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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. The kitty on the left looks so much like my beloved Hondo. One kitty is cute, two kitties are plain fun to have.
  2. I love cats. I've had one all during my childhood, but when I got married to a man who was extremely allergic to cats I had to find other homes for them. This little lady came Stretton up to me a few weeks ago someone had obviously abandoned her so I adopted her. Let me introduce to you Bella. I'm a cat woman again yay! Sorry about the upside down pic.
  3. When people come together for a greater cause, things get done. We told y'all we could make a difference. CPR, Larry Rinehart and the rest of you accusers can chew on it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzoNqVHPcZQ
  4. Nah. I have met a lot of p.commers over the years. I have made no secret of who I am. I wouldn't throw a rock and run. I really wouldn't throw rocks, unless there's a lake nearby. Besides, I gave my answer to the "question." I think I aced it.
  5. Well, I am just a backwoods redneck according to you....that I may be partly true, but I am not closed minded. Really though, all the petty stuff aside is water under the bridge, It would have been nice to talk to you more when we were given the chance. With what little conversation I had with you, was genuine on my end. You did impress me as a kinder, more gentle person than your online persona shows. Here, you play hard ass and come off as abrasive, whether you mean to or not. I know posts can be taken out of context, and twisted to mean something completely opposite. Sometimes things
  6. Never has our home even come close to flooding.....we thought. Since the great flood of 2009 I have become very concerned when we have so much rain. We had six inches of water tear through our finished basement, it ruined everything. It was a nightmare come to life. The rain blew a hole in our foundation, and we had a waterfall downstairs. My husband was very ill at the time, and he felt helpless because he was in no shape to help. I dragged everything out, and took up the once beautiful carpet my husband installed a few years before the flood. The space is now use to store my add
  7. You are right mojo. There were many, many "blue shirts" there all weekend. I also agree with the story of our grassroots getting out. Word of mouth added up, and out came a truly special group of people. All are dedicated, hardworking, genuine and determined to what is right. I am proud of every single person who rallied for the surepip's then, and that goes for the people who are there for them now.
  8. You don't what you talking about. Now go watch some conspiracy theory program. Hijack.....That's a great quote, coming from a blackmailer.
  9. God Bless you and Melissa. You have an amazing family and it was so nice to meet them. May the New Year being you peace, happiness and good health.
  10. You should know. It's your MO. You are the biggest hypocrite on this board. You have a lot of nerve to keep using that word to describe people. I'll call you out every single time you call good people that word. I will remind you of the hypocrite you are. And I can back up what I say. Oh, that's right, you live in North Ga, but you're scared of me.
  11. Two examples of hurling insults at those who disagree with you. You need to check yourself Boo. Its never been fine with anyone who disagrees with you. You have a history of having a problem with that FACT. Can you produce data on all the communities who didn't prosper because of the citizens narrow minded thinking?
  12. I for one can tell you I gave monetarily and my time to the our grassroots movement. I and many other citizens gave out of pocket, donated their time off and weekends to go door to door every weekend. Informing the entire county was not possible, but we reached as many people as we could. Perhaps if all the were told about the commercialization, voter turn out would have been stronger. Instead Austin wanted it kept hush hush. He knew damn well P2 citizens would push back. That is a fact. Austin tried to quell our grassroots movement by telling anyone that would listen Delta was paying for ev
  13. I can vouch for that. Many people went door to door, including myself. EZ,are you this involved in your community?
  14. Your problems go way beyond just being a hypocrite I see. You're see into the future now. You are such a blow hard. Again you are laughable.
  15. Back into the dark ages? The no can do attitude is one of the reasons we are in this mess.
  16. Such wise words........NOT!!!! Your sore loser attitude is laughable.
  17. The red stands for informed voters. Too bad other citizen didn't exercise their right to vote. But, the people who are informed and concerned about this county did vote. Come on EZ, recognize it. The people who vote are the people who count in elections. P2's 46% voter turn out was partially due to concerned opponents of commercialization knocking on doors and handing out flyers. 46% is nothing to sneeze at.
  18. Whose back?? Who.... who? I gotta know who they are.....
  19. Shallow Hal. I'll let you in on a little secret...promise not to tell!!!! Some people actually write out CHECKS these days. Some people actually give CASH donations. Does that tell you anything?? Here's another tip. Get a clue.
  20. I am not sure what you mean in your comment. Lets start with transparency in our BOC. Listening to the people. doing everything possible to keep opposition silent. Austin was forced into allowing citizen input. The Citizens Steering Committee was anointed by Austin. He disbanded them after a few months, apparently he didn't like what some of them had to say. That's not the official reason though. Not keeping an entire county post "out of the loop". The current commission chair said those very words. I my opinion, the citizens of post 2 were denied representation. The very people
  21. I hope p.commers around the world had a Merry Christmas, blessed with family and friends. May we all be blessed in 2015. Happy New Year. Cheers!
  22. IDK, feel me and see. LOL! I had to say that!! Merry Christmas CC.
  23. Thank you. May God Bless you and yours this Christmas. May God touch the hearts of the pious, hypocrites, back stabbers, liars and the one who uses extortion to silence the truth from being told. As a Christian, I pray for God to help those with troubling personal issues. Bring light into them so they can know Gods will. Humble us all to understand we have more in common than our differences. May the New Year bring joy and fulfillment to all P.commers.
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