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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Is it just me or has anyone else done nothing but yelled at there kids since school has been out? Iswear I have literlly done nothing but said


    "stop it, go to your room, be quite, quit jumping around, dont wake your sister, if you wake your sister i'll......."


    And all i have heard from her is "im bored, i sont have anyone to play with, lets go somewhere, i want to swim................."

    alll of last week and today, man I am ready for school to start back already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:



    That sounds exactly like me!!! I even use those exact words!!! :lol: Of course it is "dont wake your brother" :)


    How is Lily doing???

  2. thanks for the update!! I did post to you earlier, checking on you guys. Mine just screamed himself to sllep, I am frustrated :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


    We have been to a GI and he is the one who gave us the zantac

  3. Thats just it no test have been done, and I dont understand why her DR hasnt requested them!!! I am so frustrated!! I have given her 3 oz off the goats milk and she seems alot better already she is alot more relaxed, if she continues to do well on it I will add liquid vitamins, Her daddy was on goats milk because of his bad stomach!!!



    My son had issues with formula and was on Nutramigen and our pediatrician said if the older one had issues, the baby will most likely also, so maybe Lily does have her dads stomach and the goats milk will cure it. I hope she stops crying for you soon. I know what I have been going through with mine and I can only imagine how you are feeling :)

  4. That is funny because my son is on zantac and reglan (haven't given it to him yet) and alimentum formula (that stuff is costing up $200/month) UGH

    His pediatrician said if we are brave to take him off of the formula at 4 1/2 months and go back to the cheaper stuff :wacko:


    Thanks for the PM and I will give you a ring sometime :) Today is a bad day for him :( he isn't a happy camper at allllllllllllll - I pray the day either gets better or goes fast. The only time he isn't crying is when he is sleeping and even then, sometimes he wakes up screaming but will go back to sleep :( :( :( I hate colic!!!!!

  5. Last I read on the Highway, her in laws were in town and she was doing the "enteraining" :p


    STILL? MAN, this is AFTER Easter! What's that all about? :o



    If I remember correctly, they were in town for two weeks with a four day period to go to the Carolinas...............


    Maybe that's why she was buying a case of beer and some bottles of wine :lol: :lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Last I read on the Highway, her in laws were in town and she was doing the "enteraining" :p


    STILL? MAN, this is AFTER Easter! What's that all about? :o



    If I remember correctly, they were in town for two weeks with a four day period to go to the Carolinas...............

  7. Oh and another thing..... I CANNOT STAND people who stop in their subdivision and chat with a friend that was coming the opposite direction and doesn't move once they know you are behind them or gets a 'tude if you toot your horn to let them know you are back there. If you wanna talk to them, pull over to the sides and get your lazy arse's out of the car and have the conversation! Sheeze!



    AMEN!!!! :angry: :angry:

  8. UGH I feel for you!!! I have the SAME problem except instead of 6 weeks I am down to just DAYS - NO sleep and very uncomfortable with a full term baby hanging on and not wanting out :glare: I would sit up and rub my legs when that happened to me and I would fall instantly to sleep. I haven't had the leg problems for a few weeks now. Now it is the back, bladder and abdomen. Good luck.

    I know everyone says "well you aren't going to get sleep anyhow when the baby comes" But lets just say the little bit I do get will be more relaxing than the little bit I get now. :)

  9. The second house was the model home. It is the first house in the subdivision that has the driveway. And no it hasn't improved at all in the past 2 years. The original owners kept it messy and the people living there now aren't any better in fact they are worse.



    Ok you're right, haven't been over there in two years. The first house on the right is worse than the model home.......they have coolers and plastic chairs laying all over the place in that yard and the driveway they created off the main road is from railroad ties and isn't even paved, they parked in the grass.

  10. I have no idea who this person is. But I moved away from this subdivision a few months ago because of reasons like this. I wonder if its the first house on the right...That is the one that comes to mind.


    Isn't that the house that was the model home so it not only had a drive way but it had two extra spots to park and then after all of that, they made their own driveway off the main road making for a few more parking spots??? So this house has like 7 parking spots for cars??? I used to live in this subdivision two years ago and that house is AWFUL with the junk laying around.

  11. Drop your voice to a low growl...like you are clearing your throat..and say..in that voice.....Bad dog! ..but only when you want to correct your pet....It's how the mother trains them....you'll be amazed. My guess is your pup is trying to play and thinks your child is a toy! How old is your dog?

    Oh..and the fact that your baby didn't notice it would indicate the animal is being gentle....Mouthing each other is how puppies play with each other...and here we have a new litter mate! Your dog is going to be pretty confused for a while...be patient , consistant..and remember your dog wants to please you.. I don't think I would go full guns on this...as it does appear to be more playful than aggressive behavior.


    I think it's wonderful the wayt you are thinking through this!!!!! :wub:


    I totally agree with everything said here.

  12. I think it will be ok to apply now and go this weekend. If I am not mistaken, you can't bath them within TWO days of application. I LOVE THAT STUFF, my dog had millions of fleas and I put that stuff on him and never saw another one after - really good stuff.


    ok edited for recommendations are that you don't bath two days prior to application and it CAN'T be washed off because it is absorbed into the glands.

  13. Nicole's got some problems. I think she's gone the way of the big A. Last I read (not that it was believable, but the picture was,) she weighed 88 pounds. That can't be healthy.



    Supposedly her fiance left her because she lost all her "curves" - well of course she did, she looks like a 10 year old boy now. :lol:

  14. She was also complaining that her boobs were droopy now because of all the weight loss and need reconstruction and wanted a good doctor to hear her and offer to do it for free :wacko: Obviously no one has called her :ninja: :lol:

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