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Everything posted by Stonewall

  1. Pubby I have been following several threads on here lately because there have been some relative interesting issues brought up. I do believe some of them have gone off topic and became personal pissing contest, IMO. Having laid this foundation you have been about as professional as a Forsyth Street bootleg t-shirt vendor. Your attacks on GD and Stradial are really middle schoolish and unprofessional considering your position at Pcom. Have they attack you ,yep so have others. It is usually in jest or in response to a really nasty post by you. Get over it they are not in the position at Pcom th
  2. Thanks Low I had not seen this yet.
  3. Maybe the county should have just sent out maps of subdivisions instead of building studios. Seems to be a more productive plan.
  4. Guy Clark songwriting legend has passed away. If any of you have noticed any of my past post I am a fan of sometimes not so mainstream songwriters. Not only folk/country writers but good writers of any genre. Guy Clark was as good a songwriter as there has ever been in country music. He and his wife Susanna were legendary among the writers in Nashville. He was recorded by Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Bobby Bare, Jerry Jeff Walker, Kris Kristopherson, John Prine, Townes van Zandt, Rodney Crowell, Steve Earle and many others. I don't know if that means anything to you but Townes, Merle and John
  5. Health care is indeed screwed up. Much of that is due to government over reach and regulations. Top quality health care cost money, lots of money and some one has to pay. These socialist based health care systems you hear of Canada, France, etc. have terrible very selective care paid for by unbelievably high taxes. Do you want the government to decide if your mother meets the requirement to have her heart surgery? Do you want the government to decide where, when, who and if she gets the procedure she needs to stay alive? If you do that is your prerogative but consider this. The wealthy, connec
  6. Get serious nobody is that stupid.....Oh never mind.
  7. I stand corrected. I know of no private sector company who is proficient at taking the money you earn at the threat of gunpoint/jail, distributing it against your will to others who do not earn it and are not on the FBI or local/state most wanted list.
  8. OK here is the latest. In order for Sears Roebuck to even think about backing their warranty, SW must have a second opinion. I am not counting but I am on my fourth second opinion at this time. So SR ignores SW, bad move. Enter Mrs. SW. Mrs. SW calls over the weekend. During the call SR decides to have a second opinion technician at the house today between 8 am and 10 am. Not between 8-5. He shows up at 8:15 am. This guy lets call him Goober as he is a step above Forrest from last Friday, actually looks at the dishwasher. Goober decides the check valve in the dishwasher is defective and replac
  9. You know both the candidates are lacking in my eyes. What we need is someone who has been there and got things done, puts there money where their mouth is. It would be nice if they had integrity, intelligence, work ethic and a stellar resume instead of rhetoric and BS. Maybe a resume like valedictorian in HS, cum laude Princeton, magna cum laude Harvard Law, U.S. debate champion, runner up World debate champion, clerk for Chief Justice SCOTUS, solicitor general of second largest state in the union, wrote 80+ SCOTUS briefs, presented 40 + oral arguments before SCOTUS, involved in landmark SCOT
  10. I have used Kenmore appliances for years. Washers/dryers/stoves/dishwashers/etc. Had a RCA...yep RCA dishwasher for 20+ years. Well I finally got tired of repairing little things that were gradually going bad so I decided to buy a new one. Looked around thought about it and decided I would go with a known product, Kenmore. It has a one year warranty. Installed it and after about two weeks it started siphoning grey water into the tub (dishwasher tub not bath tub). I am a contractor, not a plumber but a contractor none the less. Lovely bride decides hubby probably should have called a plumber. T
  11. Ok please start another thread about band boosters, field houses, blah, blah, blah. This one was high jacked long ago and enough is enough. I voted against all incumbents except Graves and Cobb. Did not cast a ballot for probate judge, tragically unopposed. JMO.
  12. Alternative energy will have to be explored and invested in. Fossil fuels are a finite source. We cannot however accomplish this over night by attacking the producers of fossil fuels. The Ruhr Valley is just that a huge wind funnel between mountains a perfect place for wind turbines and believe me there are thousands there. Not practical everywhere. Solar takes large footprints of land and the storage of that energy requires more advanced technology than we currently have. My company has wired three 1 mega watt solar farms so while no expert I do know a little about it. The output is zero at n
  13. Ten dollars an hour is beneath the entitlement class in this country. They are not going to actually work and take a pay cut to be off the guberment teat.
  14. Finished this house in December '94. Original 50 gallon electric H2O heater. In fact received a $150.00 check toward heater from CCEMC when I built energy efficient so I have around $30.00 in the tank. Well water.
  15. I took the anode out , cut it off, replaced the plug 21 years ago, no problems. It was reacting with my well water and causing a sulfur smell. My well is deep and cold with high Manganese content. Have a whole house softener no issues.
  16. I will be hiring 1-2 new employees in the next month. Electrical contracting work. Experience a plus but not required. Drug free, reliable transportation, good work ethics required. Starting pay based on experience. Projects are generally on the West/NW side of Georgia. Please PM me do not post any questions. Thanks.
  17. All right numb nuts please enlighten me on WTF the School Board controls? The budget? That is my point. Why are we underperforming? To meet a bean counters spreadsheet? I want results for my investment, not micro managing failures. If our BOE does nothing but control the budget, save money hire a CPA.
  18. RIP Mr. Watts a true gentleman and servant to the people. Always friendly and kind you will be missed.
  19. I stated this on different post. Georgia's education system ranks from 14th to 34th in the nation depending on the source. The reason it ranks so high on some polls are the private schools in NE Atlanta/Gwinnett and Cobb that raise the rest of the pitiful guberment schools averages. On a public school poll we are very near the bottom. Out of every source I have checked, probably 10-15, Paulding County schools do not rate in the top 100 in the State. Grady HS, listen close, Grady HS, where they hire extra COA Police for a football game/event to control gang violence, ranks around 80th in the st
  20. Being an incumbent on PC school board is not what I call a great talking point for a campaign. I sure hope an incumbent would know more about the budget than a new comer having been involve with it for eight years. JMO.
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