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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I am actually standing up and applauding this post. Would have 'liked' your post too, but I am all out.
  2. I don't want my dog to have that image of me in his head.
  3. AMAZING!!! My pet drinks water too. We are so much alike, you don't even know.
  4. Yes, I will. Are they looking to buy? I thought they would rent. I have been looking for a one story rental for them. Not because they asked, I just assumed they would rent. You take care of yourself, safe traveling and my best wishes to your father. I told Thad last night to call me if they needed anything, a ride etc... Louise's hubby will be here tomorrow. That in its self will be a huge relief to the family.
  5. Damn. I am out of "likes." for the day. You couldn't have said it better. I feel the same way about the situation. Pick up and don't look back. I just hope they can. I am ready to move them into their forever home. Anytime, anyplace.
  6. Out of likes! I love this post! You rock BC. Have you tried to PM surepip?
  7. Wow. It wasn't David Austin was it? Seriously though, you're a bigger person than I am. What a jerk this man was.
  8. Don't get cross with me. I am aware of your donation. I am sure Thad and Melissa are grateful for that. So, you mentioned Whitey, he lied about something?
  9. The world needs more people like you!!
  10. Well, I have it on a very reliable source, you said you would you, 'would be happy to fix breakfast for the workers' at the Morrison house Sunday. Are you going to say some one lied to me. We both know who that person is BB. Call the person out if it was a lie. I believe you may have "something' to say RM. Have we met?
  11. Funny how the truth is always "silly"to you. Your smug, holier than tho attitude that gets' you every time. I do wish your father has a swift recovery. All bickering aside.
  12. What's wrong? Did the shoe fit? There is nothing silly about my posts. I mean every word and every word I said has been the truth. Of course you would comeback with your catty, backhanded insults. That is all you can do, spew your usual lines. Before you insult me again, word has it you said you would be' happy to cook breakfast for the people helping out. I was there from 9:00am to 8:30 pm Sunday, did we miss each other? I must have say I was looking forward to your cooking.
  13. She does, and she describes her peers to a tee.
  14. Blah Blah Blah! No one expected you to show up at surepips. And you haven't asked one valid question. Unless you call that crazy puppet post you made a valid question? You lady, are a hot mess, and not in a good way. If you want to see classic ignorance and insults, just look at BB post using her dads health as an excuse to insult. Tasteless. Over the top tasteless. We, the people...breathing down their necks. Keeping watch over the actions of the BoC.
  15. You have hit the nail on the head. We have to make our voices heard and attend meetings. Let them know we now have a watchdog group of citizens breathing down their necks. That will make them think twice.
  16. Shame on you. Using your father as an excuse to get your usual catty comments in the conversation. I don't think your dad would be so proud of you using him as an excuse to attack others. Talk about a walking waste of time.....Like YOU are the ONLY person with morals. Laughable. Bless your little heart.
  17. This is not a silly game. You have nothing to do with PC. You are nothing here. You don't pay county taxes here? Right? You just come out of your hole long enough to dig you smug little hands in OUR business. Then you slither to complain to your friends. You truly make me sick. You want to really know about our county leaders ? You should have been at surepips former home over the weekend. I have been told I met one of your partners Friday. She left shortly after I arrived. Strange, she never could look me in the eye. Never saw her the rest of the weekend. That sent up a red flag, pardon the
  18. You know there must not be a good enough eating establishment in PC for those who boast about doing so much for their community. Talk about hypocrite. When it comes down to getting down and dirty, they are no shows. All talk, no action. Promises with excuses. Hey Whitey, we never got that breakfast as promised, did we? I am still spitting mad over what we were witnessed Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I am ready to boycott. I am ready to go to the owner of whatever business, and look them in the eye and let them know why I will not do business with them. Business owners should worry more about cu
  19. My dad. God rest his soul, was a strong supporter of the USO. My dad was a WW2 Army veteran, and in the last ten years of his life, he was a USO Greeter at HJIA. He volunteered in private for years. One day, he said something about the returning and deploying of the troops, and how the USO really does a great job supporting our troopss. My brothers and I had no idea he was driving to HJIA to welcome and send off our troops. He was 84 and driving to the airport...alone. He believed in what the USO does, and so do I. So, don't take it so hard if they don't need volunteers right now. The ho
  20. Good point. To clarify, I would sign a petition to throw David Austin out of office.
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