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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I think the kind of arousal you are thinking of, coach, has little to do with someone's enthusiasm.
  2. Some people are reluctant to do things that has no accreditation associated with it. Even things that would help other people are kept secret until they figure how what's in it for them. They may not be paid with cash, but it's just the accreditation that pleases them. I think the less credit one gets for what he/she does, the better. That means, to me, they are not doing what they do for accreditation, but they are more likely to be doing it because they care about what they do. Food for thought! I am just thinking out loud.
  3. A most uncommon man is what it takes, BL, to reach that hierarchy. I will never make it. But, I will do my best. Thanks, for sharing that!
  4. You have not tried, today, Tt; you've done it. Get-r-done, every day, Tt!
  5. I think you do it for the humans, too, Tt! They just don't know that's what you're doing.
  6. I want to dedicate this video to our moderators. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM6wU927bR0
  7. Why, it make me feel better, Tt, just to know that you do that! Now I'm going to start doing that. I don't care what the people in the neighborhood thinks.
  8. Well, I like what you have to say with a great admiration of every word, Tt! Please don't deprive me of the marvelous thoughts inside your head!
  9. Instead of walking off frustration; I'm going start riding it off.
  10. I'm glad you saw the light, HR! Pleasing other people takes too much energy away from your own self worth. A valuable person has taken care of hem/her self, and has reach a hierarchy that allows them to better help others.
  11. I know what you're saying, HR! I have to whisper to myself, sometimes, to keep people from thinking I'm crazy.
  12. Those pictures have a product mask, BL! You will not be able to post those. I could be wrong. I just know I can't do it either.
  13. There you are again, Johnny! You the man, Sir!
  14. I like horse play (humor type) as good anyone else does. But, when horse play (humor type) gets out of hand we should refrain from continuing to pretend we are playing a game, just to poison the atmosphere around us. I am not perfect, myself, so I am not talking to everyone else but myself. My reasoning is to create thought about what we are doing to an otherwise healthy atmosphere when we pretend we are involved in horse play (humor type) game, when we are very upset. I have found myself having to get up from my computer for the purpose of taking a hike through the neighbor, while wa
  15. I likem all. I have encoumnteredem all. They all have a hard row to how. Not just P.com, but the World is a better place because our moderators are in here with us.
  16. The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. Nobody deserves any more appreciation and encouragement, on P.com, than our moderators do. I don't just know this from seeing what goes on, but I also know it from research. Being anxious to praise, while being reluctant to find fault, is something I learned from Mr. Charles Schwab. Not because I knew him personally, but because I know one of his famous quotes. “I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by
  17. Thanks for those words, Johnny! I have been shot with some armor piercing bullets, in the past. I am like you regarding the attitude associate with the steal mettle jackets I have experienced through the years. They felt cold and hard as they went in, but as I laid thinking about what happened I began to understand the necessity of the occurrence. Thanks, Johnny for being a reasonable, and understanding man!
  18. I understand, that PUBBY! And I agree. But, I was just seeing one thing that can be hidden from necessary view, which does not include the ugly activity that went on behind the scene, and it's not on P.com that I saw this. Information about a woman being brutally assaulted was censored to the point of the attackers having the opportunity to sue the victim. I don't wish to complain about the very reasonable way you handle things, but I am just sharing my idea that no matter what the circumstances we all need to think about what may be may be hidden in the 50% of things that are
  19. But, it could also be a way to hang onto things where a little good advice would help change obsolete behavior. I think people who don't talk to themselves are missing some informative information. The things we have learned about life needs to be discussed. If we don't talk to ourself, it seems to me that the things we learn throughout life are of less value to us than they are if we have a big discussion with ourselves about those things. Some people may think I have slid down a banister and I have had a serious crack up. Well, maybe I have, but I do talk to myself more than I talk
  20. Thinking is more important than is sometimes considered to be. Just going out into the World without thinking is a dangerous thing. A reasonable person is going to think about things that he/she encounters in this World. I am a firm believer in using learned skills in everything we do. Doing what we are good at, is not only what we should be doing, but if we are good at it, it is what we need to be doing. Some people get a little upset with me, when I start speaking, and I don't wish to be a burden to anyone. I like to think being an Ann Sullivan, who Helen Keller absolutely hated at
  21. I know that censorship is a necessary thing when we go out in public, and when we go onto a public website. There are police, who do a very difficult duty, for the citizens of this land. We cannot live safely, in a society, without our wonderful police officers. So, I figure about 50% of the words that could be said to others are cut out. I have been a construction worker all my like, in one way or another. I know, from way back, and up close too, the words that are said out on a construction site. Some of them are not very pretty, but I can learn more about a man through this kind of inte
  22. Appreciation can make a day - even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. (Quote by - Margaret Cousins) I appreciate the kind of, sometimes frustration, work that is done by P.com's moderators. I hear them get cut down, by some of the World's best cut down artist's, while they continue to do what is necessary to make P.com the best website this side of the Mississippi River, and even Worldwide, imo. Life can be seen through your eyes but it is not fully appreciated until it is seen through your heart. (Quote by - Mary Xavier) My heart go
  23. I'll tell you what, though, Tt! It's a shame that a person with your understanding of life does not share these wonderful secretes with the World outside. But, whether you share your secrets, or not, the World is a better place just because you are one of its inhabitants. The thing in, though, that you just did share some of those wonderful secrets in a chosen context, which allowed you to be expressive.
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