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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Are there not millions of us? How is it that we are so satisfied with the way things are in regard to our freedoms? Are we not losing our collective bargaining rights, little by little? Why is it our government's business to side with corporate unions while other unions are curbed of their rights to bargain like the corporate unions do? Bargaining power is leaning toward corporations, with no way to compete for our own rights. It's like they are attempting to catch us out alone so they can gang up on us, as individuals. An individual does not stand a chance of bargaining with
  2. That's my expectations BBG47! You seem to have the same expectations I have. Are you expecting me to wake up with a pulse, or are you expecting yourself to wake up with one?
  3. My expectations are pretty low, for myself, BBG47! But, I can't live up to them. If I tried to live up to yours, no matter how low they are, I wouldn't be able to turn lose of trying to live up to my own.
  4. Prayers said, BL! I hope things turn out good, for your mom. She has a good daughter to comfort her, even if it is a long distance. Your kindness if far reaching.
  5. I am a firm believer that the only reality is what we perceive in our hearts. You and I could see the exact same think as it took place, and we would not see all of what happened in the same way. It's not what happens, but how we perceive it that counts.
  6. But, if by chance we can find something that we can agree on; it's a wonderful situation.
  7. Why this one, sugail? Is it because you, "Make no judgements where you have no compassion." -- Anne McCaffrey.
  8. I just did a mettle roof. The screws are sold at Home Depot, and they are hanging right next to the mettle roofing. I am no expert, but I noticed that the heavy rain did not come trough the roof that I installed. JJ is right about the torque that should be applied to the screws.
  9. Deregulation is not what this country needs. That is the Gadaffi way of running a country.
  10. I am with you, stbarts, but the Libya people will lose to a mean Dictator if we don't help them. Something else, from New York touched me. It is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in which 146 garment workers were killed. I watched the documentary, on TV, last evening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbDoBlUPJUg
  11. I enjoy movies, markdavd! Thanks for suggesting this one. I suppose it's a drama, from the hard to keep dry eyes thing you mentioned.
  12. That's really good, JJ! You see more good than I can. I tend to see less good, when I am hampered from doing things I want to do. When it gets to wet to plow I have to find something else to occupy myself. I wish there were more people like you, Johnny! The World would be a better place for inhabitation. You put smiles where frowns are around, and I smiled when you replied to my post. Thanks for being who you are!
  13. Some of us are asking who these people are. But, I ask not who they are, because they are dying just for speaking up for human rights. I don't care who a person is if they are standing up for the common dignity every person, on Earth, should have from any of their fellow man.
  14. Yes, JJ! It put a damper on the activity I was participating in. But, it's good for my garden spot. Did you get enough of it?
  15. stbarts, Thank you for your reply. Pubby inspired me, just a few days ago. He spoke of a win/win way to good life management. I thought his suggestion was a great way to look at any given transaction between two human beings. You spoke of Hitler. This sorry example of a human being is like any other person who believes the Golden Rule means, "do it to others before they do it to you." These people have the "I win and you lose" attitude. This attitude seems to be what caused Hitler to be a good example of the "lose-lose" attitude.
  16. I love my fellow citizens. I don't care who they are, nor where they come from, as long as they come to p.com. And, whether they come to P.com, or not, I still love them. Life is to short not to love your fellow citizens in the process. The World would be a lonely place if we didn't have our fellow citizens to love. It doesn't matter what kind of religion a person is used to, and no matter what culture has shaped a persons ways, it make no difference to me. Being human, however, doesn't make me any better than anyone else. I like to think that I do my best to be an uncommon person; one
  17. Human rights can be seriously neglected. But, human beings do rebel when they have had enough. Sometimes it takes more than 40 years for them to decide they have had enough. Gaddafi, and his family, will have no more welfare from the people of Lybia. I believe they are tired of it.
  18. Gaddafi has established an entity, and whether it's a legal entity or not it has its own privileges and liabilities, which are definitely distinct from those of its membership. Gaddafi has no liability to the people who provides for his welfare. Before the people started rebelling, against this kind of situation, Gaddafi had appreciated about a hundred and fifty billion dollars worth of asset. But, that asset is dwindling as I speak. Sometimes it is necessary to bring down a corporation that has reached a to big to fall status. I know that a big corporation, worth a hundred and fifty
  19. People need help, Teatime! Helen Keller needed the help that Anne Sullivan gave her, in a desperate way. Helen became a member of the Socialist Party of America and the Wobblies. She campaigned for women's suffrage, and worker's rights. She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. We need more deafblind people to help this country, if that is what it takes.
  20. I believe they already know anything that I would be trying to convince anyone of, markdavd! It's the people here, who our Chief Author of our Declaration of Independence has warned us about that needs convincing. He said, years ago, that ~ "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerou
  21. If I go it want be because I want to desert my fellow citizens, tfg! I know the people in Japan needs help, but my fellow citizens need more help than they do. The Japanese will be back on their feet soon enough, but the entitlement mentality in this country is pulling it down. The banks, and the corporations that have grown up around those banks are depriving the American people of all property until their children are waking up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be tak
  22. Hope is an entitlement mentality. What do you mean it should not be boycotted? It should be stopped before the entitlement mentality people gets the most benefit from it, The people who invest in it are not getting the kind of return that they should get for their investment, because the entitlement mentality people gets a lot of it.
  23. Your chances of winning the present $173 million, on the mega million jackpot will go up, if we can get the boycott underway TC!
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