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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. I've managed to consume everything mentioned so far. I'm an adventurous eater. - Jamie
  2. Average citizens do have 401k or IRAs or at least have access to them.... The stock market is an economic indicator regardless of who owns stock. Why??? Spending always follows a bullish market. So for those "average citizens" who are contributing to society with their goods or services, well those goods or services are being purchased. - Jamie
  3. LOL...Toilet paper is a basic human right! If you're a Christian, you wouldn't have a problem providing toilet paper to everyone. People will die! - Jamie
  4. You can go to heaven and be a democrat... If you want to risk it. - Jamie
  5. Why is Moore being called pedophile? Words actually mean things.... - Jamie
  6. Hopefully... It will improve their disposition. LOL. - Jamie
  7. According to the model, I will save $2,200 . I'm all for it! - Jamie
  8. Clinton supporters must have had Stockholm syndrome. Thank the lord that we, as a nation, ended that abusive relationship. - Jamie
  9. LOL...Need to add a witness signature or a notary. Perhaps a "safe" word...? - Jamie
  10. I can't say a thing about Roy Moore. Never met the man. He may or may not be guilty of something, but the OP title throws me off every time I see it. I think its the use of the term Godly. As if in a mocking fashion... It reminds me of church as a child and the discussion of the devil, the accuser, bringing up the past to tear the saints down. - Jamie
  11. While I agree with the sentiments of parental responsibility, I have no doubt that the parents will win. As a responsible business owner you have to head off the possibility of someone becoming injured on your property of due to your negligence. In a public restaurant, patrons are eating dinner and not expecting their children to be endangered by the very walls sheltering them. Its not like a case of not paying attention to your children and they stick their finger in an electrical outlet or fall down a flight of stairs. Children should not have access to dangerous areas and at the end of
  12. With out proof or at least enough time for the accusations to be properly vetted before the election, its safe to assume that such accusations are just dirty politics at play. Harry Reid when questioned about the lie he told about Mitt Romney said he wasn't sorry, in fact he stated, "It worked. He didn't win did he?" That in a nutshell is Dirty Politics 101. Its all about winning and to put it bluntly, Pubby could give a rat's turd about whether Moore is guilty or not. Its all about winning the game. - Jamie
  13. With respect to Chicago alone there have been plenty of mass shootings. The stories just don't make national headlines. The lives of those living in impoverished neighborhoods just aren't all that important to put on the front page. - Jamie
  14. On top of that....The DOJ is doing a cheezety job of actually prosecuting felons attempting to purchase firearms based on the current laws. It is illegal to lie on a background check for a firearm, but there are 50,000 - 70,000 cases each year. Of that number less than a hundred are actually prosecuted. Let that sink in....Known felons attempting to purchase firearms illegally and we know it. - Jamie
  15. http://nypost.com/2017/11/06/sharpshooting-plumber-fired-shot-that-took-down-texas-church-gunman/ - Jamie
  16. It's really amazing watching all of these Hollywood elites walking out of the cesspool and onto center stage dripping wet. - Jamie
  17. Someone left quite a number of rocks all around the park. It basically turned into an Easter Egg hunt (Rock hunt) of sorts. Kids had a blast and got some exercise in the process. Wifey thought about painting some rocks as well. - Jamie
  18. Did you happen to paint some rocks and leave them out at White Oak Park? - Jamie
  19. How exactly does Castro reign of terror align with radical chic's principles? Black is white and up is down.... - Jamie
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