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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Yeah, my husband is from South Jersey.  Have you ever had...ok I have no idea how to spell this...um...nyuckies.  My mil makes em and they are soooooo good ( and very very filling!)



    Heehee it is spelled gnocchi :) AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! I have some in the freezer now........possible for dinner??? :)

  2. I just moved out of state and they are making me take the written drivers test over before I can get it changed. :angry: WTF for I have no idea because I have been driving for 17 years and have NEVER been in an accident or pulled over. (knock on wood)

  3. Watch out everybody, I am pregnant and cranky, no sleep in the past three days, and had some really crappy brownies that I made last night from a WW recipe.





    sounds exactly like me...........EXACTLY!!!!!

  4. I say LIQUID ONLY!!! That is not only my opinion but it's the 100%, non negotiable, do not attempt to argue with me, truth. People who use powder are not really Christians. They also lie about things constantly. Powder users hate pregnant woman who show their bellies on public forums. Liquid detergent users speak in tongues and are the only people going to heaven. In fact, Liquid detergent is the only detergent that actually cleans clothes correctly. Any powder users out there...I challange you to prove to me that your clothes are actually clean. I believe that all of you are walking around in dirty clothes. And don't even get me started on people who use fabric softener dryer sheets instead of liquid fabric softeners....you people are probably the ones who voted for Kerry instead of Bush! You're all devil worshipers who don't believe in the bible and who start posts to vent and then get irrate when people don't share your opinion!! :p



    I do use liquid, only because it's easier and won't leave a residue like powders sometimes do!!



    OMG!! That is the funniest thing I read all day :lol: :lol: You are too funny!!!!

    Looks like someone is all caught up in the drama on p.com today :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. My wife brought it to MY attention because she said it made HER sick. I merely agreed with her. :huh:



    I am pregnant too and I promise never to show a picture of my belly to ANYONE - I sometimes even hide from hubby. I am just funny that way about it BUT other peoples feet also freak me out so in my nicest voice possible GET OVER IT BECAUSE YOUR AVATAR IS JUST AS DISTURBING.

  6. With my first, it was one of the easiest things I had to do. Went in at 7, started inducing at 8 had two really BAD contractions and cried, got an epidural (yep threaded mine wrong the first time too) and turned lights out, tv off sent hubby to get himself something to eat and before you know it, it was time to push. They shut off my epidural during the first push so I knew my time was limited and I had to get that baby out so I pused for 50 minutes and there he was......however it did start to wear off and she at least gave me a local before cutting.......it still hurt. This one is very low and I mean VERY so I hope that doesnt' mean a faster delivery because if anyone knows me and I don't have anything for pain...........ain't one person in the hospital not gonna hear from me. :D Oh and with my first, he came so fast the doctor wasn't ready and the nurse is like no wait don't push anymore......I glanced at my husband then back at her and said (as nicely as I could) "someone better get down there and catch that baby because I am pushing!!!!!!!!!"

  7. Gosh ... are you believing I missed this whole thing?


    Oh well, it is a beautiful day and I've actually been productive.


    I hope everyone settles down and relaxes a bit 'cause it is... as Curtis says ... a great day.  Check out his video here: http://www.paulding.com/kickthesand/video1/




    You may want to check your computer then, because someone else was signed in under your name.........I saw them on this thread earlier :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

  8. I just took my son for his 4 year shots and it was the worst set of shots yet.....emotionally. We were both in tears. :( She made me pin him down and the whole time he is trying to see what is going on screaming WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Then right before the last one, she dropped it on the floor :angry: which means she had to leave and go get another one :angry: in that time, he started bawling and screaming as I was still having to pin him down. IT WAS THE WORST!!!! My poor lil man talked about it for days.

    As for banging their heads on the car, yep been there done that AND I also have gotten the chin in the carseat clips because he would be looking down as I was trying to clip them together. UGH!!!!!!! He had small blood bruises on his chin twice.

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