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Everything posted by LisaG

  1. Yeah luckily our clothes drain runs to the woods....but the dishwasher/sink doesnt so I have been putting off dishes but about to cave and do one load at least!
  2. Is it the lake or the creek on Bakers Bridge? Cause if its the lake he is cussing he really wont be able to get on Bakers Bridge!
  3. Dry out here by Roses Store.....a tree fell almost on the fence out back but it stayed in the cow pasture and the cows are eating it like crazy. The pond next to us (downhill thankfully) has started crossing the dam...we shall see what happens with it.
  4. 13 could be old enough to care for those ages.....dont bash maybe they needed money and the parent couldnt afford to be out of work, and any normal day it is just rain who knew Paulding would become a giant lake!
  5. I went about 9am...it was nuts and I didnt buy anything. the drawings were every hour for $25 to the store and you had to be there...and then one big $100 to Lowes sometimes would be drawn.....if there was anything good it sold at 8am lol You couldnt get around in there so I left!
  6. I have stayed at home for 4 years since had my first kiddo...we now have two and the oldest is in prek but I still stay home with the youngest...Hubby makes enough thankfully but his hours were cut a few months ago due to lack of work and things were rough but a budget and thinking twice before spending $$ and I also do the whole coupon shopping and save a munch on food that can be spent elsewhere. I would love to have a job I could do from home and it be worth it but I just havent found anything. I did Avon for a while when my oldest was younger then we moved and I lost my customers, though
  7. I had sooo been thinking about this...Blake never did the crib he slept with us then he went straight to a futon then to a twin...Luke just turned 1 and hasnt tried climbing out yet so I think I am safe for a while..hopefully lol then his crib is a toddler bed
  8. Like I said its not the eyesore of the place or abandoned house thats the problem its the fact of it causing us problems!
  9. yeah I bet something living in it ate my missing cats
  10. Gotcha...Thanks for sharing, to each their own
  11. well nobody lives on this property and hasnt for the 2 years we have been here......it clearly needs to be cleaned up when its over running into somebody elses yard....its an eye sore but we didnt care and it wasnt a problem until it has decided to try and take over the pasture
  12. I may want to volunteer but I will be in AL tomorrow at noon at a mud bog anymore details?
  13. There is a about an 1 acre lot next to our pasture and its FULL of kudzu and its coming over the fence and I am furious! There is a run down house on the lot, I have searched tax records and it is an "Estate" meaning owner died and kids have ownership I am guessing there is a phone number but wanted to see if the county can do anything about making them clean it up before I called. Any info appreciated!
  14. yeah care to share your opinion on this? I would most definitely consider the live donor if needed to and for sure after I am dead if I can help somebody so be it!...my sister in law is a kidney transplant recipient and my friend is a live kidney donor to her friend.
  15. I couldnt find it I need to know if anybody heard anything about Winfield Place on the scanner and if so what? My dad came home to the house two up from him wrapped in crime scene taped and we knew the little boy from that house....
  16. I drop my stuff off at The Thrift Store...Birdmom's they give you a tax donation receipt and she helps local Paulding Programs with clothes and stuff for families in need!
  17. If your looking for something with color and two sided this sounds good....vista is great but since they are cheap for some but if you toss in color and glossy then it gets just as $$ as the next place....I use vista for our truck club which is nonprofit for the most part so the cheaper the better, but we dont need fancy heheh
  18. Please post if the family needs anything I am sure our p.com family would love to help if we could!
  19. uh not today....blah rain making me laaaaaaaaaazy!
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