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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. My daughter has two bottles/boxes of these - one bought in August and one bought in October - I know one is dye free because the other one isn't and when we never noticed the box said 'dye free' but when we noticed the difference in colors in the bottles we checked and checked to be sure that they were on the up and up - I don't know the lot #'s - I will alert her to this now!


    Just s/w her - the dye free bottle was the one bought in August, the dye one was bought in October - she has not been using them for awhile now, the October bottle is here and not these lot #'s, whew~!

  2. Those two sure don't look like THEY every missed a meal, fat as H! Also, another adult ADMITS to knowing about the abuse - the sister of one of the ladies said a different niece told her about it (it does not say if the niece was child or adut) - I know we have laws that teatchers, police, etc, have to report abuse as their duty, but by golly, we need to make it a felony offense in that EVERYONE over the legal age of 18 that is privy to knowledge of abuse can be charged as an assessory (spelling?) if they don't report the crime. Maybe THAT would stop some of this nonsense going on in our world - a grown woman and she don't report it - she has as much blood on HER hands as the two that actually comitted the crime. I have an adorable darling 4 yr old grandson and I can't even entertain the idea of ever harming a bone in his body, and to think of one his age being starved, yeah, I'm not gonna sleep well tonight as the tears won't stop flowing.

  3. Oh my gosh - I had not been back here in a few days and I had NO CLUE that was who was at West Cobb Funeral Home on Tuesday night but you have to hear this story: I drive home on Macland from Marietta, and on Tuesday night just before getting to the Funeral home, out of nowhere - there was 'something' in the sky and I was like "what the heck is that?" and it suddenly swooped down - almost into the windshield it looked like - of the car in front of me, and whoosh back up again and down back at me to the point that I sort of ducked (like, I got a whindshield in front of me but it's an automatic reflex when something comes at you, ya know what I mean?) and then I watched it whoosh back off to the right and it was gone - it looked like an eagle, but I know it must have been a hawk or some other big bird of some sort - huge thing it was - and now all this was going on in a few seconds but I was thinking " WHOA - that's wierd" and then the car in front of me TURNS INTO THE FUNERAL HOME and I see the parking lot is packed and I wondered who was laying at rest there and then I smiled and I thought that whoever was in that car, I hope they are a believer because THAT was a very special visit they had from that bird! I guess I had the visit too, but I don't think it was meant for me, I think it was meant for that car in front of me and I just got lucky being part of it. Amazing.


    Rest in peace Brenda and and Denver, and my sincerest condolences to all that are touched by this tragedy.

  4. I just spoke with the owner on the phone and this is not true. He is watching his bottom line ($), therefore the changes


    Nascar, I also sent him this as well and as he is very involved and on top of his stores, he would like you to e-mail him with your experience there so that he can fix them. This is a link to the website where you can fill out a comment card


    Or you can e-mail him at


    He is very interested in your opinion and what he can do to better his restaurant


    The name change happened in the early 8O's. I, in fact helped him choose the name. And yes, he has done very well for himself since he opened in the 70's, regardless, he is one of the most down to earth people I have ever met.


    He owns most, if not all, of the Folks in the southeast, and several other restaurant franchises.



    I love Folks in Hiram, I think it's really one of the best places Hiram has to offer. Even my 3 yr old grandson loves it, and as testament: we were coming back from Marietta in early October and going to stop for lunch and when I asked him where he wanted to eat and I went through the list of what was in the area we were in, "we can go to Mcky'D's, Arby's, Wendy's" what do you want", and he with all seriousness looked at me and said "I want to go to Folks"! That says something when a 3 YEAR OLD wants to go where he gets VEGETABLES of all things, wow!


    Ah, "PO' Folks" versus "Folks", you'll probably enjoy this true story: My brother was in Kentucky for a business trip many years back, and ended up in a PO' FOLK for lunch. He thought it was such a neat place that he actually bought T-SHIRTS and he proudly took one home to his wife in the windy city of Chicago. She took one look at that shirt that said something to the effect of "Proud to be a Po' Folk" and nearly chewed his ear off and spit it out, said she was NEVER going to wear anything that said "PO' FOLK" on it, much less be eating in a place by that name. Later when the name here dropped the "PO" and became just "FOLKS" she said it was about time! We still get a good laugh over those shirts though, my "PO" brother thought they were just so cool. :lol:

  5. If you have already closed your cards, then you already took a hit on your credit score so going through credit conseling won't hurt you anymore then you've already hurt yourself. Now of course, if you can be tough and go it alone, then by all means do the DR way that the other posters have mentioned. However, most people can't tough it out and do it alone, or if you have several cards and need your payments and interest reduced so that you aren't robbing one to pay the other each month (and yes, LOTS of Americans live that way!) then I suggest CCCS of atlanta , at www.cccsatl.org, their fees are exceptionally low and they are credible. Whatever method you choose, just do it and get out of that debt, you'll be glad you did. Good luck!!

  6. So color me stupd, but WHERE are those cages that are shown in these pics?!? I went there not long ago and only saw a few cages inside, where the bigger dogs were at, there was a puppy room but the other room had bigger dogs but not many at that but these pics make me think there are MORE then what I saw inside and I had no idea there was more then just what was inside. I was sort of distracted and scatter brained that day, so if there were signs posted to some other area, then I sure missed them.

  7. Perfect opportunity if you can't control your kids.


    Spotted this at http://www.eventsetter.com/events/USA/Geor...event60526.html




    Families encouraged to apply now for brand new season of ABC’s hit show.


    Los Angeles, CA – The casting team of ABC’s popular parenting series SUPERNANNY is searching for families from Atlanta to be on the brand new fifth season of the hit show. Producers from Ricochet Television are hosting an open casting call for the show on Saturday, October 11th from 10:00AM to 4:00PM at Atlanta Parent Magazine’s Family Block Party at Mercer University, Atlanta Campus (located off I-85 near Spaghetti Junction). ABC’s announcement of a fifth season of SUPERNANNY is welcome news for parents in Georgia. This season producers are searching for families with unique interests; parents who have ordinary and extraordinary circumstances; teen moms; parents with mean girls or bullying boys, culturally diverse parents, and blended families where both sides are seeking help. Producers want families from every type of background who are ready for the opportunity of a lifetime—a visit from America’s number one nanny, Jo Frost!


    Interested moms and dads in need of help with their out of control kids may apply from anywhere via www.supernanny.com. Parents can also call 877/NANNY TIME (1-877-626-6984) for more information.



    WOW, with all those dysfunctional families that will be vying for top brat, I'm SURE to stay away, far, far away, from the Mercer campus that day, glad I'm not still taking MBA classes there as I usually had weekend research to do!


  8. So I just got back in town and the WalMart gas station is closed, out of gas - wow - I had problems getting TO Chicago last weekend as several interstate stations in Tenn and Kentucky were out of the low grade (my car purrrrred on that high grade stuff, it better not get used to it!) but I had no problem getting back here as all were fine now, but not so here it seems. The only problem in the Chicago area was water, water, everywhere - couldn't get TO the pumps in most places to know if they had gas or not, that's probably one reason they weren't having any gas problems, no one was driving but several were paddling around in boats. Could have taken one home through Indiana too - never thought I'd see the day the interstate closed up there - a blizzard of snow and ice don't phase them but give them water and everything stops. Guess if they didn't know where Texas was or what Ike was, they know now, sort of like Dennis hitting us a few years back. And by the way, I never saw the 7$ gas in Elizabethtown, guess I missed that when I blew through there, but I'm glad I didn't have to stop there.

  9. So here's my two cents worth: I had used East Paulding Animal Hospital since the time they were in that ittby bitty office space prior to their building their own facility down the road, yeah, many, many years ago. At one time I thought they were great, however, as the years went on they grew, and with that growth they seemed to lose some of their passion for why they were in that business in the first place. I started to notice how my animals loathed going in that door, and when I boarded them a few times they seemed so stressed for so long afterwards. I wasn't looking for a new vet, but the turning point came once when I tried to make a boarding reservation for a weeks out and they were full up, so I called around and got a reservation at Dallas Animal Hospital, it's on Dallas Hwy just East of the McDonald's at Lost Mountain Road. When I picked my dogs up that time, I'm not so sure they were even ready to come home, that is, they were just as happy that day as they were the day I dropped them off. They weren't stressed, they were just 'themselves'! I could not believe it, but, whatever took place between those two different facilities was as different as night and day. From that point on, I switched to Dr Toth at Dallas Animal Hospital, and I've also seen some of the other geat vets working with him, as well as they have one awesome front end and tech staff too. Now this does not make EP bad, and on the plus side, EP has better prices, so you will pay a little more more at DAH, but nothing that I found to be extreme. However I also believe that some things you can't measure by the dollar alone, some things you have to measure by the care, and the passion!

  10. If the hotel did not want journalists on the sidewalk doing interviews/ asking questions of people going in & out of their establishment, then they should have set up a security line/ tape to keep journalists behind AND posted notice that the line/ tape was the journalist limit, and hired private security to enforce it; I do believe that can be done as it is done all the time at other events elsewhere. However, in absence of such thoughtful planning (and it wasn't like the DNC sprang their arrival on them at the last moment) then they have no basis for asking anyone, journalist or not, to vacate the public sidewalk. Thus, the complaint was invalid and the cop acted inappropriately in even requesting the journalist to move, but he really crossed the line when he pushed the reporter out into the street AND then he proceeded to follow AND harass the journalist. The cop was clearly the agressor here. DPD at work again, one would have hoped things had improved there since 96 when they botched the JB case, but apparently not.


    Doctors are people too, however, they CHOSE to be a doctor, no one is forcing them to practice medicine. Having a bad day does not excuse them from providing compassionate patient care.


    I would suggest that you file a complaint with the medical board so that this goes on her record, as well as doing your part to protect the next innocent victim that she decides to bully and abuse emotionally. Here is the link to go to and see how to file the complaint:




    Also, it would be wise to get a second opinion before opting for ANY surgery, and if the advice on the second is conflicting, get a third to weigh in which direction to go. Tell the doctors you are calling for a second/third opinion, as they usually will get you in quicker for an appt., and the other benefit of getting a second or third opinion is that you get to decide which doctor you gel with so that if you do have to have surgery or follow up care, THAT is the one you will want to go with. Good luck to you!

  12. Slight hijack: Is it just me, or how come evertime some types the numer eighty in numerics instead of the numerics showing up some smiley thing shooting a gun shows up? Or is someone choosing that smiley, which doesn't fit at all with what they are typing,? Let's see if it happens to me, I'm putting in the number eighty: 80


    Sorry for the hijack, that always drives me crazy and I just decided to ask because I saw it numerous times in this thread.



    edit: yep, happened to me too. strange!

  13. The grandmother called 911 three times that night to get her daugher arrested - they released the tapes on that. To me the calls sounded strange, rehearsed, fake - I think she really thought they'd pick her daughter up and then let her go, but now that they are holding her she's p/o that their plan didn't work. Like, how stupid do they think the public and pollice are - HELLO - a DOG that is trained to find dead bodies doesn't hit on a rotting pizza, they know exactly what they are looking for, and they found it, in that car. I think the 'sighting' stories are as fake as the stories both these women are spewing; I don't think that baby is coming home and unless one of them talks they may never find her body, but I hope they do, so that she can rest and so that these two can be convicted.


    Just a suggestion for those of you that toss your old ones, vetinarians are always looking for old towels. I don't think the animal shelter uses them (unless they use them to clean with?), but vets are always looking for them so rather then toss them contact a few local ones and see who needs them.

  15. I personally don't like the commercials that promote a product to the tune of a new movie (the Gotham City ones that are out now come to mind), because if I'm not interested in the movie then the commercial on whatever product they are pushing is a bore, and if I was interested in the movie, then I'm certainly turned off at seeing it after watching the movie pimped out. Other then that, I know how much time and money is put inot putting a segment together, so it's prety interesting to analyze them and ask my self what WERE they thinking doing THAT! Some of them you really have to wonder how they get off the cutting room floor, just what were the execs thinking. Oh, and another one I hate now is the 'coming this fall, watch OUR shows' one, it's really l-o-n-g and it's only the beginning of July - we we'll have to see that thing for the next two months, until the season starts, and wow, have THEY missed the mark because it's really making me NOT want to watch Greys Anatomy this next season!

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