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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. I was on WIC twice -- never got a voucher for potatoes.
  2. Same here! We have a laundry chute too. I shove it down into the garage. Then it's out of sight, out of mind. Which means I do laundry when we're wearing really weird stuff going, "where'd all my clothes go?" DH will wash it, I put it away.
  3. More power to you! And thanks. I appreciate it
  4. There's nothing wrong with reading a bunch! I don't care what it is
  5. Don't know about Jack Reacher, but I'm a romance author.
  6. Yep. I get paid to lie.
  7. Morrissey wished you an unhappy birthday but not me. Happy Birthday, Britaini!
  8. YES. LOL I picked up paper plates... burritos, cheese, and a bunch of other crap...
  9. You say... "I gotta go to the store for cat food and paper towels" or something like that... and then come home like 40 bucks lighter and still forgot... paper towels and cat food? :disbelief:
  10. I love this site, but the train run thing makes me crazy.
  11. pbskids.org and nickjr.com are the faves here.
  12. My kids don't let snacks last long around here, so I don't have to worry about them! I'm slowly replacing them with healthier choices. Unrelated: I just got home from a dr's appointment and he told me to stay away from diet drinks. I may cry. I lurve me some diet cherry dr. pepper.
  13. Strangely enough, they do! Materials wear down (plastic in a hot car, anyone?) and standards of 'safety' change. Maybe take the cover and straps off it and pitch them separately so no one will use it - or see if one of the recyclers can dispose of it.
  14. Red Top Mountain? I saw a wedding at Sweetwater Creek State Park two weekends ago - overlooking the lake. It was really pretty.
  15. or the tented kilt? (we're going to get thrown into the tonk and I can't play in there. LOL)
  16. I soooo want them to make a ladies version of that place! Bring on the kilted men!
  17. I did a guest bloggy thing about guys in kilts on the pop culture divas site... and there's a book giveaway too, if you comment you can enter to win. Not selling anything, not advertising anything other than a chance to win. Thought I'd pass the info along since the time is winding down on entry.
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