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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Ok so how about this for an idea...If one is convicted of CHILD MOLESTATION in particular, when they do get released (we know that they always do) they should be required to join the armed forces and go to the most dangerous area we are in. Why send our good men and women to Iraq to deal with the nutballs? Why not require that these "people" earn their way back into society?


    You know, we all take our citizenship for granted. Maybe we should take a stand on who we allow to continue to be a citizen here. For instance, let's say Joe Blow is convicted of child molestation twice. On the second go 'round, he does his time and when released, he must be deported. To where is not our concern. Maybe North Korea would be a good start. This would take some of the burden off the schools and put it on the individual. If they pulled this junk somewhere else, they'd be killed, probably in a public forum.


    He would no longer have the priviledge of living among us. We could force him to do his time with as much rehabilitation that we can get into him just in case the deportation isn't successful &/or as a courtesy to the country receiving him. At least he would not live comfortably in our society if he somehow made his way back. What about the children of the country they move to? Well, most countries are nowhere near as tolerent as ours. I'd say they would be walking a thin line between life and death in most OTHER countries from the get-go.


    We're all about giving someone a second chance or considering the possibility that they were wrongly convicted. On the second go around we should have no patience. Not where our children are concerned. I'm sorry. I, for one, am not willing to put one single child at risk for a repeat child molester's freedom. Our children are a much higher priority than the concerns for someone who chooses that lifestyle. I am aware that a step like that would affect their family as well. Again, priority still lies with the safety of our children, even if it were my family member being deported.


    These are not perfect solutions but in my eyes they are better than what is in place now. I'm not sure if these guys had more than one conviction in this case but there are plenty that do. :angry: :angry2:



  2. I harvested a LOT of seeds from my garden last year. I'm late getting them into soil so we'll see. I have Cleome, white, purple and pink, I think. Harvested seeds from canas but I think they just multiply massively from the bulb. Also have a TON of marigold seeds. Anyone have luck growing these from seed?


    I have zero experience and basically have a black thumb. Last summer I was determined and grew a beautiful garden out front. Too bad I never got around to taking a picture of it. Now it's just heresay :lol:


    Does anyone know someone reliable to clear a lot of trees, maybe till and grade in a backyard? We've sat and looked at this yard for 10 years now. After last year's success I'm feeling brave. We don't have a ton of $ for it so it's probably unatainable.


    I'd love to go ahead and at least clear as much as possible so that we can fence the remainder of the yard this summer. The dane and lab are pushing for the use of the whole yard. :blush: Hey, maybe they could till the yard. They "tilled" the most recent planting area....LOL. I let them have fun, then blocked it off and planted flowers. I bet they're cussin' me!

  3. Black Lab mix female, 4 months old, smiles! You have to see this dog grin. #1580B. She came in with a Pomeranian, and of course that got adopted and she's still there. :(


    Okay, a round of applause for the dog at the four way stop! He got adopted today !!!!!!


    Hooray for BB/Hillshire/Joey! We've been trying to get our dogs up there to see if they would get along with him. He's so wonderful. Now we can rest easy, assuming he has a great home this time.


    Does anyone know who adopted him?


    P.S. Get rid of those "berries", would ya? :blush:

  4. First, let me say that I agree that lethal injection is a much more humane way to perform euthanasia, and I fully support the banning of gas chambers in this COUNTRY, not just this state.


    However, these same questions crossed my mind, Cake. How was he a 'neighborhood dog'? Was he allowed to run loose frequently? Clearly she was in violation of the leash law. Was he wearing a collar with tags? How about a microchip? Was he up to date on Rabies? These are 3 tools the animal control officers could have used to locate the owner. I do not think they would euthanize a dog if they had any way of reaching the owner to tell them of the dog's condition. And how long was he at the shelter before they put him down? Was he suffering horribly and injured beyond repair? If so, even though the gas chamber death is not ideal, isn't it preferable to having him suffer until his 72 hours were up? Which suffering do you think the worst?


    Why isn't she (as the owner) being held responsible for the proper care and protection of this dog?


    I would like to hear Animal Control's side of this story.


    I agree. However, her suit is bringing to light the fact that these animals are still being gassed. Most of the public was not aware of this, myself included. Her suit may be frivolous..sp? Just glad this is being brought to light, even if the gassing was a "best scenerio" for the dog mentioned.


    Anyone know how it went today?

  5. WE are also moving to the country (polk cty). We were told to cut the yard, trim bushes, keep leaves blown away, and plant small flowers. They said to declutter the house. They said that the entrance needed to be cleaned and for us to get something to put an aroma in the house. Turn on all lights when we know someones coming over. Play soft music when they come over. Open blinds. Do not have appliances running when they come over because it could be destracting. Oil squeaky doors, replace burn out bulbs, clean window, repair leaking taps and cracked plaster, clean fridge, stove, washer, dryer, furnace, and bathrooms. Polish door hardware, keep pets outdoor,make closets neat and tidy and store excess furniture. I hope this helps. It gave us some ideas that we didn't think off.


    These are all great suggestions. When people look through your home they need to stay focused on falling in love with it. I don't care what folks say. In most cases the purchase is emotional. Buyers need to feel tranquil and at home. Little things that mattered to them before can fall by the wayside if they "feel" like they're home (ex. less closet space than another home, ect.) If you can bake bread as often as possible, especially on weekends when people are more likely to show, that seems to help.


    By the way, most purchasers know the tricks, too. Funny thing is...it still works. Curb appeal is probably the most important of all. It sets the first impression before the buyers even set foot in the house. Not sure what your situation/location is like but that's pretty much a given anywhere.


    If you list with an agent you will sell MUCH faster. I'm an agent but mostly just do new home construction. I'd be happy to give you as much info as possible (free of charge). I homeschool also so you'd have to be a little bit patient with me for the free advice ^_^ and I can even get you in touch with some amazing resale agents. Feel free to pm me with questions and I'll do everything I can with my time constraints.


    The best thing we did was rent a storage facility to contain anything other than the minimal furniture and decorations. I think that made a huge difference for us, being clutter bugs! It sure helped come time to move, too. We just kept the storage place a little longer and moved that stuff last.


    Last thing....if you're to the country, could you take us with you?

    Good luck~!

  6. I took this picture of the stop sign dog, but I need to get a better one. Let's pray somebody takes this sweet boy!



    Alright, guys, do we have any takers? He is such a sweetheart. He's a smart little bugger, too. He immediately put his paw through the space between the gate and the fence, curled his paw around the gate and tried to pull it open. He knew exactly what he was doing! He seems to have such an intelligent soul. I can't believe someone could give him up, even if he does have "berries" :blush: .

  7. Well there is another post on craigslist about toughening the laws in Georgia related to animal abuse. The poster said they were filming a documentary and putting it on a rescue website. I told them to contact the media, maybe Fox 5, so people know about it. We need to change the laws in Georgia. People need to be accountable to what they do to animals!


    Sign me up!!

  8. I think Dr. Judy is a guy. I've heard that he's very reasonable.


    We go to Dr. Julie Lugar. She's wonderful. 770-505-7387

    She's pretty cautious about things. None of the vets are cheap, by any means. But we happen to know that Dr. Julie is great.

  9. The man is just covering up for not carrying out the law. I think it's time someone is put in that position who upholds the laws and maintains the department with some dignity and intelligence.


    The "old boy" politics doesn't cut it anymore in Georgia.


    I'm in!!!!!! What can we do? Let's go!!


    It's absurd and cruel. If he really can enforce this and chooses not to, we need to find a way to have him impeached, fired, whatever. I have SO lost my patience with people that think animals are just pieces of trash! NO more tolerance for me. Damn right the "good ole boy" politics has got to go.

  10. Wow, that's aweful. Lots of prayers here. We hope she'll take care of herself! All those babies need their Meltid to be healthy. I know it'll be hard for her to sit still long enough for her body to heal. We're all thinking about her!

  11. I have always felt strongly about fostering/adoption and would love to know how to get more info about doing these things in Paulding Co. if anyone knows what has to be done please send me in the right direction :D


    Like I said in the years to come not tomorrow so no rush just like to be ahead of myself with information.


    Thanks :wub:



    I don't know her personally but wouldn't PsychoMom know the ins and outs of this?

  12. Jeffrey is scarey in the cage. You really won't believe how completely different he is once he's out! We couldn't believe we were looking at the same dog. He was so excited to get out and show off.


    We took Bella to the puppy room to play. She is an angel. Very calm and so loving. She played when we wanted to play and just loved on us when we wanted to love on her. She's WONDERFUL!

  13. A very large selection right now of every age, breed and color , the kitties are overflowing. :( Many already fixed and all only $35!!


    This young male is a Maine Coon mix with the softest hair! He tries to attract the attention of everyone who passes his cage. :wub:


    Shelter ID# 1010




    He was so sweet when we were there, too. He kept reaching out trying to grab us to get just a little more loving. He seems to have quite a personality!

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