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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I agree, Drew Lane appears to be a very nice guy. Dick Donovan is a nice man with an impressive background in criminal law and in his work prior to entering the legal profession. Chad Plumley also appears to be a very nice guy. I'm sure his ties to Foster will assist him in this election. I've not fully made my decision in this race, but I know I won't be casting my vote for Drew Lane.
  2. For the record, Drew Lane did NOT personally try the Silver Comet murder case.
  3. I do not know the specifics, but Mr. Donovan has had his office in Douglas for a very long time. You may not know this, but managing a law practice with more than one office is very difficult. if he found that the majority of his clients were coming from Douglas County, it would make way more sense to simply have an office there. He's still free to practice law in any county in Georgia that he may choose.
  4. I added crushed egg shells to the holes before I added the tomato plants and haven't had a problem.
  5. Boyfriend/girlfriend statutory rape charges won't stick if the "victim" isn't willing to testify. And the majority of the time the "victim" is too "in love" to testify. parents can scream and yell ALL they want, but most of the time the arrest never even takes place, much less gets as far as the person ending up on the registry.
  6. Happy Anniversary! Have a great time!
  7. Please show where those that "met with some hostility" are the same ones unhappy with Stout. No, he does not have opposition. I only checked with Paulding reps. I truly don't have time to poll 178 additional representatives.
  8. NOT EVEN!!! He served 19 DAYS! during the session
  9. awww zoo, I haven't even got to see you preggers. well, in person anyway. glad all is going well
  10. You can sign up on the Sheriff's website to get emails when a sex offender moves within a certain radius of your home.
  11. It's not an original idea. BTW, the "adopt a mile' program was approved at this month's BOC meeting. It'll be run by the DOT. And I don't need anyone to tell me to stop and pick up the garbage someone felt necessary to litter up and down our street. Nice. -3 Since we can't rate you.
  12. I used to do kickboxing and loved it. But, it's been a while since I worked out, like not since the 10 year old was born.
  13. I'd like to try. Where is this?? What is this??
  14. We usually wait and buy these on DVD. Is this worth going to the theater for? (and risking public humiliation by crying at a cartoon? ) We usually save the theater for the special effects
  15. Cabe

    Pix from Arizona

    Great pictures, thanks for sharing. I'd love to visit AZ one day.
  16. We went last Fri night and enjoyed it. Staff is wonderful!
  17. Go NewsJunky, Go NewsJunky, Go NewsJunky, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  18. You go girl! You hit 19,500! Congrats!
  19. Probably. For the record, I did NOT have Mr. Stout's number when I started this thread. Completely unrelated, but just some info, the company that prepared Stout's mailer also lists Richardson as a client.
  20. FWIW, I agree with the majority of what you've said.
  21. Easy pardner, there's a storm a brewing.
  22. I don't think she is getting royalties from pcom.
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