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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. If it was anyone else, say TP for example Guard Dad would call it stirring the pot.
  2. Most of the Lifers I knew in the military stayed in because they knew they couldn't make it in civilian life. I met an old Staff Sergeant that was a raging alcoholic who tried a couple of times but kept coming back for his three hots and a cot.
  3. Says the guy that's having an affair with a thirteen year old boy from Austell. ps. I have every bit as much proof of my statement as you do of yours.
  4. Under this feel good policy the only people that will suffer are the taxpayer that will have to pay for this added layer to the program and the children who by no fault of their own were born into poverty. The only ones that will benefit are right wing politicians that may manage to pick up a few extra votes come election time.
  5. If you are going to get on your high horse and speak about losers you might first want to know how to spell the word.
  6. The students in Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Germany and Brazil don't start out their lives adult lives a hundred thousand dollars in debt either. You received an education on the taxpayers dime why do you begrudge someone else getting the same thing ?
  7. Maybe when you have settled down a little and not so hungry for your pound of flesh you will see it differently .
  8. You confuse defending something with facing reality.
  9. From 1960 till 1969 there were close twenty riots in the US of A . Martin L King wasn't the only person pissed off in America and looks like it's not going to be the last. As far as King is concerned you might want to read some about bloody sunday and Edmonds bridge to see how peaceful they were.
  10. The 1960's might disagree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_riots
  11. Demonstrations for all their inconvenience and violent outbreaks, as bad as they might be do have a way of forcing a conversation that many people just as soon not have.
  12. RESISTANCE IN GHETTOS https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005407
  13. The sooner law enforcement figures out their are more ways to uphold law and order than just killing people the sooner we can see an end to this.
  14. Well not necessarily .... Cop kills 73-year-old woman during “shoot-don’t shoot” police training exercise
  15. Neither can you turn a blind eye to those that abuse the uniform on the grounds that most do not .
  16. That makes about as much sense as giving Adolf Eichmann and Joseph Mengele a pass because Adolf Hitler was in charge.
  17. Small town leaders like having a local sheriff's dept under their control and regard them as their 'muscle' when local residents like the Morrisons step out of line.
  18. Has Donald Trump ever rejected the support of David Duke ? Last I heard Trump said he didn't know who Duke was. Which sounds impossible until find out Trump didn't know Russia had invaded the Ukraine.
  19. Here you go. Pros: None Cons: Run away inflation, another Republican created recession and millions of job's lost. Not to mention that future U.S. agreements will no longer be worth the paper they are written on.
  20. Funny we can't trust Iran until they put out some BS statement that could help the Republicans win an election, then their word suddenly becomes golden.
  21. Then you should definitely get that crack 'staff' of economic experts of yours bussy. Here's what others say; An economic model of Trump's proposals, prepared by Moody's Analytics at the request of The Washington Post, suggests Trump is half-right about his plans. They would, in fact, sock it to China and Mexico. Both would fall into recession, the model suggests, if Trump levied his proposed tariffs and those countries retaliated with tariffs of their own. Unfortunately, the United States would fall into recession, too. Up to 4 million American workers would lose their jobs. Another 3 mi
  22. The biggest tax on the middle class will come when Trump destroys America's economy with the trade wars and import tariffs he has promised. With the 10 trillion dollar deficits his tax cuts for the rich will bring. Donald Trump is trickle down on steroids.
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