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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Ok I have been so patient with these bus drivers speeding up and down the road in my neighborhood, but today one was going too fast I am not letting it get any farther out of hand. Who do I call and what is the phone number? :angry:

  2. I'm lost on this one.  If you signed a 36 month contract and it's not up, WHY are they making you sign another one?  NO NO NO NO NO NO!  Also, genearlly, the system is yours to keep....why are they going to charge $150 to move it?  Move it where?  After your time is up, it should go month to month and the rate should drop.  I'd look much closer into this deal...doesn't sound very "good"  to me.


    Last August we signed 36 months and they said if we move, they move it free. So now when I call to say I am moving they say they do move it free.......after I start another 36 month contract (my reference to the bait and switch) OR pay $150 to move it and continue where I am at in the current 36 month contract. YES I GOT SCREWED AND I A PISSED!!! Do you have any suggestions for me?? I am now assuming I "own" the system when my 36 month contract is up..........I don't know...........I didn't realize they took me to the cleaners until now..........I am so upset. UGH

  3. Our house came with the hardware installed. For monitoring we use Alarm Monitoring Service of Atlanta (AMSA). We pay $12.95/mo. We've always had good response time (when the kids set the alarm off). Their central station number is 800-932-0128.



    Yes the lucky people who buy my house get the system we currently have cause when they move you, they install a brand new one.........which I am obviously paying for :) woohoo

    I must say I am impressed with the response time and all the features it comes with (lots of upgrades) so it is just another one of those................it is what it is.


    Thanks for all the responses. :)

  4. You are welcome.  I am just learning the "tricks"....I hate to say it, but I don't trust anyone w/ Free...nothing is ever free :blink:


    I will get you KaKo's number and the other number and you can call and ask them.  There may be a way to do something "simple" as far as switching a box, etc.  I don't know much about it, but it was mentioned and I asked another company and that's how I learned of it.  It might cost a "little extra" to go w/ another company than just switching because of it...but I don't think after learning what I've learned I'd ever use ADT, BRINKS or Greystone.  But, that's just my 2 cents and reasearch ;)



    They pretty much have me by the neck on this one..........I am completely stuck with no way out. I am going to have to sign another contract for 36 months or pay them to move the system which is $150 (less than another year, since I only have about 20 months left on this contract) OR cancel the contract which means I have to buy out the rest of the months..........20 @39.95 AIN"T HAPPENING!!! GRRRRRRR I feel like such an idiot........maybe I can be idiot of the week posting and atleast get a laugh out of it.

  5. Through my searching the last few weeks I have discovered that if these offers of FREE installation and equipment (like ADT) mean a $35-$40 monthly fee.  This means equipment cost is HIDDEN in the monthly fee, which is why they make you sign a contract for 36/mth

    I called upon Greystone.  It is $18/mth if you buy the equipment ( $@2000-they wouldn't offer me ANYTHING BUT WIRELESS--they are lazy and "couldn't"/didn't want to install wired).  They will also allow you to make payments on the equipment which equalled @ $35/month. 


    Plus, if you go w/ a company like ADT or "big name"  make sure they give you a box that isn't locked out.  If it is, no other security company can use it in the future (so you don't have the possiblity of switching providers).



    Thank you so much Busymom!!! That is what I thought - with me getting the system free that is where the LARGE monthly payment comes from. And with me guessing I am sure with how this company has used bait and switch..........my box is most likely "locked out" :angry:

  6. Get a sign that reads:


    I have a gun and will send you to a dirt nap if you even think about breaking into my home. or


    I will blow your legs off with my 12 gauge if you break into MY home.

    Works for me!  ;)  and is much cheaper.





  7. I think I am being ripped off by my security company and now they want me to sign another 36 months to move my system to the new house which they told me would be free........if I am signing another 36 months at a HIGH rate - that doesn't sound free to me. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  8. you have some issues now we know why...when a child is involved I will make it my business...If you do not like it follow the law....if those laws can be broke are you saying ohhh anything that was not a law 30 or 60 years ago we can break now?????



    I totally agree, these children aren't old enough to have a voice of their own so someone has to say something for them since the parents seem not to care.

  9. Woah!!! You really are a busybody, uh, um, busymom. Another thread about getting into other people's business! What were you, the classroom monitor/snitch in school all your life? Less than 30 years ago almost everyone had their kids in the car without car seats. Maybe we should go back and jail everyone who ever removed their kid from their seat?


    I grew up my entire childhood without ever wearing a seatbelt. In fact, I spent many nights curled up in the back window.


    Don't get me wrong, child seats are fantastic and I'm sure they make things safer, but this is more about you getting into everyone else's business, if you ask me.


    We all survived it when we were kids, but hey go ahead and ruin the woman's life by calling the popo to her. Just remember if you ruin her life then you'll ruin her husband's, assuming she is married and everyone else in the family.


    My sisters have had to unstrap their babies to feed them, or in some cases just to calm them down. That's how babies are, and I think a little leeway is in order.


    yeah and 60 years ago it wasn't the law!!!!

  10. Ok I am sooooooooo lost and need some explaining, maybe I am paying way too much. I have internet through bellsouth and pay around $34 a month, is the 9.95 on top of that? I thought I had to pay bellsouth to use their phoneline for the dsl or comcast to use their cable service............. HELP explain, I could save a TON during one month period. UGH.

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