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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. If you have a small, local, trash service take good care of them. Big businesses, like Wast Management, don't care about you, they just want your money. Some people don't give a damn, though, what fools pick up their trash.
  2. I'm just glad you know, juleebella! Above everything you can do the whole Country is getting worse. I think you are like me, and have met the EVIL 8. They are out there, and I try to stay prepared. The same people who hate Dr. Phil, hate me. https://youtu.be/FewUX7pIhC0
  3. There are still ways, and means, for people fed up with the technology that brings people ever closer together. Consider all the land that is still undeveloped in this country. We can still adapt, with an off the grid home. THE LOST WAYS http://www.lostways.org/vsl/index_adw.php?r=6434&tid=main_med_adw_thelostways&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8J-fvMae2gIVD3_BCh3sWAtyEAEYASAAEgInh_D_BwE&split=131
  4. These sons of rebel descendants, CC, are smart enough to still reside in the vicinity of the Hell Hole where Americans tried to dispose of them.
  5. I have always took people seriously, even in the 1940's. I took people seriously when they thought they were better than segregated people.
  6. I carry my bar around with me, G D! Come join me. You'll like it
  7. Yes, G D! Every time I read a story you post, there are about 10 acres of yarn in it.
  8. Your yarn, I mean yard, is really long too, G D!
  9. Former 'Playboy' Model Spills Details Of Alleged Affair: Trump 'Tried To Pay Me' Karen McDougal's CNN interview: Former Playboy model says Trump ...
  10. It's like the police officer who takes bribes. There's a lot of meat-eaters and grass-eaters out there, and police officers are only a few of those people. The Knapp Commission, which investigated corruption in the New York City Police Department in the early 1970s, divided corrupt officers into two types: meat-eaters, who "aggressively misuse their police powers for personal gain", and grass-eaters, who "simply accept the payoffs that the happenstances of police work throw their way." Police corruption - Wikipedia
  11. The subjugation of women is as old as history itself. As a brother of too sisters I appreciated the love and respect I got, and although they needed no protection I would have fought for them against any odds. I still love all the women in my life, and understand that they treat me better, on the average, than men.
  12. I think there are a lot of Russian sympathizers around here. Russians don't like you guys, so why do you like them? Look what they did in Berlin, where your Aryan brothers were treated so bad after the Russians invaded that city.
  13. She's an American, E Z, not a Rebel. There's still a lot of Rebels around here, who turned their backs on America. William Sherman was too soft on the traders. He should have killed them all.
  14. She may not be there in person, but she will be there, much like Jesus Christ will be. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/donald-trump-a-playboy-model-and-a-system-for-concealing-infidelity-national-enquirer-karen-mcdougal Trump is big on steak and mashed potatoes.
  15. Trump had better keep his gun it its holster. Playboy bunnies are not Easter bunnies. If he wants to shoot a rabbit he had better stay home with his wife.
  16. Conservatives don't know fake news from Trumps Twitter News.
  17. Students, are you going to sit idly by when the march starts, again? I'll tell you what; your dog will look down when he's done something wrong, but if a snake looks you in the eye, he had better not be with you, because that snake would get bit.
  18. Trump's bunny won't be the same this Easter. He's getting more like Putin every day. He's getting his mind on something else. https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/02/16/donald-trump-also-hooked-up-with-a-playboy-playmate-during-that-wild-lake-tahoe-weekend-ronan-farrow-reports/ Conservative women voted for him, and he's beginning to see his mistake in going for the more liberal woman.
  19. Putin and Trump are both an American conservatives man type, and it's in that order. Putin is their number one man, and Trump is their number two man. There are also a lot of other men they like.
  20. You just hit the nail right on the head, Pubby! Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who would rather have Putin as the U.S. President than even Donald Trump! They like his bullying power.
  21. Putin has some worse stuff than that to do, Pubby! I think the candidate who ran against him will be treated much worse than Hillary Clinton was. Trump knows some of the same strategies used by Putin, however, in Russia! In Russia you have to refuse to answer questions about Putin just like refusing to answer questions about Russian medeling right here in America. https://themoscowtimes.com/news/election-observers-condemn-local-vote-16483
  22. I hope the kids who protested will not be intimidated by the threats from adults who use intimidation as a tool to keep student protest from happening, sense the adults want to sweep their part of any [protest under a rug. Kids, you know how your dog will look down after he has done something wrong. Well a snake (teacher) will look you right in the eye.
  23. When Americans become more tea colored there will be smaller whitopia communities. Maybe they will be called whitopia compounds.
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