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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. The ones you could bite and they'd turn to dust?? They have them at the Sweet Spot at Town Center Mall. They're HUGE! lol My favorite
  2. Labyrinth! Princess Bride!
  3. Same here. We pay $32 for internet and basic cable. I think the internet will go up next year but we'll negotiate that in February.
  4. My parents rarely said it but I never doubted it. When they did say it, it seemed uncomfortable to say it back. I guess that's the oddity of being young. Now I say it to everybody. My kids randomly say it to me and hubs, and I randomly say it to them.
  5. Thanks. I'm doing in home treatment with the help of the vet's office.
  6. Yes. And my new dog that I got last Friday has parvo. just. damn.
  7. You owe me a new keyboard.
  8. I thought those parts weren't for sharing.
  9. I lol'd looking at the face of the fishy in "some parts are not for sharing"
  10. Speaking of audio books - The parents/childrens' book "Go the F*ck to Sleep" has been put to audio... I kid you not - narrated by Samuel L. Jackson.
  11. Or drink the glass of wine and you won't care.
  12. My daughter hates burgers. But she wants a happy meal. I have to go inside and ask for this. And it's like they don't know how to cope with JUST CHEESE on a bun. I want a cheeseburger happy meal, plain, with no meat. No meat? No meat. Just cheese and bread. "THIS LADY DOESNT WANT MEEEEAT." NO MEAT? omg NO meat! There's only been one McD's (crossroads) that has been like.. oh yeah she wants a cheese sammich.. It's not that difficult. lol
  13. I lived nearby (in Cherokee) for a few years and never made it to Ghost Town. I feel bad now. lol
  14. They are hung up in bankruptcy My link
  15. Yes!! There was a stop at the Chattanooga ChooChoo for the freebie ride. So awesome. We also took a night time carriage ride through the city. It was the best part of my weekend. It's amazing to see such bright stars while still inside the city itself. Made me want to move.
  16. LOL they're imaginative for sure. I have a friend in Michigan who's derby name is Meow Ka-Pow and my friend here in Atlanta's name was Shell Shocker. I'm not that good with names like that. I'd have something lame.
  17. One of my best friends is a retired Denim Demon! Have fun!!
  18. Guadalajara Mexican Grill on Thomas dr. (leave it to me to find the Mexican place in another state. lol) It's a typical place with typical prices.
  19. I'd suggest Subby for your lawn. I have nothing for the other questions Good luck!
  20. ooooh is that the riverboat? We didn't get to do that last time. We're going to try to get there this summer.
  21. Yeah, now I don't feel so bad about having a weedy yard. The beeees!
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