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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Oops, didn't mean to mention names in my OP. They may have done that in the past, but we never got a letter about it. This is the very first time we've ever heard about it, and we've been with Aetna for years and years. It could be because we're now under "retirement" coverage, as opposed to full employment coverage. Even if they do still cover the doctors - all of our doctors are on staff with WellStar hospitals, i.e. you need surgery or immediate medical care, are you SOL? Well, not maybe SOL, but do you want to have to travel to Atlanta when you've got an emergency or someone i
  2. Well, my husband spoke with them today, and the person he talked to said August 1st, unlike the letter that we got a few weeks ago talking about August 31st being the cutoff. And, no, we'll have to travel further than Marietta (which is where most of our doctors and affiliated hospitals are), they're talking about cutting out WellStar, i.e. Kennestone, Cobb General, etc. You and I'll be driving to Atlanta I'm afeared. It still sounds kind of vague, we'll still need to see the doctors, et al listed on their "in network" places, but it just makes me sick.
  3. My concern is about a major change in our coverage. So, are we the only ones using this major health insurance company?
  4. And if this has been discussed before, forgive. So, anyone else with Aetna?
  5. Are you sure? That was always the speculation, but I've never seen or heard anything that confirmed it. We were talking about her the other night - Bobbie Gentry that is. Do you remember the Emmett Till case? Oh no, she had nothing to do with it, but I was very impressed that my little dinner partner knew who he was, as does my son. The bridge that has her picture for the cover of the album apparently is the one that poor kid was thrown from. No reflection on Bobbie Gentry, by any means. That song brings back very great and mixed memories.
  6. Did you ever know what Billy Joe McAllister dropped off the Tallahatchee Bridge?
  7. Of course Kris wrote it, and he was quite the handsome guy back in the day, back in the day. And wasn't he the original love interest in the original Alice's Restaurant? Not the stupid "kiss my grits" sitcom. (No offense, I actually was subjected to that while trying to go through all kinds of things in the hospital to have my son, but.............I'm just saying.) Anyone remember him with Barbra in A Star Is Born? Not the best version of that movie, but it did produce a lot of hit songs back in the late 70's. And his wife, god, I can picture her, and I think she shows up at the
  8. Headin' for the trains.............................................
  9. I've got all the stuff to do chicken kabobs on the grill - chicken breasts which I about to start marinating in teriyaki sauce, along with cubes of green pepper, onions and fresh pineapple. I haven't done these in years, but last time I did them, they were most excellent. I guess rice to go along side. It's such a beautiful night out - I hate to waste it!
  10. Whatever your political affiliations in this country are, give the man some credit and kudos. And now, I'm sure to get banned for this as well......... I honestly don't know if he liked strawberries - I doubt that he had much access to them in prison for 27 years while being beaten, but, heck..............give him respect and kudos anyway. I doubt that any of us would or could endure what he did.
  11. Bigger - no offense to Elvis or MJ, but the Beatles made more of an impact on not just music - culture, thinking about the times, etc. Elvis, very big and I think an influence on the Beatles - MJ, great musician with a huge impact on modern dance, etc. - The Beatles, absolutely huge on not only music, but society and social issues, political issues, etc. Beatles>Elvis>MJ.
  12. That's what I think, and Lord, they're noisy! I think they're all gone, for this year, and I'll make sure they'll have their same "home" to come back to next year, I do so every year.
  13. We've had them every year for about 18 years now. Last year and this year is the first time that we've had any of them die - not on our part, but once they do, well.................ours are indoors inside the chimney. I refuse to do anything until I know the babies are gone, parents too for that matter. I was just looking for any advice. We'll still welcome them "home" next year, I refuse not to, I just want to make sure that it's OK to proceed with cleaning out what we have, and I do believe they're gone (the live ones that is).
  14. Lord, I feel I'm at an auction here. OK, 42 views and no comments. I believe in my heart that all the Mommas and all of the babies are out of there. I've been tapping and knocking on the outside of the chimney to make sure. Go ahead, all of you reading this and not making comments, what do you think?
  15. Chimney Swifts. I try to be a good host and let them nest in my chimney every year. I feel a special "nature" kind of responsiblity to them every year, but I think they're gone, and I think I can go light a fire in the chimney to clear out any of the poor one's who may have perished (I'm smelling that kind of smell - gas kind of thing if you know what I mean.) OK, I said it was kind of gross, but what do you do? OK, anyone? At least 13 views and no help? Help me out here!
  16. Now, how cool is that? I know he's on tour and coming to Atlanta soon. If we weren't both currently unemployed I'd pay mucho money to go see him. My sister saw the Beatles back when they came to Atlanta - '64/'65? I think she still has her old ticket stubs. You are so lucky to have seen him - Bruce Willis - well, cool, but Paul McCartney - dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. How is she doing? There used to be an old commercial about "corns, callouses, bunions". I can still hear the little ditty in my mind - I had no idea that bunions involved bones and that the surgery was so "invasive", until I saw my foot X-Ray - EEEEKKKKKKKKKKk!!!
  18. Yup, I broke my wrist several years ago - no fun, but I'm really not having any issues with it, although it was a literal pain, in more ways than one at the time. Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.......................................... I know I've got to have this done, just not looking forward to it at all, and it really is not a good time (when is it a good time)? Could be worse, could be raining I'm trying to put it all in perspective - when my husband had major surgery/surgeries a couple of years ago. When I think about that I want to tell myself to ju
  19. Bless you, and now I'm getting really scared!
  20. Bless her heart and feet, and bless you. I'm not happy to hear that there are more complications to look forward to, although I've thought about it. I worked for a small law firm, but I've also worked for a bigger one, and I know what that can entail. You did a good thing, I think her business is going well now, no? At least you had a basement, Once I have this done I'm sure that my husband would wish we had an underground pool to set this walrus in
  21. Thanks! And apparently it's not just the one foot, but the other also, but the doctor said that we need to address the worst first, and it makes very much sense that she won't do both at one time. Otherwise I'd have to slither around on the floor to go anywhere or do anything
  22. It is not coming at a good time. I need to find a job, and hobbling around with a foot in a cast is not a great way to make friends and influence people, LOL. How did that Scarlet out of the legal business? She must have been working in a different area of the law than I was. I had and could handle a desk job, but I couldn't handle going from court to court etc. I'm very sorry to hear that.
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