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Everything posted by kay_bear52

  1. prayers for the family as this has been a long road. the lord has one special angel above today
  2. congrats Jack for not giving up and fighting for what you believe in!
  3. It saddens me to hear that one of the children has passed Not what I was hoping to hear today. I've been praying for these children all night
  4. praying for these little ones. I came thru there at 9 this morning and the roads were still shut down . I hope and pray they will be okay!
  5. I booed someone last week. It really is fun.
  6. congrats to all the teams this evening. Huge congrats to EAST! go Boys go!
  7. Praise the Lord! Fantastic news
  8. I was just told on my facebook page that a deputy had posted they had been found. Can anyone confirm?
  9. I posted this on my facebook page as well. Surely we can get the word out since the news will not
  10. Hearing this just makes me sick! 11 years old??? I just don't understand. And to not hear a single thing about until the news last night....just really makes me angry.
  11. we did switch to Uverse and I have to say that I am much happier with the quality. I have the bundle - phone-internet-cable - and do love it. We have more channels than we did with Comcast at around the same price. The only thing I do warn about is that they didn't tell me upfront that I would have to pay for each box on the TV's. AT the time of order it was made to sound as if a box came with each TV. When I got my bill I found out different. If I take the extra boxes off we will not get anything on those TV's. Not even basic. But so be it. IF I have had to talk to Customer Service they hav
  12. we dropped ours back in April. I just got so tired of all the issues and never getting good customer service.
  13. rest in peace Lucille!!! You will be greatly missed. Give my nanny a great big hug for me!
  14. I remember one a long time ago in Hiram that was the Trail of Decisions (I do think that was the name of it but not 100% sure)but I haven't seen that one advertised in many years
  15. Yep they interviewed me and I was a nervous wreck doing that...lol. But they were great kids! Enjoyed it everytime they stopped by the booth.
  16. I had a great time! It was pretty busy both days. For my first booth at a fair it was fun and exhausting all rolled up in one. But I sure did have a great group of P.commer Teens that were as sweet as can be visiting me often all weekend!
  17. Thank you for clearing up the details. My coworkers son goes there and she has been worried
  18. I so wish it wasn't the same day as Paulding MEadows. I will be working a booth there and I have wanted to go to Racoon Creek for years and finally talked to my husband about going then we saw the dates
  19. I can't wait. This will be the first time I will ever have a booth there and I am super excited. I have been to Paulding Meadows througout the years with band and then when my daughter was in band. I can't wait to be there for ME
  20. I need some help and I have exhausted all my options. So....I'm giving P.com a try. 1. - I am searching for a DVD that is being played here and there on Channel 16 Comncast. It's the History of Poplar Springs Church. We found out that it has a picture of my grandfather on there that the family does not have. My grandfather has been gone now for 35 years. I called the church but they no longer have copies of this DVD 2. - I am also looking for a contact number for the Poplar Springs Cemetery (the one located at 2-78 and hwy 92). This cemetery does not belong to Poplar Springs church an
  21. we swapped to Uverse back in April and it was the best thing we have ever done!
  22. prayers for the family. we are so sorry for your loss
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