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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. You would be correct if Cruz's bill had already been approved by the house and sent to the Senate. There are governing rules at play. - Jamie
  2. I agree and will concede that there would appear to be some leveraging at play. - Jamie
  3. He very well could, but he is pushing for and was elected on getting congress to fix our border crisis and immigration laws. If we learned anything from Obama, it is that what one president can do with the stroke of a pen, the next can undo. We don't need temporary fixes. We need republicans and democrats to come together and fix the issue. If children are important enough to force everyone into a room to discuss the issues, then we might want to get on it. - Jamie
  4. Just a comment about those seeking asylum...After their asylum review, 80% (4 out of 5) of those seeking asylum are not legitimate. That number came from Homeland Sec. - Jamie
  5. One would think that, but frankly, it just isn't that simple. The senate isn't anything like the house, which requires a simple majority. The senate requires 60 votes to even bring legislation to the floor to be discussed, amended and then voted on. Republicans at the present control (51) seats. So without democrat support, there is no vote to bring it to the floor. I'm not a rules junkie. If someone knows something different, by all means elaborate. - Jamie
  6. It isn't just the democrats. Albeit for different reasons, make no mistake about it, the republicans aren't passing the legislation to fix the big picture. - Jamie
  7. Are we crying for the children or putting on our game faces for the midterms....? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/senate-democrats-reject-gop-legislative-fix-to-stop-family-separations - Jamie
  8. I've got mixed feelings with respect to creating another branch of the military, but I do think we do need to begin taking steps to address what could be our greatest weakness if we let Russia and China get too far ahead of the game. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/18/president-trump-directs-pentagon-defense-department-to-immediately-being-the-process-of-establishing-space-force-as-sixth-military-branch.html - Jamie
  9. I hated to hear that news this morning. I've enjoyed watching his travels, listening to his view of food, and laughing at his sense of humor. - Jamie
  10. Wynn's Lawn Care out of Douglasville. They service our office and do a great job. I've started using a new company at my residence. I've had only one application, so I can't recommend them as of yet. http://www.wynnslawncare.com/ - Jamie
  11. Happens all the time. A LEO acquaintance of mine has suggested on numerous occasions that the best way to deal with someone high on bath salts was to strike them with the patrol car. Less paper work involved than shooting them. - Jamie
  12. For those who want to read the courts opinions... https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/16-111_j4el.pdf - Jamie
  13. Best thing to do....Don’t establish an opinion based on someone else’s biased opinion. Read exactly what was handed down by the courts... - Jamie
  14. Claims that there isn't a "deep state conspiracy," all the while complaining of a vast right-wing conspiracy......? - Jamie
  15. My response flows with the rest of the thread, but, yes, he is an idiot. - Jamie
  16. http://paulding.com/forum/topic/322740-new-burger-dog-etc-joint-whos-been/?hl=%2Bnew+%2Bburger+%2Band+%2Bhot+%2Bdog+%2Bjoint
  17. Thank you! The first time I listened to it was on a phone. This morning it was from my PC. - Jamie
  18. That is so weird....Yesterday, My wife heard Laurel, but I heard Yanny plain as day. This morning I listen again and I hear nothing, but Laurel. - Jamie
  19. A fair question and one that shouldn't go ignored. - Jamie
  20. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-melania-trump-plagiarize-pamphlet/ MOSTLY FALSE
  21. I heard about this a few days ago. The cuts were made to elements of the programs that were not being used under the law. The story is good liberal propaganda, but is essentially crapola. - Jamie
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