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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. http://time.com/4141783/time-person-of-the-year-runner-up-donald-trump-eagle-gif/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
  2. No, I'd remember George Clooney. This guy's not quite as good looking, and he's been in tons of movies. Yup, that's what my husband does.
  3. No, not him, the other guy who played in that other movie where he might have been a tough guy? And she was in it too, you know, that pretty one.
  4. Yawn................................................
  5. There's something about the holiday season that brings out the best and the love in people this time of year.
  6. Well, not to brag, but I got a ton of comments on my post years ago entitled "How do you get salt to stick to your nuts?" Now how could that be funny when you're talking roasted almonds in the oven?
  7. Glad to see deviled eggs on so many menus, they're on mine too, every year.
  8. LOL, I thought I was the only one who makes a Turkey Cheese Ball.
  9. Those "tartlets" sound delish! Recipe please.
  10. And if you're hosting, what's still on your "to do" list?
  11. I get that, honestly, but it went from the original topic to, .................... Anyway...........
  12. I was more concerned about my comment about chopping nuts. Anyway, tired of the never ending arguments here, this one especially, and thanks for responding in a very kind way. I get the political frustration, but when we did have Mods, all of that would have bee moved to a different forum . Like I said in the never ending "Paris Under Attack".
  13. Thanks. I would say that most, if not all, of my posts in this never ending thread were trying to lighten the mood on a horrible event that turned into a political p-ssing contest on this board. Nobody's ever going to change anyone's mind here. And there used to be "mods" from Mayberry. Don't know now, haven't seen them either for a while. Fix the cheese ball in the shape of a turkey tonight, or chop nuts?
  14. Already quit doing that, just tired of going into the "Internet Café" after almost two weeks just to see the same argument. Happy Thanksgiving, still working on my to do list while I do and scratch things off.
  15. I think we need a whole new separate forum for "Paris Under Attack". Just saying, or maybe move it to the "Political Forum", but I think at this point it warrants it's own. Think about it.
  16. That's got to be one of the best SNL skits I've ever seen!
  17. Yawn, it's been how many days since Paris was attacked, and how much arguing on this site, and still no answer to all the world's problems. Time well spent for some I guess. Now, Let's finish cleaning, whittle down the menu, or just go to bed!
  18. I'm thinking that this group(posters in this never ending argument, I mean thread) should gather together around the same Thanksgiving table. Would be quite interesting. I'd like to think that all who argue over and over on this board would still have each other's backs in the actual world. One can hope.
  19. Hmmmm, after 9:00 on a Friday night, terrorist attacks again today in Mali, and this thread is still going? Don't you just want to sit on the couch and watch a movie? Personally, this stuff on the news, not here, concerns me, but I'll keep working on Thanksgiving. You folks try to do the same. Nite.
  20. I've got chicken thighs with Carolina bbq sauce (mustard base) in the crockpot and will fix some type of potatoes and salad.
  21. Ah, so there's still hope, good.
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