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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Could you guys do ME a favor and read each other's comments so that you don't keep writing the same thing?  Geez, I'm amazed at how well you all copy one another!!



    First I felt bad, but after this comment.............it was just plain rude!!!!! For your husbands sake, I hope you have this baby today. :angry2:

  2. Is anyone else tired....

    of politics?

    of who's to blame?

    of who's lying?

    of who's truthful?

    of what horrible condition our country is in?

    of what good condition our country is in?

    of listening to the buzz words like "WMD" and "POLARIZED" and "LIBS" and "DEMS" and "REPS" and "GOP" and "AGENDA and "TORTURE" and "WAR?"


    do people have lives outside of their political beliefs? can you rest at night without thinking of this stuff?

    I look at pcom as a small vacation. I don't watch the news. I'm not politically affiliated with any party or left side or right side. I simply am just trying to stay alive at this point. Trying to keep myself with food in our bellies, shelter over my head, diapers on my kids' butt and my internet connection turned on :lol:

    I wonder if it's possible to filter through or turn political forums on and off like the scanner. Anyone have any flaming, er, ideas on if this should be an option?




    One word...................YES, very tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I toasted a kaiser roll, shredded turkey with bbq sauce on it (warmed up), made coleslaw and a slice of cheese.......................DELISH!!!!!!! Yes, the coleslaw was also on the sandwich/roll - saw the idea on Regis and Kelly yesterday. It was GREAT!!!

  4. My Mother received a collage of sugar cookies for her birthday that looks like Mickey Mouse. Is there anyway that we can preserve these? I was thinking some type of shalac but I needed P.Com's advice.


    Please advise.....



    I don't have any advise for you but I do know what you are taking about and those collages are adorable!!!!!!!!! I couldn't imagine eating them :) :) :) :)

  5. I wish I could tell them all to come to my house but I am one of four and my husband is one of three...........they are big families to have come over to my house (although I wouldnt mind at all) I have 10 nieces and nephews that are all within 15 minutes of each other so it is just "expected" of me to go see them. :( What I might try is having his family come see me Christmas Eve and then go in and stay over night with my family Christmas Day, that way my son is at home when Santa comes...............I agree, I love waking up in my bed in MY HOUSE Christmas morning with MY kids.

  6. Ok here is my dilema.............we live an hour and a half away from both my family and my husbands family. His family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve and my family does it Christmas day. Do we travel an hour and a half to his families house drive all the way back to our house (our son is four) so Santa can come and then drive out to my families house the next day??? That is a lot of driving, three hours each day. If we drive out to my families house on Christmas, most likely we will stay over night but with visiting his family we will want to obviously drive back to our house to see Santa............or would it be ok to stay over night and explain to my son that Santa will find him at my families house? Sounds confusing I know sorry!!!!

  7. so my sister and i slaved in the kitchen, cleaned the house, and waited patiently for my fam to show....


    and we waited.......

    and waited...


    so we called to see where everyone was at (in case of traffic or something) and lo and behold....no one was coming....or going to call and say they weren't coming....


    my sister and i had t-giving dinner alone...so much for a "family" holiday


    i f-ing hate the holidays.


    :o You are kidding!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear that!!!!!!!!! That was not fair at all, hope they didn't eat somewhere else. :angry2:

  8. Wow!


    The responses in this topic are amazing.

    I usually never post in topics like this...I read almost everything however, but I just can't resist this one time.


    I guess I was just raised in a different time and place, but it was not considered polite to ask a person what religion they belonged to or what church they attended when you did not know them that well.


    I was forced by circumstances to grow up much faster than other kids and had to go through a lot of trials and tribulations along the way. The greatest lesson I ever learned was that it will usually surprise you that the people who will reach out and help somebody when they are down are the people you would least likely believe would do so. It taught me to look at all people as human beings first; and not to define or group them by anything other than how they treated others.


    I look at it this way...there are way too many other things created by ourselves that aim to put us in a group.


    Are you Caucasian...Asian...other? Are you middle class or upper class? Do you belong to this party or that party or do you just party way too hard?  :p


    I keep my politics and my religion to myself. I view my beliefs as personal..I don't believe in defining myself as a person by where I go on Sundays. Or who I voted for in the last election.


    I believe that who you are as a person is defined by how well you live your life and your relationship with all other human beings.


    You can learn so much from other people if you just open your mind and your heart.

    No one need feel that they should fear other's beliefs...if you are strong in your own.





  9. I have contemplated over and over and over again in my mind about posting this out of embarressment to myself but here goes...............can someone please tell me what Wiccians believe in and how they aren't Christians and the same for Agnostics????? I am guessing the reason I am not aware of this is because to me as long as you have a good heart and don't try to push your religion on me, I don't care what religion you are. I would want you to accept me for who I am no matter what I believe as I do for someone else. Thank so much and sorry for the ignorance of not being more knowledgable in this subject. :mellow:

  10. Wonder how my husband will feel about this...........................Wait!  He can take our picture!  :o



    Hey $1 at a time she said :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: can't keep up when it jumps like that.........I was going to bid but I see a few girls who really want the man. :ninja: :lol: So I would hate to take that away.

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