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Everything posted by pins4me2

  1. They are the best! They have built a solid reputation in this community based on excellent service. yep and then there is looking at that big fine young man laying in my kitchen floor all dirty.... they have been my only appliance repair for many yrs, because they are honest, quick, polite, professional, and efficient too. oh yeah and purdy.
  2. OMG Alabama is just the place to go and have free fun!!! They don't need a budget to get a smile on their face. Oh yeah we would all go and contribute. In this age of no funding for entertainment, Alabama has it by a landslide. I bet 5000 or so people showed up for that because they had a gimmick, and it didn't cost much to go out for the day to laugh and smile a lot. If you have ever been to Mobile, there is a wierd festival almost every single wknd. They do know how to keep their chins up in economic strife.
  3. OH MAN! At my other home in Mobile, AL. , I learned quickly how to pick out a racist. They always start the conversation as such: Well I am not a racist, BUT, those people....... Too dang funny. It is very racist and old school in Mobile. Racism is very ground in on both sides, and neither side wishes it any different. Just how do you combat that?
  4. If you ever visit the beautiful state of Florida, there are these cagers there that we call blueheads. They wait until some biker comes along, for hours i think, at a store parking lot exit. All you can see is a little fuzz of blue hair, and some knuckles on the steering wheel. Their strategy is to put themselves out of their misery, and take some biker trash off the planet at the same time. Stay on the interstate in FL.
  5. I strongly suspect powerpoint and bs have a lot of the plot in this story. just a hunch.
  6. oh yeah get on that soap box babe. bikers in traffic always and i mean always tick me off. Those pricks are on a motorcycle and i am not. grrrr arrrrg. yep that always gets my goat! get a fcn life. stop hating and start living.
  7. well here is my horror story about this topic. i'll make it short. My sister was blessed with twins back in the early 80's. she had a son that was 4 yrs older than them. She left the kids all in the car while it was running to keep them warm with the heater on in the winter. She was in the store talking to a friend for longer than she should have, and in the meantime, the kids, not smelling the noxious fumes from the leaking exhaust system, almost died. She came out to her car to find them all blue, incoherent, and foaming at the mouth. Those kids as it turned out were within minutes fro
  8. I lost my dad 2.5 yrs ago, and there were many very sweet pcommers there who not only saw his accident, and sat in the traffic, and saw him cut out and airlifted, but also loaned me emotional support on this here forum. I wasn't there when the accident happened, but i logged on to Pcom the next morning after he died, after a nite of hell, and found out every single thing that i did or did not want to know. Better informed, as i look back, than uninformed. The love and support absolutely helped me to face another day at the time. that was a heartwrenching wee
  9. check out pigeon mountain on the top border of Ga. You will find glacial boulders that look like dinosaurs sleeping. It is very high up and also has a lot of caves lower for the more experienced equipped folk. there are many miles of hiking trails. you will be a very tired pup when you get home. pack a picnic. drive something that will make it up the steep roads. it was so much more fun than helen, that we have been up there 4 times since we have been to helen. you have to see the rocks...... gotta.... you cannot even explain them. gotta see them. the are ON TOP of the mountain....
  10. my uncle clarence briggs got 2 purple hearts and is buried in french soil. respectfully. sending up prayers for your whole family and you. he must have been quite a man that i would have liked to have met. God bless you and yours. i know how it feels to miss a person real bad. struggling thru depression about dad still, a month later.... i found the old war dept letters about his brother clarence last wk, i cried more.... thought i was done crying, i was crying for 2 guys then.. i hope they are finally able to swap stories after so long..... i need a plumbing check for all the leak
  11. i was asking myself the same thing... um, maybe hijacked? i didn't think the post had anything to do with that. but you ignoring everyone for a while there and keeping them in suspense...,,, that does not sit well with pcommers. we need the up to date info even before it happens dammit.
  12. yep, 'something about mary' immediately sprang to mind!!! ouchie i can just see the emt's going, 'WE GOT A BLEEDER!"
  13. no, just wishful thinking that less congestion would cause less accidents, and break the chain of almost daily fatal accidents.... it wasn't a literal thing.......
  14. oh my gosh.... so so very sorry. she was the same age as my dad, and he lived on hiram sudie. i hate this. will everyone please stay in your house and off the roads for the next 2 wks or so???..... yeah i know,.. .... but the losses have been devastating lately due to vehicle accidents. i just want everyone to be safe and not have to feel like this. i am praying very hard for everyone, that God will send angels to surround their vehicles.
  15. i remember a couple yrs back i was standing in the kitchen, and it felt like a jet made a sonic boom. the windows rattled, and there was a dull rumbling noise like thunder. i found out later that day that we actually had a little earthquake here in paulding and villa rica area. i was quite surprised by that. i didn't know that we were succeptible to them in this part of the u.s.
  16. oh my gosh, how incredibly sad, i will say some prayers for the whole family. i hope they will come through this and find cheer again somehow.
  17. YAY!!!! chalk one up for the good guys!!!! Thank you Cobb officer whoever you are, we lubs ya. you just THOUGHT it was time for supper.
  18. i remember when paulding county was 75% dirt roads, most of the residents were cattle, and the biggest crimes were people doing donuts, and loitering at dallas plaza. what is the world coming to.... welcome to the suburb of atlanta. phooey
  19. thank the good LORD!!!!! i was just about to hop in the jeep and go hunt for him too.....
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