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Everything posted by stbarts

  1. Its sad Steven Tyler did this without the rest of the band knowing . I feel bad for Joe Perry . But like they say There is no fool like an old fool
  2. This is a message I have recd about the Muslim Brotherhood . You may agree or disagree But this is what is out there and they say we are in Phase 3 .. And while the House of Saud attempts to portray itself as a loyal U.S. trading partner, the authors prove that it is actually financing and partnering with the Brotherhood, that it is actively undermining our national security, and that it controls CAIR and at least 46 other supposedly moderate Muslim front groups in the United States, along with countless other subsidiary shell companies. And for the first time, they expose the Brotherhood’s
  3. I hear Westridge was packed. And not a dry eye in the church . All these teens care . Amd God bless Zach's parents . and everyone else involved.
  4. My son needs his out . They said it would cost $2700.00 so it hasn't been done .. what have yall paid ?
  5. I am glad you spoke up . My son went to EP and I remember how the students were effected when Rianna passed . I also took a car load of guys to Westridge when Dillon Porter passed away in an accident with Gina the following year. I know East lost 2 students , 2 years in a row . And it devistated the community . They are not forgotten . I hope in time you can connect with Josh's parents and start a little support group . It helps to talk with others who have been through the same thing . Because they truely understand . And I know this tradgedy awakens your old feelings . So hopefully y
  6. Boortz doing Booty Call would be so funny ! It's good not to hear Mami Chula anymore. She was annoying . We should have known The Beat was going down . All they were doing the last 2 weeks was playing 2 Eminem songs over & over
  7. So today at Noon I was driving along listening to a song (my kids had had 95.5 the Beat on so I thought nothing of it) And all the sudden , they announced that 95.5 The Beat was gone & now being taken over by Atlanta 750 AM , and Neal Boortz started talking . Seems that station will now be on AM & FM . I just did a search , and yes, The Beat was not being productive enough for their advertisers . So now I won't have to switch to AM (although my kids wont like it) . So if you listen to Neal Boortz, Clark Howard or Hermain Cain , you can hear them on FM .. 95.5
  8. I am going to bed. and praying and praying for these families tonight . I am beyond grief. I just cannot put it into words. My deepest sympathy to the family. I cannot imagine
  9. I like watching their show . The kids are so cute . I like the large family thing
  10. About 2 weeks ago .. there was a story on the Atlanta news . There were 2 women on their front porch of a very small house with 5 babies (children 4 & younger ) They were complaining how they had no air conditioning and how hot they all were . Which went to the story of how the city was going to supply cooling shelters & cold water . What made me angry is that 1 woman was wearing a low tank top & she had paw print tatoos on her boobs . And both women had tatoos on their arms . They both also had gold chains & gold earrings . So they obviously are able to come up with mone
  11. I love these sweet stories. And remember them. because when your kids grow up , they love to hear them from you
  12. I made a call to ask where they got help . and she said, as I said before, the treatment place made her worse. So the family always keeps a close eye on her . They said she has to take lithium the rest of her life . She hates taking it . But they said they can tell a few months after she stops. So they have to make sure she always takes it. So they monitor her closely & she has to get blood tests . If she stops taking it , she will get manic again and want to drink and use. She gets her meds at a place called Genoa Health Care in Marietta .
  13. We had a teen relative who had that problem years ago . Her parents put her in a place (I won't say the name) . But she actually made some bad friends there , and got worse when she got out and started hanging around with them . her family finally put her on 24 hour lockdown for 2 months . She was NEVER alone . They had to put her on lithium for mood & thought disorders . And they had to make sure she took it every day to get stableized . Its very sad & a real problem .
  14. I would rather just give money than to do a fundraiser where they only make 25 % - 50% . I don't like that they can't hug . Hugs are good . I'm not talking about sexual hugs . But hugs when someone is down , or when you are happy to see someone . There are always a few people that ruin things for everyone else
  15. On the upside . It is 100% better than it was a few years ago when my teens went to Moses and East Paulding High. Back then, my daughter had a 3 hour round trip bus ride every day (to & from East Paulding). I think these 3 schools built together are a blessing , and such good schools ! And I find it a good sign that so many parents went to the open house. In some school districts, MANY parents don't care to go . We've said before , parent involvement makes a great school
  16. I think Levi is very handsome & Bristol is so pretty . ahhhh .. young love .. But I just dont trust his motives . Sadly , she needs to forget about him for her sake & her mother's political future .. Drama is right !
  17. I think jail time is the best thing for her . Smart judge. She needs tough love. she is very talented but addicted. I hope they keep her for the 90 days ! It would be the best thing for her . To bring her down to reality .
  18. stbarts

    Get Low

    Robert Duvall will be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. to talk about Get Low and show film clips !!! I hear it's good & Duvall is said to be great in it ahh .. thats better ..
  19. stbarts

    Get Low

    haha yes Im at work typing fast will try to fix
  20. stbarts

    Get Low

    Robert Duvall will be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. to talk about Down Low and show film clips !!! I hear it's good & Duvall is said to be great in it
  21. I think this is sad . The family is going through grief. And what kind of person would want to hold a protest at that time ? I'm sorry . But I think this is disgusting . I know people have Freedom of Speach . But that is just plain rude & disrespectful . There is a time & a place for everything
  22. My daughter knew Joey years ago at Moses Middle School . She said he was so sweet and had a beautiful smile . She was out of town and could not attend . But I know she was deeply saddened. She says he was a very nice, friendly & a well liked young man . So sad . Our prayers go out to his family . Please respect his family at this time . I never met him but I am so sorry for their loss .
  23. We had Sprint for years . Never had a problem with bills or phone quality . And I made a mistake & changed to AT&T (long story) . I am constantly loosing calls . And we have problems with our phones. And we cannot change phones because we are not yet eligable for upgrades. We have been able to upgrade 1 phone , but the new phone is a piece of junk . I am so upset we are in a 2 year contract. I have never had such bad nocustomer service . I hear verizon is good . Goos luck
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