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Posts posted by maltese

  1. Nevermind Osfan, I found the article. All I have to say is that those refs are LUCKY Pittsburgh won because that call could have lost it all for them. It was never more obvious who they wanted to win. :angry:

  2. It was SO SWEET seeing the Dolts lose!  :lol:


    Made my weekend. Now the NFL has come out and stated that they made a bad call, when they said the Pitts. interception was ruled an incomplete pass.


    No matter, the better team won, and Peyton can't admit he had a bad game. He tried to blame it on his "protection" .


    Grow up, Peyton.  :rolleyes:



    Where did you hear that about the NFL admitting they made a bad call? I couldn't agree more!!!


    Peyton is a sore loser. :lol:

  3. Yes popcorn is a must!!!!! It is the best popcorn ever and there is no way to walk in there with the smell of it and not get any. :lol: However we don't go to the movies that often.......the last movie we did go see was March of the Penguins if that gives you and idea of how often it is. :)

  4. I have heard all bad things BUT I must say when I had mine out I did not have one ounce of pain. It was the best sleep I had my entire life. They put me out and when I woke up it felt like 5 minutes later and I was for sure there was no way they could of had it done already but the cotton was in my mouth and fast back to sleep I went and slept for two days. I was on Darvaset (sp?) and it was like a buzz. NOT one bit of pain and no swelling at all. I had all four removed and two of them had to be cut out.

  5. everyone on here is on this guys side we'll all see if this billy bad guy does it. no wonder kids are the way they are...parents these days get on the internet and down them. Nobody that has made a smart elic comment ever disrespected anyone before excuse me for pointing that out. And the page has already been turned over to the police officer next door, so everyone with their stupid input needs to let the police deal with the rest because what everyone is saying isn't gonna make anyones kids behave including your own children.



    I normally stay out of stuff like this but I am going to say what I am thinking........


    you sound like a child - first you call the mother and then you want Pointys address and now you are printing this out for the cop next door............you sound like a big tattle tale.......everyone IS on his side, for obvious reasons.

    But I should watch what I say too cause you might tell on me too :angry:

  6. What i hate even more is when the person in front of you turns on their blinker as if they are turning when in fact the person in front of THEM is turning but they felt it necessary to let me know that by turning on their blinker!  UGH!!!!


    that makes you mad??? HMMMMMM <_<

  7. yall are tooo funny!!!!!!!!! thanks guys for the well wishes!!!!!!!!! It is Gene's (her papa's) fault that her ears will be big, my Brother in laws baby girls ears are big too, This will make 4 grand girls for them and all of them have either his ears or his blue eyes, or both.


    My sister ate the Lucky Charms when she was sick with pregnancy too.....too funny! I am 25 weeks and my problem is heartburn and low iron also. I SHOULD be taking extra iron but I eat so much dairy, the extra iron isn't really making a difference.

    Good luck to you on your pregnancy and I feel bad for you for being sick everyday......however, very much worth it ;)

    Hang in there, you are almost done :)

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