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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I see this all the time and can say that the cost of care for an aged relative is astronomical. But it is not much cheaper to care for them at home, either. My link
  2. See, that is a MAJOR problem right there. No one is saying that anyone should vote for Obama, In fact, I'm not voting for Obama. Didn't last time and won't this time either. I don't think anyone is trying to spin anything to get anyone to vote for Obama. I'm only pointing out that the Doom and Gloom is not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. Blaming things on Obama when it is not his fault is just lying about the guy. Saying things are in really bad shape and things are not improving is simply a falsehood. That doesn't mean Obama is making things better. All he did was do the last-ditch-Hail
  3. Could you please provide a link and quote that disproves government spending was down and private spending was up? Thank you.
  4. I'm sorry but there seems to be a failure to communicate here. Where does the article talk about hating America or corporate welfare? You are so right!
  5. You're doing (A - B ) + C = D and that is blowing them away.
  6. Grow up. The article explored Americana. Really. Grow up.
  7. Seems Americans will turn every opportunity for drinking to just such an opportunity. My link
  8. Halo 2 says. The government's web site says that is not right. My LInk 2
  9. Don't forget government spending slowed down and that produces a negative on GDP. Private sector spending INCREASED and that has a positive effect on GDP. I linked to that very thing this morning. My link
  10. No. You are very wrong. The government never backs the worthiness of the company, only that the filings are done properly. My link My LInk 2 This is stuff we all learned in high school social studies. Come on!
  11. You are welcome to refute his numbers. Care to do so? I'm afraid you're quite mistaken. Government doesn't attest to the veracity of the filings but that the filings are done appropriately. The free market prices all that in relation to the information provided. Buyer beware. You really need to do some more research. Google is your friend.
  12. Is there a reason you only quoted part of the article? You're only giving the part of the story you want to highlight. By only focusing on part of the information, you are presenting a falsehood. The fact is the economy is growing but slowly and it is going to take some time to get out of this mess we are in. Years. It will take years. There will be ups and downs, good news and bad news, wonderful numbers and bad numbers. We will have another recession before we get to picking up really good steam again. That is what the information I'm linking says.
  13. Please explain how the government set the prices for those computer companies. This ought to be interesting. I said I am not an expert in all this but the experts are saying you don't know what you're talking about.
  14. Wrong again. No one ever said things are thriving. NEVER said that. I've said over and over and over that things are slowly improving. This is not a normal recovery because it was not a normal recession. What we just went through was so big and so bad and so deep that it will take a LONG while to get out of. We just came through what was similar to the Great Depression and that took a decade with lots of ups and downs in between. And 1973 - 1974 was terrible just like what we just went through, and unemployment went down then back up to more than 11% in 1982 before we finally worked throu
  15. Again, let's tell the whole story, not just the part you want to highlite. The same thing happened in 2010 and then again in 2011. But things kept chugging right along. I've said over and over and over that things don't go straight up and all the links I've been giving have said that. I even said that we can expect this very thing. That's EXACTLY what the articles I've been linking have been saying. Let's remind everyone of a few things. My link I will remind everyone of this thread, once again, in a few months. I also find it quite funny that everyone wants government s
  16. Don't know about the others you've mentioned but Fantasia is doing EXTREMELY well, with her albums but it may be in the genres you may not listen to very much, Also, she has been doing a lot of film and Broadway work.
  17. My point is proven. Thank you.
  18. Yes, I've been saying this would happen for a long while now. Over and over and over. This is how it works. It goes up and down all the time. We have unemployment go UP during a recovery, too. That is what all those articles I've been posting have been saying but you haven't been paying attention. We will definitely have another recession just like we always do every few years. That is called NORMAL. In case you haven't noticed, we have come a LONG way since the first quarter of 2009. I will make note of this thread and I expect a post from these same people when the numbers are revise
  19. Talk about spin! The jobs report does not go straight up or straight down but moves a lot over a longer period. Instead of making a big deal over a short term, let's look at the chart going back to 2006. I think anyone short of political hacks can tell things are certainly better and that things move up AND down all the time. Also, don't forget that unemployment often goes UP during a recovery. That is the way things work and the only people that are not admitting that are those who either are political hacks, don't really understand this stuff beyond what the spinmeisters are telling them
  20. It's interesting that many of the "merit" scholarships have nothing to do with "merit" of the student and more about getting the diversity and certain numbers for the the school. My link
  21. The nation's largest college's faculty is ready to strike in protest of budget cuts, pay and working conditions. California is in a budget mess and the one thing that can move people into the middle class, education, is getting cut once again. The wealthy can afford it but the poorest cannot. The budget process is keeping the poor, poor, and the wealthy, wealthy. Of course, a CA system of term limits that prevents politicians from engaging in the budget process for the long term is not helping the state, among may other problems. My link
  22. Football is too violent, IMHO. It is for thugs and ruffians. Love to watch it, though, but it is just too violent. I hope the rules do get more scrutiny and the players get more protection. The NFL, the owners, the licensees, the merchandisers and other middle men make a fortune off the players who in reality see very little of the total dollar their product brings in. RIP, Mr. Seau
  23. 1) Victoria and Albert's, Orlando, FL. It's a 3 hour meal and each second is to be savored. My link Menu 2) Hot Hot Fish Market, Birmingham, AL Just out of this world good. My link 3) Hals, Atlanta. No better steak in ATL. My link 4) Emeril's (Private Dining) Orlando, FL; There is the regular menu and dining room and then there is the private dining menu away from the walk in crowd. The latter is by far better, but you have to make reservations for it. My link 5) Peter Luger's in NYC My link 6) Canyon Grill, In the middle of nowhere but OMG. My link
  24. We have a cruise to Mexico planned for Christmas and a Mediterranean Cruise this summer. Also a trip to Maine for a 4 day weekend, Arizona for another 4 day weekend, and St Louis for a few Cardinal baseball games verses the Nationals.
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