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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Just because they work together, why would they necessarily know each other.  I work for a large company downtown and would have no idea if anyone else here was even from West Cobb or Paulding, much less if they were on the site. Quit trying to stir the pot as many here like to say.


    I will do as I please THANK YOU!!! Joining within 8 minutes of each other and they work together....come on now!!!! Why are been sticking up for them, you a part of their group too?

  2. Hi peacelikeariver!  I was reading this thread and kept seeing my name and your name lumped together.  I don't know who you are but welcome.  Im a newbie myself and am also looking for places to find things around paulding county.



    Hey - welcome to you too! :)



    Funny how you don't know each other but work together and joined within minutes of each other :wacko: :unsure: :rolleyes: :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. YEP!


    It's true. I'm not making it up.


    Our sloughed off dead skin is the fast food of choice for these lil'guys!!!



    And their feces and shedded skins are one of the MAJOR contributors to allergies!  Know how I know all of this?  Because my son and I are both allergic to them.



    Ok I am NEVER going to bed again!! Thanks soapy!!! :lol:

  4. "Disinfecting" the old pillows isn't really the issue. It's the fact that 10% or more of the weight of a two year old pillow can be composed of dead dust mites and their droppings.  Imagine what the % is on a really, really old pillow!!!!


    And for those that didn't know this, dust mites aren't insects, nor "mites."  They are actually in the spider family!  And they are not parasites because they do not live on our bodies, instead they live in our beds, pillows, covers, carpets, furniture, etc. They live by eating our dead skin cells that we slough off, which is one of the major contributors to household dust.


    Grossed out yet?  :ninja:


    This makes me want a new pillow everyday or just to do without one all together!!! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. :huh:  how do you know if the buses are speeding?  do you have an radar?


                what is the speed in your "hood"?  a school bus can go no faster


                than 40mph or posted speed limit if lower than 40 -  most "hood"


                speed limit is 25mph or 20, buses are loud and they seem to be


                going faster than they are!!!!!!!!!!



    you don't have to be an idiot or have a radar to know when a bus or anyone for that matter is going too fast for a subdivision!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me I saw it, I didn't just hear it.

  6. This was a thread to invite people to eat... not to discuss whether or not it was a good place to eat.  Either say yes you'll be there,, or no thanks.  Or just don't post. 



    O'Charley's is a great place to eat and April and her family will be there, which will make it even better!


    ~hugs, Shawna :D



    dang, someone needs another nap

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