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Burnt Hickory Mimi

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Everything posted by Burnt Hickory Mimi

  1. Is the pool room still open in the old plaza shopping center in Dallas?
  2. So sorry for your loss! Your family will be in my prayers! Did she ever teach school? I had a teacher at PCHS by the name of Houston, but I don't remember her first name. She was a sweetheart!
  3. My grandaughter and I had a GREAT time!!!!!! I appreciate you having the magic show!
  4. What happened? He is the same age as my son, and I can't imagine losing him! The family is in my prayers!
  5. Well done, my child! Time to go rest high on the mountain! His family is in my prayers!
  6. I saw Miss Jessica yesterday, and she gave me a schedule of the summer events. Sounds like a good line up of fun events! My grandchildren have grown up with Twinkle Time and Storytime. I enjoyed taking them every week when they were small. Thanks for all the fun activities!
  7. I read this on FB also. One of the teachers posted that it was 2 Seniors.
  8. If the teen is a male, I recommend 'No Longer Bound' My friend's son is there and she is very impressed!
  9. We will have lots of good music and good food at Raccoon Creek Music Park! I hope we have a crowd, and raise lots of money for such a worthy cause! I'm so excited!
  10. This is my cousin. She was such a sweet person, a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother! My heart breaks for her children and grandchildren. They lost their mother and grandmother within 6 days. Please keep them in your prayers!
  11. This is my aunt. Such a sweet lady. She will be missed so much!
  12. I have no idea what size it is, or what condition it is on the inside, but there's a house on Northside Church Road for $600 a month.
  13. I had Pitocin, and didn't have a C-section. It made my contractions hurt like a son bitch, though! I was hurting so bad, the doctor gave me the epidural when I was dialated to only 3, to shut me up!
  14. Sorry, no I didn't make a coconut cake this time. I have been keeping two sick grandchildren this week. One had strep and the other flu. I did make homemade cheese danish! We will have our bluegrass fundraiser in April. Maybe I will make a coconut cake then.
  15. Thank you so much! We had a very good turn out, and made lots of money for a worthy cause! It's always so nice to fellowship with our friends and neighbors! Thanks!
  16. We're having pinto beans, macaroni and cheese, slaw, corn on the cob, cornbread, dessert, and tea! $6.00 a plate, or 2 for $10.00 I'm so excited!
  17. I've got my pinto beans soaking now. They sure will smell good cooking tomorrow! I can't wait to see all the hungry folks!
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