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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. good luck!

    I was induced and it still took 2 and a half days to deliver. Doc was really hell-bent on me having her naturally for some reason. lol.. everytime the nurse would threaten C section I kept yelling "well do it already!"

    Went in and induced on Wednesday morning and had her Friday morning at 2:08am! (halloween of 03!)

    but then again, she was my first, so there's that... there's no telling with each baby.. but none of the meds I had (epidural,pitocin, etc) hurt her at all! Don't worry about things you shouldn't! enjoy yourself and I hope baby and mama are healthy and happy :)




  2. well, she's almost 2.. she's 20 months and 3 weeks and 6 days. lol.. she'll be 22 months on saturday, to be exact. She's just getting her I teeth, and I hear those are the worst..

    Unfortunately, per her doctor, its a bug.. with all her symptoms.. so I'm doing the popsicles and bananas and pedialyte and rice thing that she suggested.

    and she looooves frozen bananas.. though I barely get them cold enough before she's yelling for one. lol

    she's down for a nap now. I'm hoping she'll sleep a while. She got up at 5:30, went back to sleep (with some coaxing from me) at about 7 - 10, and now the trauma of the doctor has just wiped her out.. not to mention just being sick and cranky.



    thanks for the words of encouragement. :)

  3. I called, but I got a fax machine! lol


    Molly's ok.. she's got a virus though :( poor baby. I feel so bad for her...

    so, after 10 bucks in quarters later, and then another 6 in change at walmart, she's been seen, and has walmart brand pedialyte. It better work.

  4. woke up at 5:30 with a harried hubby screaming "HUNNY come quick! Molly's had a blow out!" and then spend the next hour helping him bathe, strip, and debate on burning all items involved. She's been doing this all week, so now I have to count change to find the copay to have her seen at her doctor today. To probably have them tell me "its teething, get over it and get some tylenol and pedialyte" which I dont have the money for now because of previous copay. For now, she's drinking water with lemon juice in it, just to keep her hydrated. (she won't drink straight water.)


    So, on a completely other note, we were in an accident back in march, and the person who started the entire wrecks' insurance company (I'll save their name to protect their ignorance) knows we have a lawyer. Yet they keep calling and conveniently "forgetting" we have a lawyer.. even though they talked to him last WEEK about it. They sent me papers to authorize release of medical records to THEM about the claim.. uh.. no deal there buddy. We call our lawyer, who is the nicest, calmest lawyer I've ever known, told him what they sent us, and he got MAD. LIke... yelling cussing mad. Wow, we've managed to irk HIM. This can't be good... So, this morning, my hubby gets a call on the cell phone (because the jerk claimo guy knows better to try and call me, he's gotten an ear full o' evil from me already) and says he wants to talk to HIM about the claim.. Chris tells him he needs to call our lawyer.. Claimo the magnificent forgets AGAIN that we have a lawyer.. which Chris lays into him about.. in polite terms... Bullplop you dont know we have a laywer, youve talked to him twice, once last WEEK. and then promptly hangs up on him.


    I feel like sending this guy a box load of Molly's diapers from the week. See how he likes THEM apples..


    SO someone give me a mantra... HELP.

    I'm going nutso.(er.)

    Sorry for the icky vent. hope no one was eating. LOLOL



  5. I Like "lay it on the line" because the other ones seem to just be singling us out as being "girls." No real need for that... we've got all kinds of important things to say, regardless of what sex we are.

    The others seem kind of putting us in a sexist light even if they are humorous or made up by us :)

    Just my opinion.

  6. Ive never seen my ice cream man stop for anyone. I swear he's a disgruntled outted Nascar driver.. he flllllllies down the street at 40 mph (the speed limit is 25 people!) at around 8:30-8:45PM and just rings his bell like he's going to a fire instead of selling ice cream.

    So I wouldn't know if he's trying to scam people or not. He doesn't even turn down any of the side roads that I'm aware of.

  7. not quite insomnia, but I was woke 3 hours early to a very harried, "HUNNY! Molly's (my daughter) had a blow out! its everywhere! I need help!!" which included a total strip down of clothes, bed, sheets, all toys that were affected, the crib itself, and a complete bathing of the girl...

    Yay for the I teeth coming in.... ::::SIGH:::: this just started last week. I Hope this ends soon.

    now she's more interested in Boobah than calming down and going back to sleeep.. ::cries::

  8. LOL I like the theme song..

    or how 'bout that early 90's song "I'm a B!tch" by Meredith Brooks

    that'd be good too.. if we didn't have to BEEEEP out the word every 20 seconds. LOL



    I hate the world today

    You're so good to me

    I know but I can't change

    Tried to tell you

    But you look at me like maybe

    I'm an angel underneath

    Innocent and sweet


    Yesterday I cried

    Must have been relieved to see

    The softer side

    I can understand how you'd be so confused

    I don't envy you

    I'm a little bit of everything

    All rolled into one



    I'm a b*tch, I'm a lover

    I'm a child, I'm a mother

    I'm a sinner, I'm a saint

    I do not feel ashamed

    I'm your hell, I'm your dream

    I'm nothing in between

    You know you wouldn't want it any other way


    So take me as I am

    This may mean

    You'll have to be a stronger man

    Rest assured that

    When I start to make you nervous

    And I'm going to extremes

    Tomorrow I will change

    And today won't mean a thing




    Just when you think, you got me figured out

    The season's already changing

    I think it's cool, you do what you do

    And don't try to save me




    I'm a b*tch, I'm a tease

    I'm a goddess on my knees

    When you hurt, when you suffer

    I'm your angel undercover

    I've been numb, I'm revived

    Can't say I'm not alive

    You know I wouldn't want it any other way

  9. I think it's one way of viewing elements of the Christian faith. Personally, I can see the Mary tie in much stronger to the "Great Mother Goddess" than I can truly see it where Jesus is concerned. If anything he's more akin to the other "dying and ressurrecting" Gods, such as Osiris, Adonis, and Mithras, to name a few.


    A dear friend of mine who is a monk at the monastery in Conyers gave me a beautiful statue of Mary when I was pregnant with my son, telling me, "You know, the Goddess by any other name is still the Goddess."  He's one cool monk.  :wub:  I still have the statue and cherish it -- yes, she is the Great Goddess, Mother of All, in that respect to me... but she is not a deity I work with in particular, Mary that is.


    Here's an interesting essay on Mary: It's called "Mother Mary and the Goddess"



    This article is fascinating!!

    ok, possible shift in convo, but still rather related:

    I've always thought of Christianity (ok,Catholics in general) to have adapted SO much information from the Pagan ways to make it more appealing, or to make the adjustment from one to the other not so hard... as if to say the same as the monk... the names are changed, but the meaning is the same.

    I'm sure you've either read or at least heard of the DaVinci Code... I'm *so* fascinated by this subject of symbiology (spelling?) and the connections between the stories... When I read that particular book, even though it is a "novel" everything just clicked to me. Everything just kind of went "ahHAH.. I thought the same thing!!" lol... Now I'm just waiting for Santa to get the Reference type copies from BJ's that have the pictures he's talking about at the same time, so I won't have to read that book with the laptop handy so that I can websurf the information while I'm reaading. heheh... ::pens letter to Santa::

  10. Bush's "war on terror" gameplan has changed recently.


    Here is the new plan...



    The latest plan to defeat the terrorists is to send in a team of


    Special Forces.



    Billy Bob, Billy Joe, Billy Ray, Bubba, Boo Boo, Scooter, Slick, Bucky





    are being sent in with their 1968 Ford four wheel drive pickup trucks.

    They will be



    given only the following information about the enemy:




    1. There is no limit.



    2. The season opened last weekend.



    3. They taste like chicken.



    4. They don't like women, beer, pickup trucks, country music,


    or Jesus.



    5. They were responsible for Dale Earnhardt's death.






    Should be over in about a week





  11. I know...I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking...I really enjoy my job, but there are days when I wish we could live off of one income...


    only a week left of summer vacation... :(

    oh I hear ya..

    We're doing the one income thing right now, and I'm about to start working part time soon. (at the new yoga place, yay!) and its' both happy and sad. I know we need the extra cash to pay for the bills, but I wish it weren't so darn expensive just to live sometimes, and I could stay home with my girl longer... I guess that's where my daydreaming comes in, lol.

  12. While I agree that the big guys have an advantage over the small ones, the simple fact is we don't live in a Norman Rockwell America any more--be that good or bad.  I think it's a bit naive to think that people can just adjust their schedules to accomodate the stores.  For instance, during the times of which you speak, most families were single income.  The "stay at home wife/mother" could go and shop during normal business hours; however, that is not necessarily the case.  By the time I get home from work, finish shlepping the kids to all of their after school activities, and finally get a chance to run errands it is often after 8:00 or even later.  Are you suggesting that I call in sick to work once a week in order to do my shopping?  Weekends are just not long enough.

    I'm afraid you were right when you said it was just a daydream...


    OH absolutely it's a daydream. In a perfect world we'd have tons of time to do stuff we needed to on the weekends. No, I"m not suggesting anything to anyone. I'm just speaking my mind.

  13. People are always complaining about Wal*Marts and Home Depots killing off of mom-and-pop retailers.


    The trouble is in my experience, most of them were closed when I was able to go to them. A store that closes at 6:00 in the evening is no good to most in the county.


    If it's not the hours, it's the fact that mom and pop want to retire, but their kids have no interest in running things.


    Small town centers - You mean like the buildings in downtown Dallas or Hiram that look like they're going to fall down?


    Unfortunately, when you're running your own business you can't afford to have lots of help, and you can't conceivably work until the wee hours of the morning by yourself.... hence closing at earlier hours. They have very little help and have personal lives as well..

    Having lived in very small towns and even being in Europe within the last 5 years, it is still very common that cities will close up completely after dark. It took me 2 hours to find a Burger King in Scotland that was open past 8Pm.

    It's been pushed into being the American Way to have the convenience of having everything you could need or want at 24/7, and some "mom and pops' can't keep up with the big leagues because of walmarts and targets who can employ 500 people and have them around the clock.

    I think its kind of sad.

    Personally, I think we might be a little better off from a personal and working standpoint if the states returned to "pulling in the carpet" around dark. We wouldn't be so over worked, over tired, we could be with our families without guilt from an employer and we wouldn't have such a need for a pack of ice cream drumsticks at 11pm. :) if you know the store hours, you'll adapt your shopping. Then there wouldnt be such a need for all the gas getting back and forth to shop, back and forth to work, and everyone could just breathe a little easier, figuratively and literally... it used to work...


    ::: goes back to daydreaming :::


    lol just my .02


    b. :D

  14. I want to thank all of you on paulding.com for all your prayers during this time for our family.  i was telling my husband tonite how many people have been praying for us and about all the replies to my postings here.  this has been a trying time for our family.  my daughter has been spending alot of time away from me at my mom's and at a friends house.  i really miss her.  everyone has taken such good care of me and her.  i will probably take up the offers of the cassaroles.  will post again soon.  he didn't get to come home today, might be wednesday.  love, melissa


    We'll keep you in our thoughts..


    have casserole will travel ;)







    I have 2 stepsons whose biological mother is TOTALLY absent from their lives.  However, my husband and I have been getting bills in the boys names from different places- mostly utilities.  Their biological mother is using their names to set up accounts.  We know this for a fact because this is one of the reasons my husband divorced her- in addition to the fact she walked out when the youngest was 1.  The collection calls and letters started when our boys were about 4 and 18 months.  They are now 13 and 10 and we are still getting them and collection calls for them too.  We are constantly having to try to keep this stuff off of their credit record.  What should we do?  This has to be against the law.  The main problem is that we do not know where their mom is.  We have not had any contact with her verbally or in writing for over 5 years.  HELP!  We have to put a stop to this. :angry:  :angry: :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


    It might be possible to contact Equifax and the other Credit Reporting agencies to put a "safe" word that has to be used before any credit is given to anyone. My sister has had to do this..It means they would have to call and verify the credit applicaiton with the person before extending any credit. I dont know, however, how this would be useful if she's trying to get utilities. It may kick her application out as declined, or needs more information. i would just be sure it was a word she couldn't ever find out.

    It will at least keep her from obtaining credit cards or loans.

    My husbands' mother did this to him when he was young. It took him well into his adult life to get it straightened out. :(

    To answer your question, I dont know if calling the police would help - but they could at least give you advice if you called?


    I"m so sorry to hear this is happening to you and yours.

    Good Luck.


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