nostalgia and the pocket books opened. Just my view of his painting. He died with a lot of money and his heirs will make even more now that he's gone.
  7. Get real. A person arrested for a leash law violation is hardly a criminal worthy of being stripped searched. If that is your vision of of what the 4th Amendment holds, I want nothing to do with that country. Stripped searched for merely being arrest? You're assuming an arrest means guilt and therefore subject to the same procedures as a violent offender. I think I'll take the word of the experts on how dangerous this ruling is.
  8. The Department of Justice report found that nearly 20% of the time, the police in Seattle have used excessive force. If it happens there, does it happen in other places? We all know mistakes happen but let's hope this is not wide spread. My link
  9. Actually, it wasn't the last paragraph. Instead, it was one of the first. But I get where you're coming from. The initial news piece is listed first and then the updates are listed newest-to-last order. That paragraph was at 8:44 AM and there have been SEVERAL updates since then, notably that the number is expected to be revised upward (another good sign) just like it was in February. The updates then say that a slower growth is expected. Then there were the weather factors involved. Lastly, don't forget the labor pool is shrinking as more Baby Boomers are no longer looking for work as 10,000
  10. I see you didn't read the article either but are trying to discuss the information. Marvelous.
  11. I see you didn't read the link. Not par. Bogey.
  12. Unemployment dropped again and the news is good. It is certainly getting better out there. That don't mean it is good or that it is not going to get worse before it gets better. Things don't go straight up or straight down. There are bumps along the way. Unemployment will go back up a bit more before things really start to improve and the low number of new positions opening up show that the bad news may just be starting. Kinda like taking the bad tasting medicine to cure the problem, I guess. It don't always mean we can blame it on politics either. It just work like that sometime. My link
  13. Americans have changed the way money is spent in the last 60 years. Here's a breakdown. My link
  14. Pollution is harming much more than we think. It's time we began a realistic, world wide policy that addresses pollution. Denying the problem won't fix it. My link
  15. Actually the audio story does explain some of those ingredients. The text is only a summary of a better than 8 minute audio clip, a clip that is at the very top of the text article. Listen to Audio Clip I thought you said you would never read a link that is labeled "My Link." My link
  16. 1) Under what law should they be prosecuted? The press is free to report whatever it wants and however it chooses to do so. 2) That being said, I don't think this was an intentional false reporting but an editing error. I doubt they would intentionally do that knowing how much scrutiny the story was already getting and the last thing NBC wanted to do is give the other networks ammo to attack them. Instead, I have to think it was an honest editing error. Until I see something that makes me think otherwise, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. That has been said in the past and we shou
  17. The conservative majority has made us one step closer to a police state. This ruling, along with Citizens United and the Hein Decision, will go down as some of the worst of the early 21st century. My Link
  18. 26 ingredients. Few of them we've ever heard of. That's what's in that school lunch burger. My link
  19. The elitists have another means to secure their children every advantage. Now the prestigious preschool in NY has started DNA testing so that only the top applicants are admitted. Got the money and you can do anything. Can the private school do it? Sure they can. Is it the right thing to do? It's something to think about. My link
  20. I have asked you to stop responding to my posts and put me on ignore. I'm feeling harassed. Please stop.
  21. Then put me on ignore and that problem is solved.
  22. And RV sales are up considerably. Doesn't look like the bad economy is a problem with the RV community. My link
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