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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. looked like it was a teacher work day. Very few cars. Majority staying home for the eclipse?
  2. He made it to 91, he had a good run, and he'd been very ill for a long, long time. His Labor Day MDA telethon used to be a must watch for me. RIP Now you and Dean can settle any differences you have in Heaven.
  3. Labor Day will never be the same again.
  4. Well that ain't right. Had breakfast at a little, very old diner in Cartersville this morning. It dates back to 1931 if I remember correctly. Their score was 99. My only concern when we've been there is if we all had to evacuate the restaurant, but apparently the Fire Dept. is not concerned. Too bad all these corporate chains, with franchises, aren't as concerned.
  5. Haven't read them, but I'm guessing one is scripted by a somewhat rational person, and one is an off the cuff ranting from a 71 year old spoiled toddler.
  6. Right now it's up to 13 dead, 50 injured. WTF?!?! Sorry, excuse my French, but this makes me cry.
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/08/17/barcelona-terror-attack-at-least-13-reported-dead-after-van-plows-into-crowd-at-popular-tourist-area.html
  8. Can't tell you how many Cheese Whiz sandwiches I ate as a kid. Haven't had in years.
  9. Wichita Lineman was the first song that came to mind, reason I started the thread re The Lineman of the County.
  10. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/glen-campbell-dead-at-81/ar-AApJyAK
  11. Ugg...went to Boston several years ago, going from Logan to Rockport/Gloucester, and we went thru one of those. Think a revolving door and you can't get out of. But that was Boston. Not a fan of roundabouts. Confuses drivers, even if you know the road. That's just my experience.
  12. Maybe the concern for the kids' eyes? You're not supposed to look at a solar eclipse without special viewing glasses or devices. Tell kids not to look directly at it is a given they will.
  13. He should have been convicted of double murder. I don't think it was premeditated, I think he was stalking Nicole, and her friend, Ron Goldman, showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time and OJ went nuts. This parole hearing was based on the robbery/kidnapping case. It's how the system works.
  14. My 20oz Yeti is my constant companion. It is a gift from the gods of ice water.
  15. I don't disagree with that.
  16. OJ Simpson granted parole: http://abcnews.go.com/US/oj-simpson-face-nevada-parole-board-today-granted/story?id=48689499
  17. Collapsed doing what he loves: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/07/13/jimmy-carter-hospitalized-for-dehydration-during-habitat-build.html
  18. Not a car, it's along the lines of a dune buggy, not exactly but I don't know how else to describe it.
  19. We called the Walmart on Dallas Hwy. They can't guarantee it will be safe. I get that, and neither can their homeless employees. There at least two living out of their cars, seriously.
  20. But is there any place that you can park vehicles for sale that are safe? Store parking lots used to be an option to an extent, but most won't let you do it anymore. Trying to sell a recreational "buggy", think dune, and so far websites are getting no results. Be kind, the thing is practically new, and we think if people could actually see it, it might sell faster. Again, be kind and don't berate me for asking.
  21. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/cobb-county/police-on-scene-of-bank-robbery-in-cobb-county/552567856
  22. I've lived in Metro Atlanta since 1978, worked in downtown Atlanta for a lot of that time. Moved down here from the suburbs of Boston, actually north of there, the "North Shore", Gloucester, Ipswich, Essex etc. It has always saddened me how Atlanta wants, and has, torn down their/our history. It all comes down to money. At least there were enough people to stand up and save the Fox!
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