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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Do they still have to retain a certain grade requirement, as well as meeting certain medical clearance? Why is this any different? And I'd think parents would appreciate having any of the info. It's just a fact that when these kids graduate, or even before, a lot of employers are going to require the same thing.
  2. I guess I'm just old, or from a different generation. Sigh.....................
  3. Interesting. Do kids babysit anymore or go out on dates without Mom and Dad paying for it? Point being, it would be great if I could find a teen willing to cut grass and not have to pay a landscape company to do it.
  4. Like cutting grass, etc.? Not judging, just asking. Your thoughts............
  5. I posted about this under a different headline. Very sad. And I'm amazed with both her acting as well as Ann Bancroft's in The Miracle Worker - so powerful.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/03/29/actress-patty-duke-dead/
  7. Sounds like it's their annual show that is geared towards kids.
  8. Do you seriously want Donald Trump or Hillary to make the decision for the next SC nominee?
  9. Well, apparently, their job is to sit back and do nothing. For six figures on my dime. Anybody hiring?
  10. Wings and all that that implies, i.e. celery, carrots, blue chz dressing, etc., etc....................................
  11. All I'm saying is that he did. He nominated someone, and now it's up to the Senate to advise and consent and they are refusing to do that.
  12. They just need to do their job. Obama has and now the Senate needs to also. So don't confirm because you don't like the color of his socks, at least go through the process. Good grief, what in the hello has happened to this country!?!
  13. I believe even the Catholic church is struggling with this issue.
  14. OK, that will give me enough time to get the ingredients for French Toast.
  15. Oh shoot, will they cancel school?!?
  16. It had to happen, Halloween's on a Monday this year.
  17. Thunder then sleet here then rain and now back to sleet - Dallas Hwy., just down from The Avenue.
  18. Stopped by McD's on the way in to work. Got up to the window to pay and the cashier lady asked if I had ordered an Egg McMuffin. I told her yes and she said the man ahead of me had said to tell me that God loved me and she told me he had paid for my food. I plan to pay it forward first chance I get.
  19. I'm sure it's been hard on all of you, and I hope things only continue to improve.
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