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Everything posted by DomesticViolenceByProxy

  1. Nice. My repost of this (crediting Pubby) gained a lot of traction.
  2. Are you projecting? Are you race baiting and playing the race card?
  3. Trump has maxed out his support. His light is flickering and will soon burn out.
  4. Trump only hires the best people? https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1071132880368132096
  5. Projection where people try to pin what they are doing onto someone else, to deflect and distract, is becoming common place.
  6. Georgia judges do whatever they want and get away with it. I often point out judges that abuse their discretion. This is one of the worst I've ever heard of but I'm sure Paulding County is trying it's best to add to the outrage with Cynde Bates and Heather Turner's suspicious deaths.
  7. Has the President made a call to anyone to offer comfort, reassurance or assistance? From everything I've read, he hasn't.
  8. I believe Andy Turner is in court with his first ex-wife who is seeking custody of their oldest son.
  9. For anyone interested in court watching, there will probably be some very interesting testimony in Judge Lyles' courtroom today at 8AM. FYI, I don't currently have any matters before Judge Lyles or anyone else, so no it doesn't involve me but it is of interest to the county residents.
  10. Your trying to pass me off as "angry" is as insulting as any slavery reference. Your links are garbage. There are no convictions for actual voter fraud.
  11. "If you're implying that the voter ID law is in anyway on the level of slavery, apartheid, segregation, or the holocaust, then you cheapen the sacrifices made." Does this statement not cheapen the sacrifices made to obtain the vote if it is surrendered under a ploy to suppress votes. You know damn well what is being done and why.
  12. Are you trivializing the struggle to obtain the vote in the first place? Many people lost their lives for the right to vote. For you to marginalize their sacrifice is highly offensive. The voter ID law is designed to turn back the clock and suppress voter participation. The voting system is more at risk of fraud from hacking without a paper trail than it is from a handful of flawed registrations. Voting by provisional ballots is pretty much a sick joke. They are almost never counted. “I say to each and everyone of you, in the best way I can. I gave a little blood on the bridge, bu
  13. I think the point is they are locked in pending limbo not purged. This wasn't a bipartisan bill. Slavery was the law, apartheid was the law, segregation was the law, the Holocaust was the law. Law and morality are not synonymous.
  14. Everyone cares about victim's rights except when the victim is the accused due to false allegations. Georgia Public Policy Foundation got one right. VOTE NO TO AMENDMENT 4. The amendment has good intentions that are easily perverted by false allegations NOT criminal convictions. It tramples the rights of the falsely accused in favor of an alleged victim. As a victim of false allegations, having had to pay thousands of dollars to defend myself against someone who only had to make an allegation (at little or no cost) in Tonny S. Beavers' court, I urge all Georgian's to vote NO to Amendment 4
  15. This is the reason Georgia Democrats are being asked to vote by absentee ballot. If you have not received your absentee ballot by 10/20/18 it is highly recommended that you participate in early voting. If you have NOT mailed your ballot by November 1st, you should early vote or vote on election day. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/kemp-record-shows-poor-stewardship-of-georgia-s-election-system-1343345731870
  16. I'm calling BS. Most minor discrepancies are easily remedied. This is intentionally done by the Republican general assembly to suppress voters. This is a creative design to obstruct voter registrations. Just like family law the registrations are not equally enforced. Anyone who is thought to be Republican gets a pass on minor discrepancies. Anyone thought to be a Democrat gets flagged. Slavery was the law, apartheid was the law, the holocaust was the law, none of those were moral. The law has nothing to do with morality.
  17. Sometimes I write my name with a suffix, "Jr." sometimes I drop the suffix because there was no place for it on the form. If you look at my credit report, I have several aliases listed but I fill out financial forms the same way. On my credit report Chase has my last name as the suffix "Junior". I've never completed financial forms with "Junior" spelled out. Sometimes the misspelling is caused by the data entry person for the state and you don't catch it right away. Sometimes a person has a hyphenated last name and the error is made by the data entry person but you don't find out until
  18. The persecution of social media geeks is a little different than armed right wing militia's. Your side has a way of creating false comparisons. The one about Kavanaugh and Emmett Till was extremely offensive. Kavanaugh would never be at risk of being brutally beaten to death or to a larger extent, having the assailants walk away acquitted.
  19. These big gov't actions are unjustified and unwarranted. Trump's purge of the DOJ will just increase the abuses by the very department Trump claims is incompetent. Scary stuff.
  20. Former attorney, Claud "Tex" McIver's trial began 535 days after his wife was murdered. He was sentenced approximately 606 days after the murder of his wife. October 23rd makes 535 days after Cynde Bates' death but the accused still has no trial date? In Dick Donovan's race, Please VOTE FOR CYNDE BATES (write-in) and sign the petition. Let Judge Tonny S. Beavers and other politicians know the outrage will not fade.
  21. More than a few Catholic priests and others that should have been sent with him.
  22. The first step towards solving a problem is admitting the problem exists in the first place.
  23. That number is much higher. Children lose at least 1 parent every day to children in America's family courts and no one bats an eye under Social Security Act Title IV-d. Under SSA Title IV-e children lose both parents. All in the name of profits for members of the bar and bonuses for judges.
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