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Everything posted by weezerd

  1. One of the trucks was my neighbor, an oddball concatenation of events that resulted in a lot of damage. It looks like there will be a WHOLE lot of phone calls between insurance companies til it gets figured out.
  2. Was this about 830 or so this morning near Olver Place?
  3. We are happy with any and all donations. Our bike ministry is totally supported by donations of bikes, parts, accessories and the occasional infusion of cash. You can drop off at the church located at 2873 Old Cartersville Rd, Dallas, Ga 30132 or just let me know were you are located and I can have one of our volunteers contact you to arrange a pick up time.
  4. North View Baptist is once more collecting bicycles of all shapes and sizes for our bicycle ministry. Anything from little toddler bikes with training wheels to full size adult bikes. We take the donated bikes and clean and fix them and then send them back out in the world where they can do the most good. We have sent bikes to our partner ministry in Wherry, TN, this past Christmas, we helped a number of families here in our community to put that special present under the tree. We accept donations of bicycles and accessories all year round. If you would like to make donation, ple
  5. The Paulding County 4H Archery team competed in the State 4H meet today. Our kids did really well. If you happen to know any of the kids on the team, please congratulate them.
  6. Quadcopters and drones are the new 'in' way to do a lot of things. Right after the last big earthquake in Asia, they sent these little bitty quads with cameras into the half collapsed structures first to begin to see if it was safe to send people in. When the Corvette museum's floor collapsed, it was a guy with a drone that got the first pictures from down in the hole. They are a great way for a videographer to get a different perspective on things. I have an itty bitty, cheap, one so I can practice flying so when I do drop the cash for good one I wont crash it right away. Amazon alre
  7. Well that makes a load of sense. I leave something in MY car in MY driveway on MY property and you want to blame me because some asshat thinks they are entitled to just come along and take whatever they feel like because they can see it through the glass car window? Would it be the same if they broke into a house and took the same valuables they could see through a window made out of the same glass?
  8. Was flurrying pretty good on 75 about half an hour ago. Just enough for you to see it and say 'No, REALLY??????'
  9. Unrealistic expectations are what gets most people. There was a couple in the program with me that fully expected the same thing. She literally said she would be able to go out partying and drinking again 'just a couple of weeks after surgery'. For me, drinking doesn't really work anymore. One or two sips out of the wife's drink and I am toast. Of course 20 minutes later it is all gone.
  10. The psych exam wasn't to bad....I passed and I know I am nuts. They are looking for personality traits that would lead to you regaining they weight. Mostly so the study numbers will look good and they can keep getting government funding. I had to take a LONG written test, fill in the bubble, then talk with the shrink about half an hour. No worries. Don't let the whole 'you gotta take a lot of supplements' thing scare you. Most people have to take a good multivitamin and 3 or 4 others and you are good to go. Helps me skip breakfast a lot of days, fill up on pills. B12 shots are a pai
  11. ME TOO! Especially now. I do try to give the wife and kids fair warning when an ill wind is about to blow. Gastric Bypass shortens the whole digestive process thereby providing a much larger chance of large amounts of gas. It really is the only musical talent I have.....the butt trumpet.
  12. Yup, I had a lap band in 2008 and Roux En Y Gastric Bypass in 2011. My whole story is way to long to post on here. In short, the insurance companies make you jump through a lot of hoops, listen to what the doctors (and even more important, their office staff) say and you can get through it. To answer your specific questions, with the band I lost 70, from 350 to about 275 then it started creeping back up to 300. June 2011 I had the bypass, best decision I have ever made. went from 304 on surgery day to 215 in about 9 months. SO much fun to watch the numbers on the scale make BIG dr
  13. The law would make it so the cops can pull you over if you are causing a traffic issue by going SLOWER than the speed limit in the fast lanes. It would do NOTHING if you are going the speed limit in the left lane and some impatient person (me) is behind you wanting to go faster than the posted limit. It will not be permission to speed, just a way to get the Sunday drivers over to the right.
  14. We did this class back in the fall. So much fun. I have always wanted to learn fencing, but this was much more than that. Plus, when the kids that come in to the gym to play basketball saw us all out there with the swords the looks on their faces were priceless.
  15. Me too, though I did have a little trouble this morning. Hit a slick spot where the dog peed and then had a traffic jam at the bathroom, but other than that I made it safely to my desk.
  16. Not one to rain on anybody's parade, but there is nothing about the schools being closed yet. the only thing is: Due to the potential for inclement weather this evening, Paulding County Schools will end all activities no later than 6:00PM tonight Monday, February 10. This would include all evening activities, athletics practices and games, classes, and meetings scheduled in the Paulding County School System. The Learning Bridge After School program will operate as normal, but we do encourage parents to pick up their children as early as possible. Stay tuned to local news stations, the scho
  17. weezerd


    I just talked to a friend that lives on Dabbs Bridge near Harmany Grove, says it is a solid sheet of ice.
  18. Can anybody tell me if Dallas Acworth Rd is drivable from Crossroads down to New Hope? My daughter is not a very experienced driver and is still trying to get home. She got a crash course in snow driving yesterday that luckily did not end in a crash. My wife is in full mama bear mode trying to get her home.
  19. my elder child tried to come from cedarcrest and 7 hills back towards new hope, was told there was a big pile up on 7 hills down the hill from publix. she made it as far as Frey Rd coming down 381 and got stuck. I am happy to say she is now fairly happily sitting at the waffle house at crossroads. I am still trying to figure out how to get her home. Anybody have a magic carpet I can borrow?
  20. I have family members stuck at 2 places. Does anybody know if 381 or East Paulding or any roads are to be treated?
  21. Could you imagine the nightmare if this was a privately owned house instead of bank owned? The eviction process takes forever, if you miss one thing you have to start all over AND the cost comes out of your pocket. Meanwhile, the squatter is still living in your house, not paying you anything and you cant rent to somebody else because the house is occupied. The property owner should be able to present them with a bill for the rent owed for the amount of time they lived there.
  22. The problem is the wording of the law. If they 'establish residency' then you have to go through the whole eviction process. If I remember correctly, it takes 30 days of consecutive occupation to be resident (dont quote me on that, I have a memory like a swiss cheese). So it seems, the answer is to physically check the property every 2-3 weeks or so. If BOA really wanted to make sure nobody took over that house it would be a simple matter for them to hire somebody to stop by every so often and check it over (personally, I would just make a quick tour with a video camera and make sure to in
  23. I am about to buy a streaming media box also, haven't decided yet between the Roku, Netgear or Chromecast, but BestBuy is definitely about to get some more of my money.
  24. Our bicycle ministry, Wheels for Wherry, continues year round, with the big pushes being early summer (because our Youth group takes a lot of them to their Youth camp/Youth service each year) and at Christmas. We will continue to collect and redistribute as many bikes as we can by Christmas Eve. If you will PM me your information, I can get yours picked up in the next day or so. We will try our best to get them to one of our Paulding neighbors to help them have a Merry Christmas.
  25. My church, North View Baptist, has a number of kids bicycles we would like to distribute to some needing and deserving kids for Christmas in Paulding County. Our bicycle ministry was so successful this year we have more bikes than we could give out through our normal means. We have SIX 20 inch, girls bikes, ONE 12 inch, girls, THREE 16 inch, girls bikes and only ONE 12 inch, boys bike. We also have ONE very small girls trike, should fit a 2 or 3 year old. Pick up will have to be by appointment and will need to be this afternoon between 5 and 6pm. Please PM me to arrange pick up.
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