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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. Hi Hi Hi


    I am here now. THANKS LPPT for calling me and telling me about the post.


    I am calling Steve now to go by there. He talked to the new owners the other day, so he has met them.


    We would DEFINITELY be interested in the work and yes Steve has experience in this type of work also.





    One of our customers is right up the street and another is in Powder Springs, so I gave her some numbers for the glass and frames, and I told my sister (she works the deli) that some people may be calling or coming by to quote the wall. It is the short wall where the registers are, with the big plate windows. I know how she feels. Someone drove their car though my office wall a few years ago. I have large windows that go from the floor to the ceiling, so it was a mess.

  2. Someone drove through the front wall of Grand's in Hiram on 92 this morning. It is a cinder block and brick wall and there is a lot of damage to the wall and the glass frames, and one window is broken. The lady just bought the store and knows no one around here. I have plenty of contacts to fix the glass and frames, and I will be giving her numbers, but if you do masonary work or know some who does (or anyone else out there reading this) please contact her. The number is 770- 943-4511

  3. Yep- things will surely get better- prayer- lots and lots of prayer. Sorry to hi-jack your post- I really do think that you guys do a good thing, my grandaddy and uncle are both war time vets- God Bless you all.

    Thanks girl. We do what we can. I wasn't there, but I still care.

  4. Ok so you had to of served during wartime...

    Yes, you have to be active duty during a time of war to be a legionaire. Sons, wives, and daughters only are eligible through those who have served.


    My hubby went to Grenada. He was Navy

    He is a vet then. Two of my brothers were in the Army, but neither are vets by Legion standards. They qualify to be SAL like me.

  5. They are doing his surgery Monday morning between 5 am- 7 am. His sisters funeral is tomorrow and he can't leave for that so I am sure that it will be rough for him tomorrow. He's such a good guy- he has to be to put up with my hubby.

    I love Charlie. Been working with him 26 years. February has started off to be a damn sad month. Too much death and sickness.

  6. Here are the dates for qualification:


    (April 6, 1917 -November 11, 1918) World War I

    (December 7, 1941 - December 31, 1946) World War II

    (June 25, 1950 - January 31, 1955) Korean War

    (February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975) Vietnam War

    (August 24, 1982 - July 31,1984) Lebanon/Grenada

    (December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990) Operation Just Cause

    (August 2, 1990 - Today)* Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm



  7. No - it's not a dumb question. I'm not fully prepared to answer it, but I'll give it a shot. I was gonna let Glassman do it - but here goes...


    I'm not a VET - but my husband, father and grandfather all are. I joined the Auxiliary under my husbands DD-214.


    There's also the Sons of the American Legion, but I'm not sure what the criteria to join that branch is. Sorry.




    That's the best I've got.

    If you are a vet, son of a vet (like me) daughter or wife of a vet, you can join the American Legion. I joined through my father's service. He is a WWII combat vet.

  8. You American Legion Riders are great and do a great thing. Thanks to all the Vets for their service to our country- GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!


    **small hi-jack** we went to see Charlie today and he looks pretty good for Papa Smurf. **end hi-jack**

    I need to go see him. Old Charile is my bud.

  9. Sorry I have thought mainly it was all men.I have been once and all I seen was a bunch of smoke and beer.I dont smoke or drink or feel comfortable there,but thanks for the invite.

    My father attended there a long time ago,so he must of liked it but then again if there's beer involved he was there lol.My brother may be at that one now.He helps out with the funerals and parades.


    I am also a Patriot Guard Rider, as are many members of the Legion.

  10. I am not a member there but have attended several of their events and everyone was very welcoming. There are many females that were there as well. It's a nice casual place and kept very clean.

    Exactly. The reputation of a bunch of old people is wrong. We have a whole new breed of young vets, and we are looking for them to help us shake that rep and turn it around.


    Then maybe an apology might be in order?


    Seriously - the Legion does wonderful things for the community. Glassman posted this thread to promote our Legion, and hopefully recruit some new members to help us make a difference. The second post tarnished the image of the Legion to some people - and for what reason?


    I understand that she is on the defense all the time - but that doesn't mean she should be quick to jump on board with broad statements like that. There was *no* reason why she should have had to feel defensive in this thread - but she made it personal.


    Do you catch what I'm saying at all, and why I feel an apology should be placed?

    Thanks AJH

  11. I think SP is more concern with having her old boss that was an A$$.. and she is always on the defence about it.. GlassMan is not very supportive of gays in the military so i can see where she comes from...

    Oh really? And you know this because? If you would have read my response in a thread a few days ago, you will see I said a vet is a vet. Join the Legion.


    I believe glassman was the one who says that gays do not belong in the military.Also,my old supervisor attends that post,and that job was not very "gay friendly".Also,I would go to Iraq and help if I could,but I was hurt and didnt get a chance.I have several friends that are in Irag,afganistan and I have a friend that is actually at Ft stewart coming to see me next weekend that has served 3 tours in Iraq.

    When in the hell did I say that? I said it was not natural, and the nature of humans tells you that. Look around you. And BTW, I have never heard anyone in the Legion bash gays. You must have pulled that one out of your guilty self-conscience butt.



    The American Legion Post 111 Dallas is open Monday – Thursday 3pm to 11pm, Friday 3pm to 1am, Saturday 12pm to 1am, and Sunday 12:30pm to 8pm. Bingo is every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm, dinner starts serving at 6pm. Tuesdays are dinner and darts night beginning at 6:30pm. Friday and Saturday nights often feature special events such as crab racing, live bands, karaoke, dinners, and many other special events. NASCAR race party every race of the season. Come out and join the Post 111 Dallas family! 2587 Scoggins Road (120 Conn.)



  13. Anyone been to Birdies lately? They have beer specials during the week and Karaoke on Fridays now. They even had afamily night with a clown doing face painting. That place has changed. Check it out.

    What is the facination with hearing rednecks sing badly? I was just in Las Palmas tonight and they are having it. WTH? Can't even enjoy my food with that racket going on.

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