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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. Did you hear how polite she sounded to the judge? "Yes sir" she said.
  2. If the defense is smart, they'll rest without calling her to the stand. Give it to the jury and let them hash out everything in one day. Because they're rushing to get done with it and to have the holiday with their families, the jurors are more likely to opt for agreement on lesser charges, than capital charges, if they have that option. If they put her on the stand, this will go into next week and they'll lose the "rush" factor.
  3. Have you noticed the Allstate commercial where the guy says, "If you are not satisfied, you get a refund!" In the first place, that's not necessarily so. A woman can't wear a wedding gown, take it back and ask for a refund because she was not satisfied with it. A guy can't fly to Europe and back, then complain that he was dissatisfied with the experience and get a refund. So the premise is flawed. Then the spokesguy continues to say that if someone has a problem with their Allstate insurance, they will extend the premium another 6 months. Not offer to fix the complain
  4. There are several hunters on here -Why don't you post pictures of your decoys and what you want for them?
  5. Not a wreck that damaged the car? Son's fine? Hubby's fine? Time to celebrate!!
  6. So you checked caller I.D. and it's son's number? I added the clues. Don't be mad, be glad that your son is okay. And don't blame the hubby - He just didn't know how to handle it at the spur of the moment. It was too much for him to process. Otherwise, why would he have left his phone there? Be supportive. That's what wives/moms do best. That, and worry.
  7. Does it come with Super Glue to reattach any body parts cut off during "shaving"? Or Maybe it could be marketed as "Baby Bris"?
  8. Oh ---- This just gave me a GREAT idea for a doll (I mean -- "action figure"). Indeed!!
  9. I think the media out to shine their spotlight on this absolute waste of taxpayer dollars! Settle the suit and stop putting those massive attorney fees on the taxpayers (they think no one notices, but when a reporter comes by for an interview with the incredible waste of taxpayer funds, maybe they'll take notice!) Maybe before sinking taxpayer money into an airport, the commissioners should have worked on promoting a robust business environment so that people would have a REASON to fly into P.C.!!
  10. In the garden, no less. Were fig leaves involved???
  11. So -- What's YOUR answer? The taxpayers should pay for 24 hour institutionalized care? I think that I wouldn't admit to being afraid of an old physically and mentally afflicted lady. I'd think that if you were afraid(?) of such a lady, you'd take up the issue with Target management. Target doesn't do anything - Don't shop there! So, specifically -- What do you think should be done? No family, she has a house and you'd what - put her in jail? Again, keep in mind that not all mental conditions can be medicated-out. If you are in favor of institutionalization, consider that all an old
  12. You're right and the time may come when we outlive our family and have no relatives to provide the kind of support that others take for granted.
  13. I don't think that "playing in traffic" is an accurate characterization. That aside (even though you didn't direct this to me) if it were me and I were losing it, I'd probably want to be left alone to do my thing. I surely wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in a small room with a small t.v. and a nurse comes around twice a day with medication. And my loved ones wouldn't want me living with them in my mentally disabled state - I wouldn't want to put that on them, either. I will stipulate that a tipping point exists where the STATE must take over in the interest of the "General Welfa
  14. Not sure why, "It's Mr. Sarcastic To You", that you want to make this about me. You're the one who responded to "yahoos" with a personal attack. I never called YOU a yahoo, I just think that it's interesting that you responded to the characterization. I don't have a problem with people holding firm opinions (bigot = by god) on issues. In fact, people who DO have opinions make for better discussions than those whose M.O. is simply ad hominem attacks.
  15. Isn't it interesting who-all responds to the description, "bigoted yahoos"?
  16. People have the mistaken impression that pills cure mental illness and that a crazy person can be medicated out of crazy. I'd contend that she'd be more likely to walk out in traffic if she were medicated! The comment that you hear so often, "She needs help" isn't very valuable, because it may well be that there is no such help outside of institutionalization. I'm also not sure that the taxpayer should be footing the bill for her constant care, as a way of getting her out of the view of people who would be offended by her presence. Not everyone has family. There's a guy on Barrett Par
  17. I couldn't decide if you were extremely naive or if you were being disingenuous when you commended civil discussion in another thread, but then wanted to open up the discussion again. You really thought that those yahoos would experience an epiphany? It just looked like to me that you were saying, "It's great that y'all didn't throw rocks at that bees nest the last time. Now, let's take another look at those bees and -- look, here's a rock!" In other words, why didn't you just let the bees go back in their hive and leave it alone? I know, you wanted the yahoos to look at themselves..
  18. The standard is "Does she understand the charges that are being brought against her?", as well as "Is she mentally capable of assisting in her own defense against those charges?" In a court of law, the defendant has the opportunity to bring an "insanity" defense that would show that the defendant was not able to differentiate right from wrong at the time of the stipulated murder. Clearly not legally insane (the insane don't try to hide their crimes, since they have no awareness that a crime was committed) Casey could be considered mentally incompetent to stand trial, if she met the fir
  19. She did. That was a lie to try to save Casey, who murdered Caylee. If that had been me, If I had been Casey's mother, I would not have lied about the chloroform or the ladder on the swimming pool. Being a guy, I have no maternal instincts to save my kids regardless of what they've done. In this instance I don't think that it is commendable or honorable to attempt to thwart the justice system. I'm interested in your perspective on the matter, though!
  20. If my daughter murdered my granddaughter would I lie in open court in an attempt to help her escape punishment for her crime? No.
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