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Everything posted by tona

  1. tona


    I'm so glad you got to go home . Get well soon and take care or your self. HUGS Johnny J
  2. Good Morning everyone, have a great and blessed day.
  3. My Daughter lives in your sub, they go several times each year. Can't wait to see them this year. The 8 & 5 yr old want to go every night.
  4. AMEN SISTA, HUGS :clapping: I will help out with the Christmas food drive, I just now saw this. Please remind me of it. , Have a GREAT Thanksgiving
  5. tona


    :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  6. tona


    "T", I love reading all your quotes and sayings every morning. keep it up HUGS
  7. Good Morning everyone, have a great day. HUGS
  8. tona


    Glad the surgery went good, still praying for you J.J. HUGS
  9. Morning Everyone, have a wonderful day. HUGS
  10. tona


    OMG, Please let him know I will be praying for him, he is a great guy. HUGS
  11. Morning pcom, hope everyone has a wonderful day. HUGS
  12. I gave my Veteran a hug before he left for work this morning.
  13. Prayers for you and who ever needs them
  14. My prayers are with your family. HUGS
  15. LR, Again I'm so sorry about Jennifer, everyone that has been in since her passing had nothing but the best and respect for her. I didn't have the pleasure to meet Jennifer but I know she had to be a great person from what everyone has told me. I will keep your family in my prayers. HUGS
  16. paulding mom , I am so sorry to hear this, but you are a fighter and you have a lot of faith. I will have you in my prayers . with all our prayers and your faith and courage you will be this horrible desease. PINK HUGS
  17. I wanted to go so bad, but De'Rae was running a little late and I had family members come in after that. I'm glad you had a good turn out. I am still very interested in joining.
  18. tona


    CONGRATS SANTA STEVEN, I couldn't think of anything that would suit you more ,because you are great with kids . I will have to tell De'Rae to bring her 2. Good Luck
  19. Morning Kel, I'm always running behind it seems. Have a great day
  20. Prayers for him and family and friends.
  21. I have to agree. And i love those ear muffs
  22. Late as usual , GOOD MORNING PCOM
  23. I am very interested in coming to this, sounds like fun and a good think. If LPPT don't see my post , where can I find directions and is there anything I need to do to join. Thanks, Tona
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