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Posts posted by maltese

  1. For the record:


    I didn't disrobe.

    I didn't get probed.


    I wasn't with Soapy,

    I wasn't feeling Dopey.


    I didn't honk my horn,

    I hate eating Popcorn.


    I don't like green eggs and ham,

    said Osfan, I am.  :p



    OSFAN I must say, you are one of a kind. That was the funniest thing I have heard all day!!! I laughed out loud!!!! TOO FUNNY :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. I had to go to Home Depot on Monday.  I am sitting at the light in front of AutoZone with my window down and I hear this ruckus to my left.  Sure enough, there she is. 


    As I start to pull away she was yelling about getting her a man.  Then I hear her say that she just needs to find him. 


    Sounds like Ms. Jessie may be in heat.


    OMG!! That is the funniest thing I have heard alllllll day!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. Ahhh, just realized you moved out of this area!  Bummer!  I was at the ob/gyn today for my monthly checkup.  They have a new office across from the hospital, did you ever get to use it?  They also just hired another new dr, so now they have 5.  I met the new one today, she was very nice, and very young  :blink:  Dr Robbins just had a baby girl in  Oct...makes me feel better about having a baby at my age, shes 41!



    No my son will be four on the 27th so it was the old building. I just wish I could travel to Atlanta to have her again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. OB/GYN...and depending on where you want to deliver depends on which you choose.  I will be delivering at Kennestone (again) and love it there.  My OB practice is right across from the hospital.  It is Pitcher/Street/Robbins/Shinn...4 women.  They are wonderful!  My dr is Robbins and she came out to the hospital at 6AM on a Sunday to deliver my daughter even though she wasn't the one on call  :D  It is nice to know you will see one of those 4 doctors and more then likely you will see YOUR dr.  Some practices shuffle you around and you never know who is going to deliver your baby.


    Congratulations on your pregnancy, I hope it is a healthy and happy one!



    Dr Street delivered my son and I LOVED HER!!!!! She set a pretty high standard so that is why I am having trouble finding someone just like her. :) Wish I could use her again but it would be a VERY LONG way to go just to see her.

  5. There is a womens center next door to them so tomorrow when I go, I will see if the doctors I will be seeing are in fact specialists (as bcbs has them listed as) and if not then I will go next door and start seeing the Womens Center doctors. I just couldn't get in with them soon enough, since I moved I haven't been seen by a doctor in four weeks and she said that is when I would need to be seen again. Long story UGH!! Just want to be sure everything is ok then I will for sure find an appointment at the Womens center, this is just too confusing. Thanks girls I knew you would point me where I needed to go. :p ;)

  6. When I searched Blue Cross online to find a doctor in the area, this doctor came up under OB/GYN but when I called, they answered "Family Practice" and that is when I realized it was both.............I guess they specialize in both??? I am so confused :( :wacko:

  7. Was it a specialist OB/GYN or was it a family practice? I am going to go see a new doctor tomorrow and it is with a family practice and I am not sure what to think. I am afraid of being around people with colds but she informed me I have as much chance of catching a cold there as I do walking into a grocery store...........I guess this is true BUT I think I am just being very cautious cause I am pregnant. UGH the joys......... hahahahaha

  8. I installed a router on the main computer downstairs and tried to installed the wireless adapter on my 5 year old computer upstairs. Well for some reason, my device manager is empty (and I guess this is wrong per the Linksys person) and he is saying that I have to call Microsoft because Windows XP has something to do with it and installing the card but he can't help me with it.............I am confused............why isn't it working? BTW I installed the card into my laptop and was online in five seconds..........is it cause the computer is old??? I took the back off the computer two times to make sure it was installed correctly...........help computer genius!!!!!!!!!

  9. hun  you are lashing out at people and blaming them for making you upset.  You are going on emotions right now and yes I know what I said, maybe you misunderstood the entire post. I said I wasnt trying to offend you.  Why in the world you are taking this and running with lashing out at me and others is bewildering to me. That's why I said you dont need to focus on this right now and to take a break from it.


    Oh well, too bad for me I guess.



    Well said!!! Looks like someone only likes to blame others for everything (did I copy that from her post???) :lol: :o

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